Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ Dead to the World ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
—I'm very sorry about the long intervals between updates, but…well, let's just say I'm in counseling. I'm not crazy (not mentally anyway.) But there are just some things that aren't going too well. It might be a while before I can update or even get on the computer again. But I promise that I shall update when possible because I do not want to upset my readers.
Chapter Nine - Dead to the World
*I wrote this Chapter while listening to a very good song by Nightwish. They are a Finnish band and the song's title is the same as the Chapter name.
All the same take me away
We're dead to the world
Yugi woke suddenly to screaming downstairs. He sat up and jumped as a gun fired. He looked around and saw Yami's note and his flask of vampire alcohol. Yugi picked up the note and read, “`Yugi, I've gone to look for some blood to make into vampire alcohol for you. You will need it in-between monthly feedings. If you need to, drink from my flask. I will return as soon as possible and we can leave this city. Love, Yami.'”
He started when he heard the elevator coming up. I can hear the elevator, he thought. Wow my senses are already getting better. Yugi shook his head. He had no time to think about that. The Hunters must have found where Yami lived. He grabbed the flask and uncapped it. The smell that drifted from the contents was the most delicious smell he ever encountered. He took a small sip and then a big gulp.
“I should save some for Yami. But it tastes so good!” Yugi said. He reluctantly recapped the flask and put it in his pocket. “Yami please hurry back. They're coming for me.”
The Child gave thought to the poet's words
Gave comfort to the Fallen (Heartfelt, lovelorn)
Remaining, yet still uninvited
Those words scented my soul (Lonely soul, Ocean soul)
Yami stumbled as a bullet from a Hunter's pistol lodged itself in his elbow. The cat was dazed and gave a frightened meow as Yami's blood trickled down the vampire's arms and into the animal's fur. Yami grunted at the slight pain he felt. Jerald and his partners climbed the building's fire escape and cornered the wounded vampire.
Jerald's partners held up their guns and Jerald got out a wooden stake. “It's over, vampire. Come and die like you were supposed to three hundred years ago.”
Yami put the cat down and stood still. “Before any of you kill me, I want to ask all three of you a question.”
Jerald and his partners exchanged glances. Jerald turned back to the vampire and said, “Very well. I'll allow you to ask your final question.”
“Have any of you ever fell in love with someone?” Yami asked.
The Hunters were taken aback by this. Jerald frowned. “This is a rhetorical question, don't answer it.”
“I have.” said one of the Hunters. “Her name's Louise.”
“My girl is called Melinda, but I call her Mel for short.”
Jerald shot them both an angry glance. “Shut up you idiots. I said not to answer.”
“I asked them an honest question and they answered honestly. Now I will ask the second part of my question. Gentlemen, when you first met your Louise and your Melinda, did you suddenly feel as though nothing else in the world mattered? Did you want to hold your lovers and never want anything in the world to tear you apart? Would you sacrifice anything for the ones you love?”
Jerald frowned hard at Yami, but the first Hunter said, “W-Well, I felt that way about Louise.”
“Donnie, shut your damn mouth.” Jerald snapped.
Donnie lowered his weapon a little. “How did you know about those kind of feelings, vampire?”
“Shut up, dammit.” Jerald hissed.
“I know these feelings because I have felt them for Yugi. Jerald was there when Yugi risked his life for mine. I nearly died when I healed him and saved his life.”
“Lies! It's all lies!”
“Tell me, Donnie, is it? Donnie, why did you become a Hunter?”
The Hunter Donnie blinked in surprise. “I…I don't really remember. Jerald said that joining would mean we were like policemen. We protected innocent people from vampires.”
“I see. Jerald, what do you do to humans who stand in your way?” Yami asked.
“I kill them.”
The other Hunters looked at him in shock. Donnie said, “B-Boss…I thought we weren't supposed to kill innocent people.”
“I killed them because they were vampire supporters and that means I show them no mercy.” Jerald snapped.
Yami frowned. “That's low.”
“Not as low as what you did to my family three hundred years ago.” Jerald snapped.
“You mean to tell me that we're after this vampire, because of something that happened to your family three hundred years ago?!” said Donnie. He threw down his gun. “That's bullshit, Jerald! I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here if he didn't do anything to my family.”
“That does sound stupid when you put it like that, Jerald.” said the other Hunter. “I mean I joined because you said we'd make the world a better place. I want the world to be a better place for Mel, but…y'know, she's been against this from the start.”
“Louise has too. Jerald, I quit. I don't want to be a Hunter anymore. When a vampire does something bad to my family, I'll rejoin, but until then…this is just fuckin' bullshit.”
In what seemed like a split second, Jerald whirled around and shot Donnie in the head with his pistol. The other Hunter stared in shock. Jerald faced him with the gun. “Drop it or I'll shoot!”
The other Hunter threw down his weapon and Jerald cocked his pistol. “You both betray me. You're vampire supporters and must die.”
“J-Jerald…now don't do this, man. You and I…heh…we've been friends since high school. Remember? We put superglue on our history teacher's chair.”
“Shut up. I don't like traitors.” Jerald aimed and fired, but in that instant, Yami grabbed the Hunter and jumped off the building and into the alley. He ran behind a corner and put the man down.
