Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ Feelings One Holds for Someone ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Recap: Yugi appears to trust Yami now. He's also cleared up a few of the myths about vampires too. Although I think the sucking cat blood incident sort of freaked him out. Now of course, what kind of Yami/Yugi fanfic would this be if there wasn't a little fluff, eh?
Chapter 4 - the Feelings One Holds for Someone
Yugi awoke to the sun's light warming his face through his bedroom window. He sat up and yawned and stretched. Yugi blinked in surprise when he noticed his window was open. He never left his bedroom window open during the night. Yugi felt a velvety material against his body. He looked down and saw Yami's cape wrapped around him.
“Yami must have brought me home like he said he would. I hope he didn't jeopardize himself.” Yugi whispered.
“I never left.” Yami's voice cut through the room. Yugi fell off the bed when he noticed Yami sitting cross-legged in the shadow of his bedroom door. The vampire stood and took a step towards Yugi, but the sun hurt his eyes and he went back into the darken corner.
Yugi stood and closed the blinds on the window. “You okay? What are you still doing here? If my mom or grandpa finds you, they'll kill me.”
Yami rubbed his eyes and said, “When I put you to bed, I was about to leave, but then some Hunters started patrolling by your house. So I decided to stay until they left. But your room…it's so inviting, so comforting…it made me fall asleep.”
Smiling, Yugi said, “Well, I'm glad you stuck around. I wanted to thank you for bringing me home. You could have been caught by the Hunters or something.”
“As I said, Yugi, I run very fast. Besides, I traveled on the rooftops so the Hunters wouldn't see me. I was surprised you slept so soundly while I jumped from roof to roof.”
Yugi's face fell. “Aw, man, I missed all that! Damn…I wanted to see how you do that. I mean, I did see you jump from the street to the roof of a local apartment building, but I haven't seen you jump from one rooftop to another. Can you show me right now?”
Yami was surprised that Yugi—a human—was so interested in the fact that he was a vampire. That's the complete opposite of how other people feel about me, he thought. “Yugi…” he lost his voice from the overwhelming joy he felt while being in the presence of this innocent boy. When Yugi stared at him with those eyes, Yami completely lost his thoughts altogether.
Yugi mistook this as unease. “I'm sorry. You don't have to if you don't want to.”
The vampire snapped back to reality and smiled. “Maybe tonight, Yugi. During the day I have to act like a normal human, or the Hunters will start suspecting me.”
When Yami had first smiled, Yugi had been uneasy about those fangs, but now, they didn't seem so threatening and scary anymore. Like canine teeth almost, Yugi thought. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Yugi decided to alter the subject. “Uh…my mom and grandpa are probably awake by now. Maybe you should leave before—”
A knock on the door startled them both. “Yugi? Are you up, sweetie?” it was Mrs. Mutou, Yugi's mother.
Yugi sat on his bed and fiddled with Yami's cape as loudly as he could. “I'm getting dressed right now, Mom. Don't come in.” he lied. For some reason, the idea of Yugi getting dressed aroused Yami.
“Son, have you seen my Cross necklace that your grandfather gave me for my birthday last year? Remember? It's that sparkly one on the gold chain with my initials carved in the back. It's not in my jewelry box.” Mrs. Mutou's voice said through the door.
Yami saw Yugi's eyes widen and he looked at the vampire with a shocked expression on his face. Yugi turned back to the door and said, “Um, no Mom. I haven't seen it. You sure you put it in your jewelry box?”
“I'm sure I did. Maybe I dropped it somewhere. Well, I'll just have to look for it later. Your grandfather and I are going to check the shipment of new games for the Kame Game Shop okay? Can you make your own breakfast?”
“Sure, Mom. If I find your necklace, I'll put it back in your jewelry box.” Yugi said.
“Thanks, sweetie. I love you, bye.” Soft footsteps thudded across the floor and a minute later both boy and vampire heard the backdoor close, the car start up and the sound of the car engine disappearing into the distance.
“Looks like I can stay for a while.” Yami said. He looked at Yugi and added quickly, “If that's all right, Aibou.”
“Aibou? Partner?” Yugi raised an eyebrow at him.
The vampire pretended to cough. He took out a silver flask and took a little swig of whatever was in it. “What's that?” Yugi asked.
“It's what I use to keep my instincts pleased in-between feedings.” Yami said, recapping the flask. “After I feed for a little while, then I save the rest of the blood in this flask along with some honey and white wine. Vampire alcohol, I suppose would be a decent term for it.”
He saw Yugi was uncomfortable with that subject and Yami decided to leave the room. Being friends with a human won't be easy, he thought. It tears me to pieces when I see his beautiful face display a look of discomfort. It's the same face he made when I told him about how I feed on the blood of stray animals.
He heard footsteps behind him and Yami turned. He was a bit surprised to find Yugi so close to him. Suddenly, the boy burst into tears right in front of him. Yami was worried that he'd done something and felt his crotch harden a bit as Yugi buried his face into the vampire's chest.
