Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds: Time Is Of The Essence ❯ Relations? ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2 Relations?
Joey, Tea, Yugi, and Tristan were all heading home from another long day at school. Joey brushed a hand through his shaggy brownish blonde hair. "Hey, yuge?"
The smaller tri-colored headed boy looked up, "Yeah Joey?"
"Well I uh, was wondering. What are we gonna do now. Since battle city's done with?"
Tristen raised an eyebrow at his best friend. "Since when do you care Joey?"
"I don know..." He blushed lightly hoping no one would notice, but of course to his dismay Tea did.
"OH I KNOW!" Tea exclaimed. Joey slumped his head in defeat. "JOEY you miss Mai!!"
Of course Joey being the type of person he is had to adamantly deny it. "Wha? No way! I wouldn't miss her!"
Tristen grinned automatically knowing Tea had hit a sore spot. "Yeah, Suurree. What ever you say Joey."
"Ahh, Shadap!"
Yugi laughed, "Hey guys guess what? Isis told me that her and Malik are going to stay here a while longer until they at least are sure that Marik is long gone."
"That's Awesome!" Tea declared a little too happily. "I really like Isis and I'm sure Malik is a really nice person too!"
"Right...” said Tristen, "I personally don't like him."
"Me neither." answered Joey. 'Not only did he hurt me but he hurt Mai and that is inexcusable.' Thought Joey. Yugi decided he wasn't going to voice his opinion on the matter. He rarely did.
They rounded the corner to Joey's house; it was a run down trailer the outside paint chipped. The tool shed had begun to rust, and the lawn looked as though it hadn't been mowed in months. He was ashamed to be even connected to the place let alone live there. He wanted so bad on the outside to fix it up, but on the inside he just didn't have the energy. Sure his friends had tried to help him out, but he couldn't let them. Lately he had been working part-time at a small pizza joint just to make ends meet. Not to mention he had sunken into a deep depression ever since Serenity and Mai left him. 'Me and dad, just like the good ole days' he thought sarcastically. He put on a fake smile "Well I gotta go guys, have fun at the game shop."
Yugi looked up worriedly, "Are you sure you don't want to come? We're going to rent a movie."
Joey felt another stab to his heart. No one knew about his part-time job yet and that was the last thing he wanted them to know. He didn't want a pity party. "Yep I'm positive, you know me I'm going to take a nice long nap."
Yugi looked doubtful, "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye guys."
"Later Joey!"
He watched as they left down the street. Try as he might he hadn't been able to squash the lonely feeling in his stomach. He walked up to the mail box and took out today's mail. As he walked into the house he quickly flicked through all of the bills. Which knowing his dad he would have to pay them. Sometimes he wondered if it would really be that bad without electricity. Then he wouldn't have to worry about the cable. This brought a small smile to his face, yeah like that would ever happen.
All of the sudden one of the letters caught his eye. It was addressed to his father, not a bill or a collection notice for once but an actual letter. It was from New York City. 'New York?' He thought, 'Who in the world would wanna talk to my dad? We have family in New York don't we?' He could faintly remember some family but when ever he went to see them he had to sneak out with his mother. That is until his father caught her, then the visits promptly stopped. 'But, I thought dad's family hates him?' He threw the pile of mail on the counter and quietly put the letter addressed to his father in his pocket.
He glanced over at his father's prone form lying in front of the television to make sure he hadn't seen him take it. Joey grabbed his coat off the nearby coat rack which also had his work hat and apron. "I'm going to work." he said to the lump on the couch. "WORK. Ya know where people get money? To pay for BILLS." His father looked up at him his eyes blood shot as always. "DON'T YU TALK TO ME *hiccup LIKE THA BOY!" His word all slurred together.
"Whatever." Joey retorted slamming the door behind him. Now it was time for him to begin his long trek to work. But a small smirk curved on his lips. "At least I have something to entertain me." he muttered going for the letter in his pocket.
