Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ Part 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh. Wish I did but I don't.

Blind part 6

By Yami Kitsune

Bakura, Malik and Marik had been waiting in the waiting room of the hospital for almost two hours. They had brought Ryou in after Marik had found the cut on the back of Ryou's head. Ryou had passed out shortly after that, and they got Ryou to the hospital as fast as they could.

"Why didn't I just listen to Seto?" Bakura said as he paced back and forth. Malik was sitting on Marik's lap in one of the chairs. They were all worried about Ryou and no one had come out to tell them what was wrong.

Finally a nurse came out of the room they had taken Ryou into. She looked down at her clipboard. "Family and friends of Ryou Bakura?" She asked. The three of them walked over to her.

"How is he?" Malik asked. The nurse shook her head.

"We are not 100% sure yet. But he should live."

"What do you mean should?! You don't know if he will be alright?" Bakura snapped at her.

"Look sir, we are doing what we can for him right now. So if you would just sit down and wait the doctor will be out in a moment to talk to you." With that she turned away and went back into the room with Ryou in it.

Bakura sighed and sat back down in a chair. Marik and Malik looked at him worried. They knew Bakura was blaming his self for what was wrong for Ryou. First he had made the young hikari go blind, and now he might be blind forever because Bakura was being stubborn and didn't want him to go to the hospital.

"Why? Why dose this have to happen to him? Ryou did nothing wrong, he shouldn't have to go through this." Bakura whispered.

"Bakura. Your right, Ryou shouldn't have to go through this. But he is, and the only thing you can do is make sure he doesn't go through it alone." Marik said sitting next to his former lover and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Malik did the same thing for him on the other side.

The doctor came out about half an hour latter. By this time Malik had fallen asleep in one of the chairs and his head rested on Marik's shoulder. Bakura looked up when he saw the doctor standing in front of them.

"Are you Ryou Bakura's brother?" The doctor asked looking at Bakura. Bakura nodded and stood up.

"How is he?" Bakura asked. The doctor sighed.

"I am afraid he has gone into a coma. He might not make it; there is nothing more we can do for him here. You have to make a choice Mr. Bakura. We can either pull the plug tonight. Or wait until tomorrow and do it then."

"Isn't there any chance he will wake up?" Marik asked. The doctor shook his head.

"That would have to take a miracle. And a pretty big one at that, so unless one of you have one on you then this kid isn't going to make it."

Bakura stood frozen in his place. *No, no Ryou can't die! I won't let him!* Bakura's mind screamed. He didn't want this to happen to Ryou. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Can we see him?" Marik asked knowing Bakura was to shocked to ask at the moment. The doctor nodded. Marik turned to wake up his hikari and the doctor led them into Ryou's room.

"I'll be back in after I am done with my rounds, let me know what you have decided to do then." With that the doctor let them to be alone with the sleeping Ryou. Bakura walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair there. He took Ryou's hand in his own and winced inwardly at how cold it was.

"Me and Malik will be waiting out side for you Bakura. Should we call every one else and let them know?" Marik asked. Bakura only nodded and continued to stair at Ryou after the two had left.

"Ryou-hikari." A tear slipped down Bakura's cheek. "Please, I am so sorry this had to happen to you. I should have been there to protect you. This shouldn't have to happen to you." Bakura closed his eyes and laid his head on the side of the bed.

~*Ryou's mind*~

"Bakura?!" Ryou called out desperately. "Bakura where are you! Please help me!" Ryou yelled as he ran as fast as he could. He didn't know where he was going; every thing was so dark and cold. And he didn't feel good; all he wanted to do was stop and go to sleep. But something inside of him told him not to, that if he fell asleep now he would never wake up again.

Tears streamed down Ryou's face as he ran. He didn't know where he was, and he wanted his yami. {Bakura! Please-help me.} Ryou tried the link hoping it would work.

~*Bake in the room*~

Bakura's eyes snapped open when he thought he heard Ryou. He looked down at his hikari who was still sleeping. He sighed; it must have been his imagination. `

{Bakura-onegai-cold, dark.} Bakura knew he didn't imagine that!

[Ryou!? What's wrong?]

{Please help me Bakura-I don't like it here.}

[Where are you?]

{I-I don't know. I'm so tired.}

[No Ryou! Don't go to sleep, stay where you are. I will find you, and keep you link open to me.] Bakura felt Ryou hesitate before he answered.

{O-ok--} Bakura squeezed Ryou's and before he went out of the room to get Malik and Marik. When he opened the door he saw Yami, Yugi and Seto there.

"How is he Bakura?" Yami asked. Bakura shook his head.

"Physically he would be ok."

"Mentally?" Yami asked.