“Y-Yugi…what's wrong? Don't cry, Aibou.”
“I just don't want you to leave. You're the first friend I ever had in my life.” Yugi sobbed loudly into Yami's shirt. The vampire wrapped his strong arms around the boy and hugged him tightly. “I don't want to loose you.”
“You won't loose me, Yugi.” Yami whispered, running his hands in circular motions on the boy's shoulder blades to calm him down. “I'll try to be a good friend. But I'm a little out of practice at being a friend. Even when I was alive, I never had any friends.”
Yugi started to relax and pressed his cheek against Yami's chest. He felt a slight heartbeat, faint and yet still there. As Yami continued to massage his shoulder blades, Yugi moaned quietly and pressed himself fully against Yami.
Yami's self-control was wearing thin. He wanted to take this supposedly innocent boy. His darkness demanded to be sheathed inside the warmth of the light. He gently pulled Yugi off him before he could loose it completely. “Would you like some breakfast, Aibou?”
“Yes. But first…I think I dropped my mom's necklace at your place. Can we go get it?” Yugi asked.
Yami smiled and nodded. “All right.” Yugi disappeared inside his room and returned with a pair of sunglasses. “You said that your eyes were sensitive. You can have them if you want. I have another pair lost in my closet somewhere.”
Taking the sunglasses, Yami thanked him and strolled out of the house with Yugi like an ordinary person. Yami was different in broad daylight. He didn't look all around as if he feared something would jump out at him. For a second, Yugi thought he was a normal human. That must be how Yami wants it, he thought.
Suddenly, a familiar police cruiser drove down the street and Yugi cringed when he saw it. He whispered, “Yami, that's Officer Bartholomew's cruiser.” He grabbed Yami's hand and felt the vampire shudder. “Act natural…”
“Can't act very natural when you're holding my hand, Aibou.” Yami whispered as they continued walking.
Yugi hoped the cruiser would keep going, but it slowed and stopped. The window rolled down and Officer Bartholomew looked out. “Yugi, hi there.”
“Uh hi Officer Bartholomew.” Yugi said, tightening his grip on Yami's hand.
“Who's your friend? Is he the one you told me about?” Officer Bartholomew asked.
Yugi felt Yami's pull a little as if begging to keep walking. Yugi stayed and tried to lie. “Yeah. But we're not exactly friends anymore, sir.” Yami's legs felt like jelly when Yugi stood on his tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
Officer Bartholomew stared at them for a second and nodded slowly. “I see. He's your boyfriend. I'm happy for you both. What's your name, son?” the Officer looked at Yami and squinted a little.
Yami took off his sunglasses to reveal stunning blue eyes flecked with green specks. Yugi blinked at the sight. Yami can change his eyes color, Yugi thought. Then he realized that Yami's entire appearance had changed right before his eyes. Yami looked a lot more boyish in the face and even lost a few inches from his height.
“My name is Yuuki, Officer.” Yami said. Even his voice was different! It had a higher, more carefree tone to it instead of the deep, silky-smooth tone.
Officer Bartholomew smiled and nodded. “Well, you two carry on. Now don't go consummating your love until you're older, okay?” He laughed as he rolled his window back up and drover away.
Yugi turned bright red as the cruiser rolled down the street and disappeared around the corner. Once it was out of sight and hearing range, Yami seemed to revert back to his normal appearance. He quickly put the sunglasses back on and said, “That was close.”
“I didn't know you could change your appearance.” Yugi said.
“I can when I need to. That's how I manage to keep a low profile. I'm sure Officer Bartholomew is more worried about you now, because he knows that you know me and have seen my face. He thinks that I'll be after you to finish what I started.”
“He thinks you'll come after me and drink my blood.” Yugi said, finishing the vampire's train of thought.
Yami felt Yugi's palm getting sweaty after mentioning that. He squeezed the boy's hand. “Yugi, I swear I would never do that to you, Yugi. I drink animal blood, you know that. Hell, you even saw me and heard me drink animal blood.”
“Yeah…let's just forget it.” Yugi muttered.
“Aibou,” Yami asked him after a few minutes, “why did you kiss me?”
He smirked a little at the red in Yugi's cheeks. The boy gulped and answered softly, “Well, I…how else did you want me to explain the fact that we're holding hands?”
Yami immediately released his hand. “Good point, I suppose.” But he couldn't shake the incredible second of pleasure he'd felt when Yugi's lips touched his cheek. They were so soft and beautiful and felt so sweet against his pale skin. But, he thought, I can't love him. I shouldn't…it's not right for a vampire to have these feelings for someone. Especially a human…
—Heh…end of Chapter 4. A bit of Yami/Yugi fluff…I have to have my Yami/Yugi sex or else it won't be an official Y/Y fanfic - lol - so there's more obstacles in Yami's and Yugi's relationship. Of course the Hunters are still after Yami now more than ever since they know he dwells within the city somewhere. Wonder if they'll find him yet…