Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ Part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh. Wish I did but I don't.

Blind part 5

By Yami Kitsune

Seto watched as Bakura tended to Ryou's broken ribs. He wondered what happened, he knew that Bakura beat up on Ryou all the time so this should be nothing to him. Bakura finished wrapping Ryou's chest and laid him back down on the couch.

Ryou was still shivering form the cold, Bakura looked up when Seto handed him a blanket for him.

"Thanks…" Bakura tucked the blanket around Ryou and stood up. He walked out of the room with Seto

"What happened to him?" Seto asked once they were in the hallway.

"What do you think happened to him? He got the shit beat out of him."

"Yes I can see that. But who did it?" Seto asked looking suspiciously at Bakura.

"If you're thinking it was me then your wrong." Bakura glared at him.

"Like I'm supposed to believe that? You have been beating him ever sense you clamed he betrayed you." Seto snapped back at him. Bakura couldn't think of a good come back for that because he knew it was true.

"You might be right about that, but I stopped beating him." Seto crossed his arms and listened to what Bakura had to say. "He's blind Kaiba." Bakura said after a moment of silence. "That is why I stopped beating him, that and I realized that beating him was not the way to toughen him up."

"So Yugi was right. You really have changed." Seto said once he saw the look in Bakura's eyes. He could tell Bakura was beating him self up about what happened. Before they could say any thing else they heard a soft whimpering sound coming form the living room fallowed by a loud crash. They both ran into the living room to see if Ryou was all right.

Ryou had woken up and not known where he was, he panicked a little and tried to get up and tripped over the table. He was now lying on the floor trying to feel around to find the couch. Seto watched at Bakura walked over to Ryou to help him up. But as soon as Bakura put a hand on Ryou, Ryou got historical.

"Don't touch me! Please don't hurt me, I didn't do any thing!" Ryou's eyes and fear was written all over his face.

"Ryou it's only me, Bakura."

"B-Ba-Bakura?" Ryou felt out in front of him trying to find where Bakura was. Bakura took a step closer and pulled Ryou into a hug. Ryou clung to his shirt and cried. Bakura rubbed his back trying to calm him down. By now Seto was standing behind them watching the seen.

"Would you like something to drink Ryou?" Seto asked. Ryou jumped his eyes darting around the room trying to find where the voice had come form but all he could see was darkness.


"It's Seto." Bakura told him and Ryou relaxed. Seto watched at Bakura put Ryou back on the couch and wrapped the blanket back around him.

"Bakura, can I talk to you in the hall?" Seto asked. Bakura looked at him and nodded. Bakura reassured Ryou that he would be right back before he and Seto went out into the hallway.

"What now?" Bakura snapped.

"Bakura, Ryou can't stay here. He needs to go to a hospital." Seto said and Bakura didn't look too happy about this.

"He doesn't need to go to a hospital Kaiba. He will be fine if he can just stay here for a little while until he feels better." Bakura said glaring at him.

"Bakura, he was beat up pretty badly, and what if he hit his head again? That could make it so he will never see again." Seto snapped. Bakura knew he was right, but he was afraid to admit it. So instead he stomped into the living room and got Ryou.

"B-Bakura! What's wrong?" Seto heard Ryou as Bakura practically dragged him out of the living room.

"Were going home Ryou." Bakura snapped at him. Ryou started cowering at Bakura's voice. Seto glared at him but knew he couldn't stop him.

"Thanks for your help Kaiba." Bakura spat at him.

"Bakura, it's still raining out!" Seto tried to stop him. But Bakura wouldn't listen, the door slammed shut behind him. Seto cursed and took out his cell phone. He knew that Bakura wouldn't listen to any one except his hikari and Marik. The phone rang three times before someone picked up.

"What?!" He head Marik snap at him from the other end. He would have snapped back at him but there was something more impotent to deal with right now.

"Marik it's me Seto. I need you to do something."

"And what makes you think I will do anything for you?" Marik said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Look, Bakura just left here with Ryou and refuses to take him to a hospital."

"Hospital? Why would he need a hospital, what's wrong with him?" Marik asked now concerned for his best friends hikari.

"When Bakura brought him here he was beat up pretty badly, I told Bakura he should take him to a hospital to get him fixed up."

"But he refused?" Marik guessed.

"Yes. And I'm worried that if Ryou doesn't get to the hospital soon he might not get his eyesight back." Seto said looking into the living room at the couch where Ryou had been laying. Right where his head had been was a bloodstain.

"Me and Malik will see if we can find him and convince him to take Ryou to the hospital. Thanks for calling Kaiba." With that Marik hung up the phone.


Bakura dragged Ryou down the street in the poring rain not really realizing what he was doing. Ryou had stopped fighting him about five minutes ago, not having the strength to keep it up. Bakura had Ryou's arm in a bruising grip as eh dragged Ryou along. Suddenly Ryou tripped on something and fell hard on the sidewalk.

Ryou tried to get up but couldn't. But he couldn't find the strength to move and he wasn't feeling to good any more. Bakura was snapped out of his anger when.

"Oh Ra, Ryou-I'm sorry." Bakura knelt down net to Ryou and helped him onto his feet again. He looked around; they were only two blocks from Ryou's house.

"Come on Ryou. Were almost home." Ryou nodded and they walked the rest of the way to their house. When they got there Marik and Malik were waiting outside on the porch for them.

"Bakura!" Marik yelled at him. "What the hell where you thinking bringing Ryou out in this?!" he snapped. Bakura ignored him as he brought Ryou into the house. The two blond Egyptians fallowed him. Bakura lied Ryou down on the couch then went and got some blankets for him.

While Bakura was looking for the blankets Marik lifted Ryou up so he could look at the back of his head. He felt Ryou start to shake as he parted his hair slightly so he could find the cut to see how big it was.

"Shh … it's alright Ryou." Malik reassured him. Ryou jumped when he hear Marik gasp and curse in Egyptian.

"What is it Marik?" Malik asked. His yami showed him the back of Ryou's head. There was a huge gash that was still bleeding a bit. Malik winced at the site of it. Marik got up and stomped off to find Bakura.

Bakura had just found the blankets and was bringing them back when Marik stopped him. He tried to go around but Marik wouldn't let him by.

"Let me by Marik." He growled. Marik shook his head glaring at Bakura.

"Ryou needs to go to the hospital Bakura." Marik snapped. Bakura glared at him.

"No he doesn't! He will be fine." Marik shook his head.

"There is a huge cut on the back of his head Bakura. We need to get that patched up, and we need to see if it will affect his eyesight." Before Bakura could answer, they heard Malik yelling in the living room. They ran back into the living room to find Malik holding Ryou who had passed out.

"Still think he doesn't need to go to the hospital?" Marik asked as he went over and scooped up Ryou.

"I don't care what you say Bakura. I'm taking Ryou to the hospital; there is room in the car for you as well. So if you're coming, lets go now!" With that Marik carried Ryou out to the car and Malik followed. They got in the car and started it. Bakura climbed in the back seat with Ryou.


YAY!!!! I am finally done with chapter 5!!! Chapter 6 should be up soon! Hope you like it Ja ne!