Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ To be Close to A Vampire ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
—I have come up with another Chapter of Blood Love. It's hard, because I am writing two fanfics at the same time. I want to stop work on one and completely finish the other and then go back to the first one. However, I don't want to disappoint my readers. (That would be my writer's conscience working against me.) Well, Yugi just found out that Yami was a vampire and Yami found out that Yugi lives deep within Hunter territory, even though Yugi's not even remotely a Hunter. Let's find out what happens, shall we?
Chapter 3 - To be Close to A Vampire
Naked and shivering, Yugi curled into the fetal position as he lay on his bed. He didn't sleep and couldn't really sleep. Who the hell could sleep after finding out that their new friend was a vampire? Yugi didn't know who to believe anymore. Officer Bartholomew had been awfully nice to give him a ride home and Yami had beat up one of his men. Had Yami really killed someone out of pure pleasure?
He needed something to know the truth. Yugi sat up and stood to get some clothes. He didn't really remember why he had gotten undressed, but Yugi figured he had been lost in thought and shock. He dressed in a black sleeveless shirt, dark blue leather pants and regular sneakers. He put on his usual choker and spiked wristbands and snuck into his mother's bedroom. She was sleeping peacefully and Yugi tiptoed over to her jewelry box. He opened it and was relieved to find that it didn't play music. Searching with squinting eyes and groping fingers, Yugi fought it. A small Cross charm attached to a little chain.
Yugi put the necklace in his pocket and tiptoed out of the room. He went down the stairs and slipped quietly out of the door. He just had to know if Yami was good or evil. I would never forgive myself, he thought. I feel as though I have to know more about him. He saved me twice and even healed me. He just can't be that evil. If he had wanted to suck my blood, he would have done so when I was a kid.
Yugi found his way back to the street lamp where he first saw Yami. No sign of the vampire, but Yugi did see a couple walking down the street, talking and laughing together. Maybe they've seen Yami, Yugi thought. He walked up to them and asked, “Hello. I'm looking for a friend of mine. He looks sort of like me except he's taller and his eyes are crimson colored. He wears a black cape. Have you seen him?”
“Yes actually. He lives in the same building as we do.” said the woman. “Follow us.” Yugi stayed two steps behind the couple. They talked in hushed voices, but Yugi paid their gossip no mind. He was memorizing everything about the way they went. He had to make sure he could find his way back and forth from his house to wherever they were going.
The apartment building they came to was tall and gloomy looking. Most of the windows were unlit or had the curtains pulled over them. The man turned to Yugi and said, “We're meeting some friends in the lobby. The guy you're looking for is in Room 4D. That's on the fourth floor.”
“Thank you very much, sir.” Yugi said and bowed slightly to the woman before hurrying inside and towards the elevator. He pressed the button for the fourth floor and fidgeted in anticipation at seeing Yami again.
Yami took a swig of his “vampire alcohol” and grunted angrily. He was pissed off that the Hunters ruined his chances to have a real friend. Yugi would probably never want to see him again. Yami lay down on the couch and laughed painfully, “Heh…I guess that's how it always turns out. No one would want to be friends with a vampire. Especially the kind that drinks blood.” He put away his silver flask and turned on the TV. How ironic that he'd find the movie Dracula on the very first channel he turned to. Yami flipped to Discovery Channel where they having a special on mythical creatures of horror. The narrator was just done explaining about werewolves and had now moved on to vampires.
Yami rang his tongue over his fangs and flipped to Animal Planet. “Vampire bats…blegh!” He turned off the TV and rubbed his temples. “Dammit, I'm getting a headache.” He'd missed his daily feeding on stray animals. He would have run after that cat if he hadn't seen Yugi first.
Suddenly, a knock came to his door, surprising him. Yami jumped to his feet and his eyes widened. No one had ever visited him before. Had the Hunters found out where he lived? He turned and was about to run to the balcony, when a familiar voice pierced through the door and touched his heart.