The man just looked at him. “Y-You saved me…but why?”
“That man is insane. You do not deserve the fate of your comrade.” Yami replied.
The man fell to his knees. “This was all a mistake…I don't know what to think anymore. Are you vampires good or evil?”
“Your heart will decide in time. But give some thought to these words. Vampires, like humans, are both good and evil. The Oath of the Vampire is to never drink human blood, but only animal blood. Vampires have long since made peace with humans, but humans do not believe so.” Yami said and ran through the alleys to the apartment building.
It's not the monsters under your bed
It is the Man next door
That makes you fear, makes you cry, makes you cry for the child
All the wars are fought among those lonely men
Unarmed, unscarred
Yugi opened the apartment door and saw people in the hall, panicking. Women were crying and a pregnant woman clutched her small son. Men were trying to comfort those who were scared and some ran down to help those on the floor below. Several people headed for the elevator to try and escape.
One man said to Yugi, “Come on, let's go. We've gotta get you outta here, kid.”
“No, please. My boyfriend will be back soon, I can't.” He heard the elevator coming back up and suddenly a parade of men in long trench coats came into the hall and started shooting people. Yugi ducked down as the entire floor was flooded with the sounds of gunfire. When everything was Yugi retched at the sight he saw. Bodies lay all over the floor and the carpet was soaked with blood. It was a massacre.
“There's the kid.” said one Hunter. Yugi hissed and bared his newly grown fangs. They fired at him, but he retreated into Yami's room and locked the door. Yugi ran into the bedroom and shook with tears. All those people were dead just because these maniacs wanted to kill him! This was insanity. Sirens were heard outside as the police started to come into the building. Yugi shivered in terror. A slam against the door made him nearly wet himself.
Another crash and the door caved in. Yugi quickly scrambled under the bed. “Please hurry Yami.” he whispered.
Heaven queen, cover me
In all the blue
Little boy, such precious joy
Is dead to the world
“Check in the bedroom and you check in the bathroom.” came the order. One Hunter went into the bedroom. The only thing to search was the bed. The Hunter pulled the bedsheets off and found nothing. He bent down and came face-to-face with Yugi. The Hunter grabbed his wrist and pulled the boy out.
“Found him!” he said, walking into the living room. He threw Yugi onto the living room floor and the Hunters noticed the bite mark on his neck.
“He's a vampire now. We have no notice but to kill him.” The Hunter shot Yugi in the shoulder.
Yugi screamed in agony and pain. Another Hunter took out a wooden stake and aimed directly for his heart. “Sorry kid, but all vampires must be destroyed.”
Heaven queen, carry me
Away from the pain
All the same take me away
We're dead to the world
The Hunter launched himself at Yugi with the wooden stake ready. But something slammed into him, knocking him backwards and onto the floor. Yugi held his wounded shoulder and burst into tears when he saw Yami kneeling beside him. The vampire took his love in his arms and ran onto the balcony and jumped onto the roof of a nearby building. Yami put Yugi down and took the bullet from his Aibou's shoulder.
“We're going to die aren't we?” Yugi asked.
“We're going to get the hell out of here.” Yami said. “Do you trust me Aibou?”
“Always.” the boy grinned showing Yami his fangs. The vampire smirked and kissed his lips.
Yami pulled back and said, “Aibou…I do believe you've been drinking.”
Yugi smiled, but the smile turned into a cringe of pain when Yami healed his wound. He held up his elbow and said, “Now use your healing abilities on me.”
Yugi reached out and touched the wound. He concentrated and Yami showed him how to rub the wound so that his powers could heal it faster. Yugi did as Yami instructed. The bullet in Yami's wound fell out and his elbow was normal again.
“It's time, vampires.” Jerald came up the fire escape of the building. He held a pistol in one hand and a wooden stake in the other.
Yami stood in front of Yugi, protectively. Jerald laughed. “Once I kill you, I won't hesitate to kill him. It's a pity you decided to be a vampire, Yugi. I would have made you a great Hunter.”
Yugi frowned and clutched Yami's shirt. “Don't Yami, please. I don't want you to do this.”
“I must, Yugi. I will not let him kill you. I love you, Aibou.”
Jerald aimed his pistol, but a voice made him stop. “Freeze Jerald Bartholomew!”
Jerald turned and saw several of his fellow police officers coming up the fire escape and aiming their guns at him. Two officers grabbed Yami and Yugi and pulled them to safety.
“Don't save them! They're vampires! I'm trying to protect this city, dammit!” Jerald aimed for Yami and Yugi, but three officers jumped him and took his stake and pistol.
Yugi saw Yami change his appearance and he said, “That man's crazy. If it's against the law to come up on a roof and make out, we're sorry, honest.”
Yugi touched the bite mark on his neck. It did sort of look like a hickey. The officer escorted them down the fire escape and into a police car. Yami and Yugi were driven to the police station so Yugi's family could be called.
—Heh…cool near-ending, uh? Well, don't worry. I'll post the last Chapter as soon as I can. Like I said, I'm having some problems that I'd rather not say to the public. I will update when it's possible, I promise. I just want to thank everyone who reads my fanfics and especially the ones who write reviews. Thank you for the honesty you show in your reviews, I appreciate it.