Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
—I decided to go ahead and type the last Chapter of Blood Love while I still have a life of my own. I do have another fanfic idea in my mind, but right now that's all it is; an idea in my head. But the basic theme of my unborn fanfic is—picture it—Yuugi as a young male model for sexy pajamas. Guess who the photographer's going to be? It's just an idea so far, but it's my idea. Don't steal it. That's rude.
Mrs. Mutou thanked the officers for saving her son and his boyfriend. She and Grandpa neglected to mention Yami being a vampire and claimed that Officer Jerald Bartholomew was crazy. When Jerald said that they were wrong, he then demanded that the boys confront everyone.
Yami quickly instructed Yugi on how to hide his fangs. Yugi did and they both went in to the police commissioner's office. Jerald was handcuffed to a chair and had been stripped of all his weapons. Yami and Yugi sat down with Mrs. Mutou and Grandpa.
“Good afternoon sir.” Yami said in his “Yuuki” voice.
“Hello there. What is your name, son?”
“His name is Yami and he's a blood-sucking vampire!” Jerald shouted.
“Bartholomew, shut the hell up.” the Commissioner snapped. He turned back to Yami who was holding Yugi's hand.
“My name is Yami, sir.”
“Did you take an apartment under the name Yuuki Atemu?”
“Yessir. Yuuki Atemu is my father's name.”
“Was your father planning on staying with you?”
Yami nodded. “At first, yes. But then he abandoned me and so I stayed in the apartment alone.”
“And you got a job at the local deli in your father's name too.” the Commissioner said, looking over some papers.
“My father and I look alike sir. I think the owner has me confused with my father.”
“Did your father work at that deli?”
“Yes, but then he quit because he hated it.”
The Commissioner nodded. “I see. Open your mouths, boys.”
“They have fangs! They're vampires!”
“Bartholomew, shut up or I'll have you removed from the room.” the Commissioner shouted.
Yami opened his mouth wide and so did Yugi. They had normal teeth like anybody else. The Commissioner nodded. “You both look normal enough. We've taken some blood, tissue, and stool samples and so far…you're both normal, healthy boys. Other than the fact that Yugi has a large scar on his back. We traced the wood particles to the wooden stake you carry, Bartholomew.”
Mrs. Mutou started to cry, but only Yugi, Yami, and Grandpa knew she was faking. “This is my fault! If only I would have seen how much of bastard Jerald was, my boy wouldn't have gotten hurt.”
Yugi turned and said, “It's okay, Mom. Really…”
The Commissioner motioned to the two officers standing at the other side of the room. “Show Bartholomew here to the best cell we have.”
“No! No! Dammit, they're vampires! Yami's over three hundred years old! He's a vampire!” Jerald screamed as he was hauled out of the room.
“I'm terribly sorry for this. But we've rounded up all these supposed Hunters and we're going to make sure this doesn't happen again.” the Commissioner said.
“Thank you, sir. Keep up the good work.” Yami said. He and Yugi stood and they shook hands with the Commissioner before leaving the police station.
“Yami, dinner's ready!” Yugi called from the little kitchen. He scooped some spaghetti into Yami's plate and then into his own. Yami was standing on the porch of their home that overlooked a beautiful ocean. He breathed in the salty air and watched the sun setting through his sunglasses.
Yugi poked his head outside and said, “Yami, are you going to come and eat or are you going to stand there all night?”
Yami laughed and went inside, taking off his sunglasses as he did. He sat down and they said Grace before eating. It had been three weeks since the boys had seen Jerald carted away. The former policeman was now in jail for leading a revolt and having many innocent people killed. He was connected to several murders that had happened in the past five years. The Hunters were officially gone and Yami could finally feel peaceful.
“Oh Yami, this month is our feeding right?” Yugi asked.
Yami nodded. “Yes why?”
“Grandpa shot us another buck earlier today. We can go over to get it if we want.” Yugi said.
Yami smiled. “All right, Aibou.”
The Commissioner had felt so bad for what had happened and was so taken by Mrs. Mutou that he gave the whole Mutou family several thousand dollars. Mrs. Mutou and Grandpa used the money to buy two beautiful houses near the beach and they moved there immediately. Yami and Yugi shared one house while Mrs. Mutou and Grandpa lived in the second one.
Once the boys had eaten their dinner, they went to Grandpa and took the deer home. “Good thing the deer population is so big around here. The rangers were glad to let Grandpa hunt in the forest once a month.” Yugi said to Yami as they looked for the bald spot Grandpa shaved for them.
The two vampires sucked the deer's blood, which was excitingly still fresh, and filled their flasks with the rest. They drained the rest of the blood and put it in big baby bottles. Yugi had to laugh at this. Two teens drinking from baby bottles was kind of funny to see.
“Vampires need to suck the blood.” Yami said when he saw Yugi on the verge of giggling again. He wanted to arouse Yugi again and so he played with the rubber top of the bottle.
Yugi straightened and felt his erection harden. Yami chuckled and put the bottle away before scooping the little vampire up in his arms and carrying him into the bedroom and laying him down. Yugi grabbed the front of Yami's pants and massaged painfully slow. Yami growled and nudged himself into Yugi's touch.
He leaned down and entangled Yugi's mouth in a fiery kiss. Yugi unzipped Yami's pants and found he wasn't wearing underwear. The little vampire pulled his lover's penis from its leathery confines. He started to stroke it and pinch the head. Yami groaned into their kiss and pulled away to remove Yugi's shirt and then his own. Yugi helped him with his pants and Yami ripped Yugi's pants off the vampire's little body.
Before Yugi could do anything, Yami dipped his head and deep-throated his Aibou. Yugi gasped and entwined his fingers in his love's hair. Yami sucked hard on Yugi's member and massaged the underside with his tongue. Yugi nearly wept with pleasure as he bucked his hips, driving himself deeper into Yami's mouth. The taller vampire continued to suck until Yugi screamed his name and shot his seed into Yami's eager mouth. He lapped it all before sitting up to savor the taste of his Aibou.
Yugi smirked. “Do I taste good?”
Yami smiled wickedly. “Not good. You taste delicious, Aibou.”
Yugi licked his lips and wrapped his legs around Yami's waist, butting his opening against Yami's groin. The vampire growled seductively at his “innocent” lover and sheathed himself inside Yugi. The boy hissed, but the pain vanished quickly as he rolled his hips for more. Yami wasted no time pounding his love like crazy. He leaned down and captured one of the little vampire's nipples in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. Yugi moaned in time with Yami's thrusts and gasped loudly as he felt his lover grab his member and started pumping it.
Yami sat up as he felt Yugi's inner muscles clench around his penis. He released inside his Aibou as Yugi came all over his hand. Yami pulled out of his love and lay beside the little one. They clung to each other, panting and sweating, as they climbed down from their climaxes. Yugi nuzzled Yami's shoulder and sighed happily.
“Is this how happy endings feel?” he asked.
Yami was silent for a minute and then smiled. He kissed Yugi's head and buried his face in the spiky hair. “I don't think all happy endings are this wonderful, Aibou, my koi.”
“I love you, Yami, koibito. Good night.” Yugi whispered and drifted into sleep.
Yami willed the covers over their bodies and the lights to turn off. “Good night, my Aibou, my angel. I love you now and forever…”
—Did you like that? I threw in a lemon at the end to satisfy everyone. Well, Blood Love is now finished and maybe someday I will type up and upload this fanfic I have in my head. How many of you want to read a fanfic about Yuugi modeling sexy pajamas? I know I do! -lol-