Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ We Meet Again... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Chapter 1 was just to introduce the characters and their situations. Just to recap: Yami's the vampire and Yugi's the human. Of course, I'm sure you realize that by now. Let's see…well, they have met, but Yugi was just a little kid then. Let's see what happens when they meet again.
Chapter 2 - We Meet Again…
A middle-aged couple walked down the hallway of the fourth floor of their apartment building. Both man and woman were dressed up nicely for an evening of dinner, music and fun. They talked excitedly about what they would do that night. The woman suddenly noticed a young man of seventeen walking down the hallway in the opposite direction.
His red, black and blonde hair stuck up in spikes and his crimson eyes looked so sad, but distant and oblivious to anything else. The young man wore black leather pants, a dark red shirt and a black cape. The woman had seen him on a couple of occasions and he had even helped her carry groceries to her apartment at least once.
She decided to be polite and said aloud, “Good evening, neighbor!”
The young man stopped and looked at her. He turned away from the couple's gaze and went back to his room. The man frowned. “He could have at least said `hello' to you, honey.”
“Poor kid lives all by himself. We should invite him to dinner sometime, dear.”
“No way. Have you heard the rumors about that kid? They say he's bad news. He stays up most of the night, probably out partying. He sleeps a lot during the day and he drinks. I've seen him carry around a silver flask like my grandpa used to carry.”
The woman sighed as they continued down the hallway to the elevator and soon left the building. Yami had heard everything they said. Being a vampire had some advantages, anyway. Once he knew the couple was gone, he slammed his fist into the coffee table between the TV and the couch. With his undead strength, Yami easily put a hole in the table.
“Dammit!” Yami grunted as he straightened. He flopped onto the couch and reached into his pocket to get out the silver flask the man had spoken about. “Alcohol…eh…” Yami smirked and opened the flask with a click of the lid. “Vampire alcohol anyway…”
Normally when humans gossiped about him, Yami didn't care. But that lady had actually felt sympathy for him. That's what sickened him the most. When people felt pity for him, because they thought he was one of pathetic, tortured teenagers who ran away from an abusive home.
Inside the flask was a mix of blood, honey, and wine—not red wine, but white wine. Any human would tell him that he was under the drinking age, but Yami would only shrug that comment off. He was far over the drinking age. I am a little over 300 years old, Yami thought to himself.
He put the flask away. It was partially disgusting, but Yami drank it when he got a craving for blood. After the incident with Xavier Bartholomew's wife, Yami had sworn never to interfere with human beings. Three hundred and fourteen years later, Yami had become isolated from society and invisible to everyone, yet noticeable to small groups.
Humans left him alone and Yami left them alone. When going out in public during daylight, which was sometimes rare, Yami left his cape behind and dressed like a normal person. He wore sunglasses because his eyes were extremely sensitive.
“Vampires don't die in sunlight. I don't like the sun very much and yes, I do sleep often during the day. But I sleep sometimes at night as well.” Yami muttered to himself. He wished and longed for a companion to talk to instead of the open air. But when he longed for someone, he simply snorted and said, “No one would want to be friends with a—”
He stopped, suddenly remembering an incident from a few years ago. He had been walking by an elementary school and saw some older kids picking on a smaller, human version of himself. He had been awestruck by this little boy and it enraged him that these bullies were picking on him. Yami had stepped and saved the boy. When he'd asked the boy if he was okay, the boy told him that he wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.
“He looked so much like me, except his eyes are so innocent and pure. They reflect the innocent soul deep inside him. I figured I would see him again.” Yami said, smiling slightly. It was the same situation, only the little boy was a year older and Yami used force to get the bullies off him.
I did something I should have never done, he thought. Yami remembered how soft the little boy's flesh had been when he touched his arm to heal him. He hadn't wanted to think about it too much or else the boy might think he was a perverted old man. What had filled Yami with the most joy was the boy's smile. He was so innocent that Yami felt his heart melting and his limps turning to jelly.
“But I was being hunted. The Bartholomew family is dedicated to killing me. I'm the only vampire left thanks to their hatred.” Yami said to himself. He stood and went to his bedroom for a nap and then it would be time to patrol the city for stray animals. He needed blood…
“Going out to buy groceries on a school night, what the hell was Grandpa thinking?” Yugi muttered as he walked down the lonely sidewalk. The sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon just a few minutes ago. The streets were quiet except for the occasional blare of nightclub music.