"That is what I am going to find out now. I might need your help Marik." Bakura said looking at the blond yami who nodded. "Yami I don't know how long this will take. If the doctor comes back stale him until I'm done." Yami nodded and watched Marik and Bakura go back into Ryou's room.

"What are you going to do Bakura?"

"I'm going to his sole room." He said and watched Marik put a chair in front of the door just incase.

"If the doctor comes back tell me so I can get out before he comes in." Marik nodded and watched Bakura disappear into the ring.

~*Ryou's sole room*~

Bakura appeared in his sole room and immediately went into Ryou's. When he opened the door he was shocked to find it was nothing but black inside. And it looked like the darkness went on forever.

Bakura shivered when he stepped into his hikari's sole room, Ryou was defiantly here. It was exactly like he described it. Cold and dark, Bakura knew he had to get Ryou out of here fast. No one could live long in a place like this. Bakura took off running and tried to find his hikari.


Ryou had stopped running and was now sitting on the ground with his knees up to his chest. He was trying so hard not to fall asleep, but he was so tired. Ryou's eyelids started to fall and he shook his head to try and stay awake.

{Bakura-were are you? I'm so tired.}

[Ryou listen to me; what ever you do don't go to sleep please. Talk to me and try to stay awake.]

{Ok-What do we talk about?}

[I don't care, just ask me some questions or something.]

{W-why did you always hurt me? And now your not?}

[Because it scared me to think about how you got beat up all the time at school. I knew if you didn't toughen up soon one time you would end up dead.] Bakura and Ryou continued talking until Ryou thought he was going to just pass out he was so tired.

{B-Bakura-so tired-half to-sleep…}


Bakura ran as fast as he could, he could feel Ryou was close. Bakura's heart skipped a beat when he heard Ryou.

[Ryou NO! DON'T GO TO SLEEP!] He snapped hoping that his anger would keep Ryou awake long enough. Finally Bakura saw Ryou up ahead.

"Ryou!" Ryou's head snapped up and he stared at Bakura. Bakura reached Ryou and knelt down next to him. "Come on Ryou, let's get you out of here." Bakura picked up Ryou who wrapped his arms around his yamis neck. Just as Bakura started making his way back he heard Marik calling him.

"Bakura! The doctor is back and is trying to get into the room. Yami can't hold him back much longer!"

"I got Ryou and were on are way home now!

~*In room with Marik*~

"Who's in there!? Open this door right now!" Marik heard the doctor yell at him. He looked back at Ryou on the bed.

"Come on you two, hurry up." He whispered and looked back at the door just as the chair was knocked back and the doctor stumbled in. Malik and Yami were right behind him and they all came into the room to see what was going on.

"Mr. Bakura, please tell me what you thought you and your friend were doing?" The doctor said looking past Marik. Marik turned his head and looked at Bakura who was standing by the bed.

"I just wanted to be alone with Ryou for a little while. And Marik was in here to keep me company to make sure I didn't do any thing stupid." The doctor glared at them both and walked over to the other side of the bed to check on Ryou.

"Have you decided what you want done?" The doctor asked as he started to check Ryou's vital signs.

"Yes, we don't want you to take him off the life support until he is ready." Bakura said glaring at the doctor. The doctor was about to protest to that before Ryou started stirring in the bed. His eyes fluttered open and moved to look at Bakura.

"B-Bakura?" He said weakly. Bakura nodded and sat down in the chair next to the bed taking Ryou's hand in his.

"It's me hikari."

"Kura-I-I can see!" Ryou said in shock. Bakura smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. It was a few days latter when Ryou was aloud to go home. Every thing had returned to normal.


A couple of months latter Ryou was doing better then ever. He had started eating properly and wasn't as thin as before. But Bakura was still scary at times. Ryou sighed and opened the door to his house; he had just gone to the store to get stuff for dinner. As soon as he closed the door he was grabbed form behind by his yami and dragged into the other room.

"And where have you been?!" Bakura snapped in his ear. Ryou just laughed. "Are you laughing at me hikari?"

"No! Never Bakura-sama." Ryou said although he was still laughing.

"Then what's so funny?"

"Could you think of any better way to get my attention?" Ryou asked turning around to face Bakura who was smiling at him.

"But why? Its fun to jump you as soon as you come in the door." Bakura grinned.

"Yes, but what if it had been my dad?" Ryou asked and laughed again at the face Bakura made.

"How on earth did you get the idea in your head that I would confuse your father for you?!" Ryou shook his head.

"Never mind. I have to go make dinner now."

"No I have a better idea." Bakura stopped Ryou form leaving and pushed him down on the couch.


Well what do you think?? This one was supposed to come before Yami Hikari. Its part of the series I am doing. The next part to the series should be up soon ^_^ hoped you liked it Ja ne!