“Yami? Do you live here?” Yugi's voice said.
Yami stumbled forward and caught himself before he could fall. He smirked when he heard Yugi muttering to himself. “Well, he's not technically alive…this is 4D…maybe it was 4B or 3D…”
Yami walked over to the door and opened it. There was Yugi standing and looking up at him. The boy took a step back and for a heart-wrenching second, Yami feared he'd run away. “Yugi, please…don't leave.”
“You're a vam—”
“Shush!” Yami hissed and Yugi flinched when he got a glimpse of the vampire's fangs. Yami sighed heavily. “Yugi…I'm sorry I never told you. But I didn't want to jeopardize myself. I've been running from the Hunters for just over three hundred years.”
Yugi twiddled his thumbs and nodded. “I understand.” He bit his lower lip and looked around before asking in a quiet voice, “Can I come in?”
Yami nearly slapped himself for forgetting his manners. He opened the door wider and Yugi walked into the room. Nothing much to look at since the light was awfully dim. The door shut and Yugi flinched again. Yami walked passed him and sat down on the couch. Yugi stayed where he was and saw a doorway on his left that led into a bedroom. Yugi expected to see a coffin, but it was an ordinary queen-sized bed with gray sheets and fluffy, white pillows. The rooms were lit by electric candles, not light bulbs.
“I'm sorry if the lighting bothers you,” Yami said, “but my eyes are very sensitive. I prefer the dim light.”
“So…you can walk around in broad daylight?” Yugi asked. “Stupid question…it was daytime when you saved me as a kid.”
Yami chuckled quietly. “Yes that's true. Any other myths you'd like to clear up?”
“Um…the whole garlic thing is stupid I guess. You got hit by that garlic necklace and it didn't do anything to you.”
“I don't like garlic, but who does?” Yami shrugged.
Yugi smiled. “I don't. It smells bad, but my grandpa likes it on his pizza.”
Yami made a face. Yugi took a couple steps closer. “What about the whole coffin thing? Vampires don't sleep in coffins.”
“I'm claustrophobic, so no. I sleep in a bed like a human.” Yami smiled when Yugi sat down on the couch with him.
“Can I see your fangs?” Yugi asked. When Yami only stared at him, Yugi blushed. “Sorry I didn't mean to be rude.”
“No it's all right. Your question just took me by surprise.”
“I was just curious.”
Yami stood and took his cape off. When he sat back down, he said, “Yugi, I would never bite you. I don't drink human blood.” He opened his mouth and Yugi saw that apart from the two big sharp teeth in the front of his mouth, Yami's teeth were just like ordinary human teeth. When Yugi was satisfied, Yami closed his mouth again.
Yugi took out his mother's Cross necklace and held it up to Yami. “That whole thing about vampires being scared of the Cross, that's…”
“Bull shit.” Yami finished his sentence. He touched the little Cross and nothing happened. “But those myths about killing a vampire by driving a wooden stake through his heart are very true.”
“Is that what those men would have done to you last night?”
“Those men are called Hunters, as I'm sure they've told you. Yes to your question. I'm the last vampire and the very one the Bartholomew family has been hunting for generations of Bartholomew men.” Yami said.
“Bartholomew! That's the last name of the policeman who gave me a ride home yesterday afternoon. And he was the leader of those guys from earlier tonight.” Yugi exclaimed.
“I was hoping he was the man I punched out.”
“Yami, did you…did you really kill his ancestor's on purpose?”
“No, Yugi…” Yami said quietly. “314 years ago, I was walking towards the cemetery when I saw Lady Bartholomew fall and hit her neck on a stone bench. I ran over to help her and saw she was bleeding fast and in great pain. The only way I could stop the bleeding was to…drink the blood that was already seeping out. As I was doing so, Xavier Bartholomew and his son found me. Xavier gathered a huge mob and came to the cemetery after me. I managed to single out Xavier so that I could hopefully talk some sense into him. But he launched himself at me and I instinctively threw him over my head. Unfortunately, he landed on a sharp tombstone and was killed.”