“Hey kid!” said a voice. Yugi turned and saw the same mugger from earlier today walking towards him. Yugi turned back around and started to run. The mugger ran after him with his pocket knife sheathed.
“Leave me alone! I don't have any money!” Yugi cried out as he continued to run. His lungs were aching for air as Yugi ran through twisting alleys and dark streets where the lamps didn't shine.
After an hour and a half, Yugi stopped to catch his breath. He turned around and saw no one chasing him. I guess I lost him, Yugi thought. He looked around and shivered in fear. Unfortunately, I lost myself too. The city was a dangerous place at night, especially if you're all by yourself and completely lost.
Yugi hugged his bag of groceries to his body and walked down the empty street, looking and searching for something familiar. Anything would do! A building, a street sign, a light, anything! But nothing looked familiar and all the same too. Every building, alley and street corner had the same bleak, gloomy appearance to it.
“I wish I had a cell phone. Then I could call Grandpa to pick me up.” He stopped to stand under a flicking street lamp. “Maybe I could knock on a door and ask somebody.” But who the hell knows what kind of people live around here. Perverts, drug dealers, gun smugglers, hookers, anybody…
Suddenly, he heard something slam against a garbage can in the alley nearby. A harsh scream made Yugi's hair on the back of his neck stand straight up. He relaxed when he saw it was only a cat. The cat was running away as if it had seen something terrible.
“Poor kitty…” Yugi said to him. He suddenly became very afraid as he heard footsteps in the shadows of the alley. He stood in the center of the flicking light of the lamp and trembled all over at what might be coming towards him.
Then…he gasped when he saw the figure standing just outside of the light. Yugi blinked to make sure he wasn't seeing things. “It's…you!”
The figure came directly into the light and Yugi's jaw dropped. He was so happy that he dropped his groceries and clung to the same stranger he recognized from childhood. The stranger was surprised that Yugi was clinging to his body like a lifeline. He gently made the boy let go and asked, “You are the one I saved from the bullies, aren't you?”
“Yeah! Wow, you look like you haven't aged a bit! What are you doing here?” Yugi asked.
“I…I live around here.” replied the stranger.
“So then you know your way around here pretty well, right?” Yugi asked as he knelt to pick up his spilt groceries. The stranger knelt to help him and Yugi asked another question, “What's your name? You never told me when I last saw you.”
“I'm surprised you remember me. Yes I know this city very well.” the stranger said. He and Yugi stood once the groceries were back in the bag.
“I got lost while running away from a mugger. Could you help me get back home, please? And tell me your name…” Yugi said. He was slightly annoyed that this young man seemed to constantly avoid what his name was.
“Where do you live, Yugi?”
“You remembered my name…” Yugi whispered. He then frowned and snapped, “Listen, why won't you tell me your name?”
“Because I can't.”
“Why? Are you in some kind of trouble with the law or something?”
“Something like that, yes. Now where do you live?” the stranger asked sternly.
Yugi decided not to push his luck. He told the stranger his address and the stranger smirked. “That won't be hard to find. Follow me.” The stranger started to walk down the street and Yugi kept very close to him. If that mugger showed up again, then the stranger could probably handle him.
Yami's world had been completely rocked when the same innocent child he met several years ago had suddenly reappeared in his life and even clung to him! It was the first time a human had willing come in full body contact with Yami. Yugi had been so warm and full of wonderful life. Yami was addicted to his innocence now. Yugi's entire being and soul vibrated with purity.
I am so dark and tainted, he thought. And now I, the darkness, have touched light. That's why my father named me “Yami.” Yami means dark and I am dark. He and Yugi walked through the alleys and dark parts of the street. Yami could sense the Hunters out prowling the city. He had to keep out of sight as much as possible. He only hoped Yugi wouldn't question him. Too late…
“Uh, sir…we are going back to my house, right?” Yugi asked.
“Of course, Yugi. I just want to avoid trouble.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Yugi replied, smiling.
