Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ Bite Me ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
—The big finale approaches! The Hunters are getting closer to Yami and Yugi is caught between being human…and being a vampire. This is, as they say, the beginning of the end! Mwhahaha…oh wait, I almost forgot. “Officer Bartholomew” is way too long for a lazy person like me to type, so I'm just gonna refer to him as “Jerald” since that's his first name…
Chapter 8 - Bite Me
Mrs. Mutou buried her face in her hands, crying hysterically. Grandpa put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Their home was being searched by the Hunters as Jerald stood near the old man and his daughter. Jerald was puzzled at why Yugi would willingly risk his life to save Yami. It didn't make any sense. Damn that vampire must have a spell on him, Jerald thought. Yugi would have made a great Hunter too.
Grandpa looked up at Jerald and frowned. “This is your fault, Mr. Bartholomew! We were having a pleasant evening until you showed up.”
“You don't get it, old man. Yami is a vampire and he will suck the blood from your grandson, changing him into a vampire. I have dedicated my life to hunting down and killing every last vampire. Yami is the last if he hasn't bitten Yugi already.”
“And if he has bitten my son?” Mrs. Mutou asked bitterly.
Jerald sighed. “Then I will have to kill him as well.”
Mrs. Mutou jumped to her feet and shouted, “I don't care if my son does become a vampire. Yuuki or Yami or whoever the fuck he is was the kindest person in the world. He loves my son.”
“He loves his blood, woman. Vampires aren't like us. They don't have feelings or regards to humans. We are their blood banks and nothing more.” Jerald said.
Mrs. Mutou shook her head slowly. “I refuse to believe that. Yami loves my son, I know it. I could see it in his eyes. I'm not stupid, Jerald.”
“That's Mr. Bartholomew to you. I've been hunting vampires all my life, Crystal. Don't you think I would know just a damn more about them than you do?”
“This isn't about vampires, anymore, Jerald! This is about my son and what I believe is best for him. And I want him to be with Yami, because whether he's a vampire or not, Yami makes my son happy. When Yami and Yugi were together, I saw a side of my son that I have never seen before.” Mrs. Mutou said. “Don't take away the one person that my son loves so deeply.”
“I have to, Crystal! Yami killed my ancestor, three hundred years ago.”
“Dammit, Jerald, if it was three hundred years ago, why can't you let it go?! Just let it go, Jerald!” Mrs. Mutou screamed. Jerald backhanded her across the face, making Mrs. Mutou fall against the couch. Grandpa gasped and knelt at his fallen daughter's side. She was dazed and stunned, but alive.
Three Hunters came out of the bedrooms and one held up a black cape. “It belongs to the vampire, sir.”
Jerald took the cape and examined it. There was leftover cat hair on the hem. “Hmmm…cat hair?”
“There have been reports of people finding cats with neck wounds in trash cans in the Eastern Slums, sir.” said one Hunter.
“Perhaps the vampire's been feeding off animals.” the second Hunter suggested. The third nodded in agreement.
“He doesn't want anyone to suspect him so he trashes the cats in different places. All right then. I want every available Hunter searching through the Eastern Slums. We're going to find that vampire and we're gonna kill him today.” Jerald ordered. The three Hunters left and Jerald turned to the father and daughter.
“Crystal, stay here. I will save your son, but I cannot promise that he will be safe from my wrath if he has become a vampire.” Jerald said and turned to leave.
Once they heard the front door shut, Mrs. Mutou turned to her father and said, “We have to warn them.”
Grandpa nodded. “But how?”
“The phone…Yugi called us from a cell phone, I remember the strange number. We have to call to see…”
Yugi didn't want to leave Yami. Now that his family knew Yami's real identity, they would probably never trust him again. After they got dressed from their sexual experience, Yami suggested that Yugi stay with him.
Yugi beamed with hope. “You mean forever?!”
“Humans don't live forever, Yugi.” Yami said.
“But you…” Yugi's voice trailed away when Yami looked at him. The vampire caught on to what Yugi was attempting to ask.
“You want me to bite you and turn you into a vampire?”
Yugi twiddled his thumbs. “Yes.”
This was certainly quite a shock to Yami. Humans don't ask to be bitten by a vampire. “Yugi, are you sure?”
“Is it that bad being a vampire? Well, besides the fact that you have to feed once a month?” Yugi asked.
Yami sighed. “It's lonely.”
“It won't be!” Yugi exclaimed, clinging to his lover. “I'll be with you. If you don't turn me into a vampire, then after I die, you'll be lonely again.”
The vampire embraced his Aibou tightly. “I never want to be alone. I never have since I met you.” He kissed Yugi's neck and whispered, “Are you sure, Yugi?”
“Yes. I'm nervous, but I know you'll be as gentle as possible.” Yugi answered.
Yami's lips moved around the boy's neck, trying to find the perfect spot he needed to bite. Yugi was becoming aroused at just the feel of those lips against his skin again. “Yami…” he breathed.
The vampire chuckled. “Settle down, Aibou. I've yet to do anything.”
“Aren't you going to hypnotize me or something?”
“That's just for feeding, Yugi. You have to be awake for this part…otherwise you won't become a vampire.” Yami said and opened his mouth. But before he could bite the boy, Yami's cell phone started ringing.
The vampire straightened and exchanged a puzzled glance with Yugi. Yami checked the number and Yugi looked too. The boy's eyes widened. “It's my house.” He took the phone and said, “Hello?”
“My baby! Oh my God, you're alive!” came his mother's voice.
Hysterical sobbing and happy exclamations followed as Yugi asked, “H-How did you find out what Yami's cell phone number was?”