“So now his son's descendants are hunting you down?”
Yami nodded. “No one believes me because of—” he stopped suddenly and grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV, flipping back to Dracula. It was at the part where Dracula was about to bite a sleeping girl's neck. The girl on the TV awoke and screamed. Yugi clutched Yami's arm and hid his face in Yami's shoulder.
The vampire turned off the TV and relished in the feeling of Yugi's soft, spiky hair against his pale skin. He whimpered when Yugi released him. “People fear you because of that Dracula stuff, right?”
“Yes Yugi.” Yami said. “I'm nothing like that and I never will be. I live off of food and drink like any normal human. But on occasion, I do drink blood, just not human blood. You see, I catch stray animals and suck their blood.”
Yugi stared at him for a minute. “That cat…”
“Yes. I missed my monthly feeding. I can go for a month without blood at least.” Yami turned and saw Yugi stand and head for the door. “Yugi, wait!”
Yugi opened the door and said in a nervous voice, “I'm s-sorry Yami but I have to go now.” Yami stood and Yugi closed the door before he could say another word. Yami went to the balcony and jumped from the fourth floor to the ground. He took a shortcut to follow Yugi.
When Yugi got back to the street lamp, he stopped to catch his breath. Then he saw the same cat from before. It was an old tabby cat and it hissed and spat at him. From the amount of graying hair on its face, Yugi figured that the cat was pretty damn old. He chewed a fingernail and finally ran over and grabbed the cat. It hissed and meowed loudly and clawed at his arms.
Yami finally found him and cocked an eyebrow at the boy holding the screaming cat. “Yugi, what are—?”
“I caught this cat for you.” Yugi grunted against the cat's meowing. “Here.”
Yami grabbed the cat by the scruff of its neck and stared at it. “Quiet down…” his voice changed to slow and soothing. Yugi had to shake his head and cover his ears to keep from falling asleep.
The cat fell into a snoozed limp. Yami returned to normal and looked over at Yugi. “I suggest you turn around unless you want to watch me feed.”
Yugi gulped his breath and shook his head. Yami shrugged. “All right.” Yugi's face turned chalk pale as Yami took out some pocket scissors and cut the fur away from the cat's neck. Once he'd made a bare patch of skin, Yami opened his mouth and bit into the bare place on the cat's neck.
The boy turned around and covered his ears as Yami sucked the cat's blood. It felt like eternity before everything was quiet. Yugi turned around to see nothing behind him. No cat, no Yami, nothing. He was alone…and frightened.
“Y-Yami?” Yugi called out.
“Yes?” said a voice behind him. Yugi jumped and whirled around to face the vampire.
“Wh-what did you do with the cat?”
“It's dead. I put it in a trash bag and left it in a garbage can far away from my apartment building. It's what I always do to keep the Hunters from finding out where I…live.” Yami said.
Yugi took a couple deep breaths and stumbled a little. The vampire's strong hands gripped his shoulders to help him balance. The smell of the cat was still on both of them and the fact that Yugi had practically handed Yami an innocent creature to devouring was so disgusting that the boy felt like he was going to barf.
Yami sensed this and asked, “Would you like me to take you home?”
“N-no…what about…th-the Hunters?” Yugi said in a daze.
“I can run pretty fast and I can also stay well-hidden in the shadows.” Yami said. Without asking, he picked the small boy up in his arms and carried him back to his house. Yugi was about to tell Yami to put him down, but sleep took over quickly.
—Well, maybe Yugi and Yami will be friends after all. But let us not forget that the Hunters are still at large and looking for Yami. Now that they know Yami is dwelling within the city, they probably have some kind of plan to get him for good. Uh oh…
—By the way, if any of you readers love cats, I apologize for the drinking of cat blood. I love cats, but I just needed some kind of animal for Yami to feed on.