Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds: Time Is Of The Essence ❯ Papa's Pizza Sandwiches ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3
A.N.= Hey guys trunksgirl and Hearts Corruption here we just wanted to write a quick disclaimer first. We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, we have no clue what Joey's dad's name is so from now on were calling him Andrew.
Dear Andrew,
Andrew I know we haven't spoken in a long time... but a matter of grave importance has come up and I feel that our long standing feud must end. I know I haven't always played the role of older brother to you, and I deeply regret it.
But by the blood that bonds us together I pray that you may head my last request. If this letter has reached you that means that Lillian and I are dead. Our daughter's Demeter and Eris the last heir's to the family's riches, have now been orphaned. You are the only one I trust enough to protect them. Please I beg of you do not fail me.
Adrian Wheeler.
Joey's mouth gapped open in total shock. Dead? His aunt and uncle were dead? And his two cousins were orphans? His mind automatically reached back in his memories for his most recent picture of them. The last he had seen of them had been on their seventh birthday. His mother had taken him and Serenity to see them. They had been so cute and carefree. The four of them had played tag and ate cake all day. That was one of the happiest memories of his childhood he could recall. But then his father had come. Yelling and screaming he had wrenched Serenity away from Demeter. All the crying and screaming had brought their parents and his mother outside. His father had been so furious, that was the last time he had seen them. His favorite cousins.
He paused...wait a minute. Fortune??? I haven't seen them in ten whole years. What if they were spoiled rotten preppy girls? His family couldn't afford that. Family ha, rather how could he afford it?
He watched as the cozy little pizza joint came into view. Joey wrapped the green apron around his waist and put the hat on his head. Across it, it read “Papa's Pizza Joint.” (The name was courtesy of Hearts Corruption.) How long do I have, before they show up? There's no way they will want to stay in the trailer...
The back door to the Pizza place swung open with a bang, “THERE YOU ARE WHEELER! YOU'RE LATE! GET IN HERE NOW!”
~1 hour later~
A yellow taxi cab pulled up in front of the pizza joint. Two girls jumped out lugging heavy bags with them. They both had their long hair tied up into identical pony tails. In fact everything about them was identical except for their cloths. The slightly taller girl was wearing Black cargo pants and a black fishnet shirt with the words Dead Men tell no tales on it. The shorter girl had on a purple baby doll tee with sparkly purple stars down the front. She also had on a short denim skirt with pleats in the front. They said something to the driver before stepping away, and faster then they could even blink he had driven away.
“Bastard.” Eris swore under her breath as she turned with a sigh to contemplate the little building in front of them.
“It's ... homey ...” Demeter tried looking at the slightly run down but well kept for the most part, building.
Eris rolled her eyes, “and that bastard said this was the best place for miles. That would probably be because this IS the only place for miles!”
Demi pointed to a road farther from them, “well there's Domino City over there so ... what do ya wanna do hitch hike into town?” She walked over to the road and in an exaggerated manner she prepared to stick her leg out in front of an oncoming car.
“Demi!” Eris cried pulling her sister back onto the sidewalk as the car rolled by the driver screaming at her from inside, “they don't mean to stick your leg out in front of an oncoming car you idiot!”
“Well they do it in the movies. And besides he's driving on the wrong side of the freakin road!”
Eris sighed and shook her head, “it's just book smarts, she's got no common sense,” she mumbled.
“I heard that Eris!”
“Well good you were meant to!”
The two sisters continued squabbling till they came inside and Eris ignoring the hostess stalked straight in and sat at a booth in the non-smoking section. The place was small and Demi had been right when she said it was homey. It had a mom and pop quality to it and most of it's clientele were frequent customers. It was cute just the type of place you saw in one of Demi's romance movies.
“I hate cute.” Eris scowled brushing a bang of dark brown hair out of her eyes irritably. She hadn't had much sleep on the plane Demi had been tossing and turning the whole time, and her thoughts were to crowded with information.
“What was that Eris?”
“Nothing Demi.”
“Oh okay then. How are we going to find this Joey kid? It's been so long I hardly remember him. What if he's ugly?”
“Uhh does it really matter?” Eris asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Of course it matter's if he's ugly that means we'll look ugly to. Ugly by association ya know.”
“Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you. This must be some cosmic joke by God to torment me.”
“Hardy har har Eris. Seriously what are we gonna do?”
“Shut up! We'll figure it out.” Eris snapped turning her attention back to the menu, “do they have anything in this place that doesn't start with Papa? Look at this Papa's iced tea, Papa's pizza sandwich. What the hell is a pizza sandwich? And who does this Papa think he is? God?”
Suddenly a voice interrupted Eris rant on Papa.
“Hi welcome to Papa's Pizza my name is Joey I'll be your server today can I get you anything to drink?”
Demi blinked at the blonde haired man standing in front of the table, “wow you said that without pausing for air once.”
“Ignore her she's delusional. So can I get a Bud Light?” Eris asked folding her menu back to look at the drinks.
“Hold on Er ... Oww!” She cried shooting Eris an annoyed look as she felt the throbbing pain in her foot.
“Can I see some id lady?”
“No. Why do you not trust me? Do I seem like a liar to you? Huh do I blondie do I?”
“Umm well I,” Joey trailed off not really knowing what to say. No one had ever told him no before. “It's a mandatory thing.”
“Soo you don't trust me?” Eris frowned crossing her arms.
“Oh Eris this guy looks awfully familiar. Have you beaten him up before?”
“No you moron,” Eris said smacking her sister upside the head, “this is the first time we've been to frickin Japan.”
“Oh yeah.”
“But he does look familiar.”
Joey looks at them strangely. “Are you guys twins?”
“Wow your soo smart, how ever did you guess?” Demeter smirked.
“It couldn't be cause were identical could it?” Eris said sarcastically.
Joey sweat drops looking sheepish “umm about those drinks.”
“Hey wait,” Eris said staring at Joey oddly, “your name wouldn't happen to be Wheeler would it?”
“Uhh yeah it is how did you guess? Was it my famous dueling abilities. Don't tell me you saw my beautiful mug plastered across the t.V.”
“No.” Demeter tried but they had gotten him started and once he's started he'll never stop.
“Yes getting second in Duelist Kingdom was a hard thing indeed. And being one of the Battle City finalists was quit an achievement.”
“I can't believe I'm related to such a loser,” Eris scoffed looking him up and down.
“What are you talking about?” Joey cried looking a little sick.
“Joey!” Demeter cried eyes wide as she jumped up and glomped Joey in a huge hug her scream attracting all eyes in the place.
“Uhh Demeter ... Eris?” Joey tried in confusion.
“So I guess I can get that Bud Light now huh?”
“Joey! You've gotten so cute!” Demeter cut in grabbing one of Joey's cheeks and pinching them hard. “And your so smart, sharp as a tack this one.”
“What the hell?” Joey cried.
“How much is your autograph worth?”
“Not as much as mine is,” Eris informed them getting a scowl from Joey.
“Why would yours be worth anything?”
“Well she did win the American championship twice in a row.” Demeter pointed out thoughtfully.
“Oh.” Joey deadpanned.
Awhile later and a couple a pizza sandwiches after the three were ready to leave when Joey got off at 10:00. Soon they began the trek to Joey's home.
A.N- The next chapter will have a lot more of Yugi and the gang. Oh and sorry if Japan seems more like America. It tends to happen when your American and living in America.
This is Hearts Corruption saying good day and good night.