{ Mouto Game Shop}`
Yugi, Tea, and Tristen had all just arrived at the Mouto game shop to see a full house. "Wow," Tea exclaimed, "What's with all the people Yugi?"
Yugi looked up; he was just as surprised as Tea was. Usually the game shop had one or two customers but there had to at least be 30 packed into the small hut. "I don't know Tea... Why don't you guys start up the movie without me?"
Tristen looked at him oddly, "Yeah, sure. Try to hurry though." He and Tea disappeared into the upstairs half of the game shop. He felt weird... a feeling had begun in the pit of his stomach.
Yami took that moment to pipe up. “Is something wrong Hikari?”
Yugi frowned, “To be quite honest I'm not really sure.”
“Is there anything you would like to tell me?”
Yugi sighed heavily, “No. Sorry Yami but I'd like to figure this out for myself...”
“I understand.” Was all he replied but Yugi could tell from his answer that he didn't. He brushed a hand through his hair, as he attempted to make his way to the counter.
Finally when he reached his destination his grandfather popped his head up over the counter top. “Yugi! Boy am I glad to see you! It's insane tonight. Not that I'm surprised with everything that had just happened!”
Yugi walked behind the counter as his Grandfather just finished ringing up another customer. “Have a nice day.” Solomon said kindly at the mans retreating form.
“Grandpa what are you talking about?” Yugi asked quietly.
The older man turned to look at him. “You mean you don't know? I would of figure you would be one of the first ones notified. Being the champ and all.”
Yugi's eyes widened. “You can't mean another tournament!”
Solomon's eyes sparkled. “BINGO!” He guffawed at Yugi's expression.
“That's not possible. How could Kaiba organize another tournament this soon?”
“Kaibas not the only one in the world with money my boy.” He answered focusing his attention to the next kid in line.
“Some new guy. Probably doesn't even know a flip about duel monsters. You can tell because he said anyone is allowed to compete. This new one is going to be an all out free for all. The only rule he did specify was that if you are beaten twice you are automatically disqualified.” He replied flippantly.
“Really?” Could this of been the foreboding feeling? He wasn't sure but he was damned if he wasn't going to find out! “I've got to go tell the others!” She yelled running upstairs.
Solomon watched him leave, “Ah, youth…. Wait a minute! I NEED HELP!”
{Somewhere Else}
The engines roared underneath them as the giant passenger jet began its landing sequence. Eris looked down at her watch, the digital numbers clearly said, “4:37” `That's a lot later than when we started out...' She glanced beside her at her sleeping sibling. After prying the whole story from Demeter she had promptly fallen fast asleep. Crying had always warned her sister out.
Eris on the other had, sat there starring blankly at the seat in front of her. She couldn't seem to care less. Sure you may think she's so cold hearted, but saying that would just prove you didn't know the whole story. Eris was what her parents called the “Dud” of the twins, “The Delinquent.” As if they hadn't drove her to that point.
She ground her teeth restraining her anger everyone always loved Demi more. Demi was the sweet one, the obedient one, the dependable one. Eris on the other hand was the shit underneath their shoes. Though she wasn't angry at Demi, not at all. Her parents were the one's who had ostracized her, they were the ones who claimed she wasn't worthy of the Wheeler name.
For what reason you might ask? The answer is quite simple. She was born first, thus inheriting all of her grandparent's money. She didn't ask for it her parents did, and that was the sole reason the didn't inherit it and she did. That was when a few attempts on her life began, how come she was blamed when her Aunt had gotten in the way!
The family had been shattered even more, at her father's younger sister's death. This had caused an all out war between her father and his older brother.
Why was she then cast out? `Why the hell am I thinking about this? At a time like this.' And now her and Demi were on a wild adventure to find her Uncle and his son… what's his face. Oh yeah Joey. “This is retarded.” She muttered as she went to shake Demi awake. They had a long day ahead of them…
P.S. Does anyone know if Joey's dad has a name? I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Please review!
~ Trunksgirl