“Yugi…oh God…I'm so happy that you're alive.” Mrs. Mutou sobbed.
“Calm down, Mom. I'm fine. Yami saved my life.”
“Yami…oh honey. Tell him that I thank him from the bottom of my heart.” Mrs. Mutou replied.
“You…you don't mind that Yami's a vampire?” Yugi looked his lover in the eyes.
“No dear. Well, it is a bit odd, but that will pass. Yugi, where are you?”
“I'm at Yami's. Is that Hunter still there?”
“No. That's why I called in the first place, Yugi. Yami is in danger. The Hunters are gathering all their buddies together and they're going to search the Eastern Slums. Is that where you are, sweetie?”
Yugi paled. “Y-Yes…” Yami's eyes widened. Because of his good hearing, he could understand every word of their conversation.
“You and Yami have to get out of there. It's too dangerous to come back. Jerald said that if you've been bitten he will kill you too.”
“I figured that. Mom, I love you and Grandpa and…I'm sorry…but I have to leave with Yami. I don't know where we'll go, but—”
“I understand, son. Please be careful. I love you too. Hand the phone to Yami, please. I need to tell him something.” Yugi did what she asked.
“Yes ma'am?” Yami said into the phone.
“I just want to thank you for saving my boy's life. He's the only son I have and I want him to be happy. I support whatever he does and I'm guessing he wants to be a vampire.”
Yami held Yugi's hand. “Yes. He made that decision on his own. I promise to take good care of him.”
“I know you will. I don't think you're a bad person, Yami. Neither does my father. I hope we hear from you two again someday.” Mrs. Mutou was about to cry, Yami could tell.
“We will be careful. Good-bye ma'am.” He handed the phone back to Yugi who gave his family a tearful farewell before turning off the phone. He buried his face in Yami's chest and began to cry.
The vampire held him and rubbed his back until the boy was calm again. Yugi wiped the tears away and said, “Hurry and bite me so we can get out of here.”
Yami smiled and kissed Yugi on the lips. His lips moved down automatically and found the spot he was wanting. The boy gasped and tightened his grip on Yami's shirt as he felt Yami's fangs in his neck. Yami was intoxicated immediately. He licked at the wound he made, drooling and savoring every drop of blood that came out. What brought him back was the sound of Yugi's painful sobs. Yami healed the wound and collapsed in a tired heap on the bed.
Yugi's neck still hurt and he felt extremely dizzy. He closed his eyes and curled up next to Yami. The vampire ran his fingers through his Aibou's hair. He would have to teach Yugi about how to be a vampire just like his father had done for him. But Yugi is a different vampire than I am, he thought. I was born a vampire and Yugi was created.
Yami nuzzled his lover's forehead and felt his body swell with happiness. “Now we can be together forever, Aibou.” When he didn't get an answer, Yami checked to make sure Yugi was still alive. Yugi was alive, but too dazed and sick to move.
“I shouldn't have drunk more blood.” Yami said to himself. “He lost enough already thanks to that wound in his back.” Yami rolled Yugi onto his stomach and lifted the shirt that he loaned Yugi. There was a faint scar on Yugi's back that looked like a star exploding. Other than that, the boy-turned-vampire was fine.
Yami knew the Hunters would find them quickly if they didn't leave now. He decided that it couldn't hurt to find another stray cat and get its blood for Yugi. “I need to make him some vampire alcohol so he'll get his nutrition in-between feedings.” Yami left his love a note and his own flask on the bed and walked out of his apartment like normal.
He was more cautious and alert now. After the warning Mrs. Mutou gave him, Yami had to be on his guard. Not only did he have the entire clan of Hunters looking for him, but he had never before hunted during the daytime. He felt exposed and frightened, but he composed himself. He was hunting for Yugi's sake. Yami snooped around the deli where he worked. The owner was inside hobbling around as usual. He looked pissed off.
He's probably wondering where I am, Yami thought, pushing his sunglasses farther up on his nose. He changed his appearance so the owner won't recognize him and began fishing through the alleys, looking for a cat or stray animal of any kind for Yugi. I'll have to take it back to my apartment. The hell with being careful anymore, he thought. Yugi and I are leaving the city. It doesn't matter where we go, so long as he is at my side and I am at his.
“You there!” Yami froze and stood, turning around to face the person talking to him. It was Jerald and a couple more Hunters. Yami took his sunglasses off and was glad that his appearance fooled them. He made a mental note to teach Yugi that as soon as possible.
“What the hell are you doing?” asked a Hunter.
“I was looking for my lost cat.” Yami replied in his “Yuuki” voice.
Jerald cocked an eyebrow at him. “Wait…I've seen you before. You're the young man Yugi was with!”
Busted! A cat hopped out from behind a moldy box and Yami grabbed it by the scruff of the neck. The cat hissed and meowed angrily. He changed into himself and immediately jumped onto the roof. The Hunters started scrambling to catch up. Yami jumped from rooftop to rooftop with the cat in hand, heading towards the apartment building.
Jerald realized where Yami was heading and pulled out a walkie talkie. “Section Alpha, he's heading for the big apartment building on Vassal Avenue. Go through the building and find the boy, Yugi. Kill him if he shows signs of being bitten.”
A crackling voice answered back. “We are in the process of doing so, sir. We're heading up to the third floor right now.”
“Hurry up, dammit.” Jerald said and ran after his partners.
—Evil cliffhanger…yes. Have fun wondering what will happen next. Yugi's been bitten and will turn into a vampire. The Hunters are in the apartment building and getting closer to where Yugi is. Let's hope Yami can get there first.