Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ part 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Blind part 4

By Yami Kitsune

~Ryou's POV~

I sat there on Malik's couch whale I listened to the song. I couldn't help but cry. I knew Bakura was only in the next room, and I also knew Bakura didn't like people crying. But I couldn't help it, it had been a long day and it had finally caught up to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and moved away from it. I don't want any one to touch me right now. I hated all of this, I was so confused. I go blind this morning and my yami is nice to me all day. How long will this last? Is it a permanent thing? Deep down I hope it is but I still can't shake the feeling this is all an act and he just wants to get a good laugh at how trustworthy I am.

I hear the door to the bedroom open, I don't know if Malik has gone in there or if Bakura and Marik are coming out. I don't feel any one next to me any more so I guess Malik has gone to get Bakura. I have to get out of here; I don't care if I can't see all I know is I have to get out. It is a good thing that I know Malik's apartment like the back of my hand that makes it a little easier but not much. I know I knocked over a couple of things before I make it to the door. I run as fast as I can, keeping one hand out in front of me and the other one agents the wall.

I bump into someone. "Gomen…" I say.

"Oh that's alright." I hear the elevator next to me open and I step in. I can still feel the man next to me.

"What floor?" He asks.

"Bottom pleas…" I lean back agents the wall of the elevator and sigh. I know it won't belong before Bakura finds me, I forgot to take off the ring before I left. They are probably waiting for me at the bottom right now. The elevator opens and the man moves out.

"Were on the bottom floor." I feel my way out and bump into him again.

"Do you need some help? I could drive you some where?" I think about it, do I want to get away from Bakura that much? I must have nodded cues he is leading me out the door, and into his car. I take off the ring and hold it in my lap.

"Here I'll put that in the back seat for you." I feel him take the ring and hear it fall on the back seat. Something doesn't feel right…is it because Bakura's not here with me? Because were not linked right now? No I have done that before and it never felt like this before…its something elts.

~End Ryou POV~

Malik had gotten up and went into the bed room, he was going to tell Bakura that he thought Ryou needed him but before he could all of them heard something fall form the living room. When they got out there, there was a lamp and some books on the floor. Ryou was gone and the door was open.

"Ryou?" Bakura called out but there was no answer. He went out the door just in time to see a flash of silver hair go into the elevator fallowed by a man. Bakura ran down the hallway but it was to late the elevator was already on its way down stairs. Malik and Marik were now behind him.

"Come on we'll take the other one." They walked down the hall a little more till they came to another elevator. When they made it down stairs they saw the man leading Ryou to his car. Ryou climbed in he wasn't even putting up a fight to get away. What has that man done to him? Bakura thought.

[Ryou!] He tried their link to find it gone…but that would only happen if he wasn't warring the ring. The car started and drove away. Bakura would have run after it if Marik didn't stop him

"There is no way you can catch it that way." Bakura sighed, he knew he was right.

"Why would Ryou leave like that?" Malik wondered aloud as they went back up to the apartment.

"I don't know." Marik said.

Ryou was still sitting in the car. It felt like they were driving for a long time, he wished he could see where they were.

"Umm…sir?" Ryou jumped when he felt the man put a hand on his leg.

"Just be quiet and sit still." He ran his hand up Ryou's leg a little bit before he pulled it back. Ryou was getting really nerves; he didn't like the way the man just touched him.

"Um…sir, could I have my ring back please?" He asked. He felt the car stop suddenly sending him flying hitting his head on the dashboard. He heard the man open his door get on and walk around till he came to Ryou's door. Ryou then heard the door being swung open and he was grabbed by the arm and dragged out. He was thrown on the gowned and he landed with a hard `thud'.

Ryou's eyes were darting back and forth, and he was straining his ears to try and hear where the man was.

"I was watching you tonight in the buffet." The man said. "And those guys that where trying to beat you up." Ryou jumped when he felt two other guys grab him and lift him off the gowned.

"They want a little pay back for what that other guy did to them." Ryou tensed, he didn't like the sound of that. `Why did I leave Malik's apartment? Why does this have to happen to me?' He was knocked out of his thoughts when some one punched him in the stomach.

Ryou bent over and gasped for breath.

"Oh the pretty boy can't breath? Here let me help!" Ryou's hair was grabbed and yanked back. He screamed as he felt a chunk of it leave with the hand.

The beating went on for half an hour at least. Ryou was sure he had at least 3 broken ribs and a couple cracked ones. He couldn't move his wrist at all he felt blood dripping down his face from a cut above his eye. The last thing he heard and felt was one of the men throwing the ring on his stomach.

"Here you are brat. We don't need it, and if you even survive till tomorrow you can have it back." Ryou blacked out after that.

Bakura was pacing back and forth. " Where the hell is he?!" He would have called to let me know he was alright by now…" He sighed and sat on the couch.

"I'm sure he is fine Bakura. Maybe he just needed some time to himself?" Malik suggested. Bakura stood up and went to the door.

"I'm going to look for him." With that he left. Bakura looked all around town and still couldn't find him. He cursed as it started raining.

"Kuso! Could thing get any worse?!" He said stomping down the sidewalk.

One thing Bakura never learned was never ask if thing can get worse because they always can.

Ryou was slowly waking up. `Where am I?' He thought lying still until he could remember. Every thing came back to him when he moved his arm a little bit making him grit hit teeth in pain. He slowly lifted up his arm and felt around for the ring.

When he found it he put it on. He knew Bakura wasn't going to be happy with him for running off like that, but he needed to call some one.


Bakura jumped when he heard Ryou.

[Ryou? Where are you!]

{I-I don't know…}

[Why the hell did you run out like that?]

{Can we talk about this later…?} Bakura could tell Ryou didn't sound to good.

[Ryou what's wrong?]


[Ryou answer me!]

{Please find me…} Bakura picked up on the millennium ring's power and fallowed it. It was really far away. He kept walking till he found him self on the other side of town by a park.

He looked around and didn't see Ryou anywhere. He heard a soft moan from behind one of the bushes, and went to see what it was.

"RYOU!!" Bakura knelt by his side and carefully picked him up. He looked at him up and down; there was a cut above his left eye that was still bleeding. His shirt was torn to shreds and he could tell there were some ribs broken. Ryou started shaking, he was socked to the bone from the rain and it didn't help that it was really cold out.

Bakura picked him up he needed to find a place to bring him. Their house and Malik's apartment where to far away. He walked down the street and looked around to see if he found any thing familiar, then he realized he was close to the Kaiba mansion.

"B-Bakura…?" Bakura looked down at him and kept walking.

"Yeah its me."

"Ba-Bakura…I'm s-so c-cold…" Bakura tightened his arms around Ryou and ran faster to the Kaiba house.

When they got there Bakura was glad to see the lights were still on. He went up to the door and knocked as loud as he could. On the way there Ryou had passed out again, and Bakura was getting really worried.

He heard some one growling something from inside when the door flew open to reveal a not to happy Seto. What ever he was going to say was lost when he saw the socking wet yami and Ryou on his doorstep.

"Can we come in?" Seto moved out of the way and let Bakura in. He brought Ryou to the living room and set him on the couch.


Ok fourth chapter is done! YAY!!! I am so happy! No more writers' block! Ok who wants to see how long I can make this story with out bringing Ryou's eyesight back or beating him up again? Who thinks I can do it? Well I hoped you like it and the next chapter will be up soon…I hope. Ja ne!