“This mugger of yours, Yugi…” Yami said. “…how long has he been torturing you?”
Yugi said nothing at first, but then replied, “A month I think.”
Yami frowned. Why did he suddenly care about this boy? Was it because of his innocence? Have I become addicted to this beautiful innocence, Yami thought. Perhaps so…
Yugi trotted ahead of them and smiled when he got to the street corner. “I'm starting to recognize the area now. I think I can find my way from here.”
Yami was relieved. The scent of Hunters was thick. He was walking deep into Hunter territory. Suddenly, he froze where he stood. Oh no, he thought in fear, is…is Yugi a future Hunter? Yami took a step backwards.
Yugi blinked and stared at him in surprise. “Is something wrong, sir?”
“I…nothing…” He backed up into the shadows. Yugi ran after him.
“Wait! Please, I want you to walk me home!” Yugi grabbed Yami's cape and pulled a little.
His vampire instincts were screaming at Yami to not go. He shouldn't go! He should not go deep into Hunter territory! This boy might be trying to lead him into a trap! But, Yami thought as he stared at Yugi's amethyst eyes that glistened in the moonlight, dammit those eyes are so hard to say `no' to. Yami sighed heavily and Yugi mistook it as annoyance.
He released the cape and began to cry. “I'm…s-sorry…I just…”
Yami whirled around as Yugi fell to his knees. “Yugi…”
“You're the first person who ever cared enough about me to stand up for me. I thought…you were my friend.” Yugi sobbed.
Friend? Did, Yami thought, did he just call me his friend? Yami fell to his knees in front of Yugi. “Yugi…no one has ever called me their friend before.”
Yugi wiped his tears away on his sleeve. “R-Really?”
Yami smiled. “Yes. I've never had a friend before.”
“Me either.” Yugi said softly. He stood and asked, “Will you walk me home, please? I'm worried that mugger will come after me.”
Yami was about to respond when a garlic necklace was thrown at them. He slapped it away and stood up. Three men in long, dark red, trench coats and wide-brimmed cowboy hats came running in their direction.
“Get him! There's Yami!” said one man.
“Don't let him bite that kid!” said another.
“Bite me? Why?” Yugi picked up the garlic necklace. “And why'd they throw this at us?”
“Yugi, I must go. I'm sorry…” Yami said. “By the way, my name is Yami.” He said as he ran away. Yugi nearly dropped his groceries again when he saw Yami jump from the ground directly to a rooftop.
The three men came over and checked on him. “Oh my God, I know this kid. You two track that vampire.” said the first man. The other two ran off after Yami.
Yugi stared at the man with wide eyes. “Did you say `vampire'?”
The man took his hat off and Yugi was shocked to see Officer Bartholomew. “Yes, a vampire. My family has been hunting his kind for three hundred years now. We've been waiting for this opportunity for a while. He's gonna pay for sucking the blood out of my ancestor's wife. Not to mention for killing my ancestor's father.”
“N-No…Yami's my friend. He was just helping me to get home.”
“Open your eyes! Vampires don't help people! Yami was just pretending to be your friend so that when your guard was down, he would suck your blood.
“That…no, it can't be true. He was so nice to me.”
“Vampires are never nice. He killed my ancestor and his wife out of sheer fun!” Officer Bartholomew snapped. The two men came back with one helping his partner to walk.
Officer Bartholomew ran to his partners. “What happen? Did he bite you?”
“No. He beat me up pretty good. I got ahead of Tatuko and caught up with Yami, but he beat me up pretty good. The last thing he said was `I didn't mean to kill Xavier.'”
“Lying bastard…” Officer Bartholomew spat. “Come on. Let's get you home and check your wounds.” He turned to look at Yugi and said, “You see what happened? Stay away from that vampire, kid. He's dangerous. If you see him again…” He handed Yugi a card with his name on it and phone number. “…let me know immediately.”
Yugi nodded and ran back home. Yami can't be like that, he thought. He stood up for me. He's my friend, right? He said he was…
—Mwhahaha…another Chapter is finished! Looks like Yugi's trust in Yami is starting to waver. Aww…Yami's first friend might turn his back on him. That's so sad - well let's just find out what'll happen in the next Chapter…heh…