Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ Born a Vampire ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
—Yugi's gonna die! Yugi's gonna die! Well…who knows? Yami won't be able to continue in this world without him, that's for sure. And I'm sure Yugi's mother is taking the fact that her son is dating a vampire very well. Every mother would like her child to date a vampire. (Sarcasm!) Anyways, let's just see if Yugi lives or not first…oh and did I mention there's a lemon?
Chapter 7 - Born a Vampire
The pain in Yugi's back was overpowering. He gripped Yami's shirt tightly and shivered as Yami jumped up to the balcony of his room. The glass door opened by itself and shut when Yami was inside. The dark colored curtain slipped across the door and the lights turned on. (More awesome vampire powers.)
Yami cradled Yugi in his arms and took the stake as gently as possible from his Aibou's back. Yugi bit Yami's shirt and strangled scream escaped the boy. “Aibou, I will save you. Even if it means using all my strength. I will not let you die!”
Yami turned Yugi's eyes up to his. “It's all right. Settle down.” Yami sounded just like he did when Yugi gave him the stray cat two months ago. Yugi suddenly forgot all about the pain and the fact that he was bleeding at an alarming rate. He looked dumbfounded and his eyes were blank.
The vampire took Yugi into his bedroom and laid the boy face-down on the dark crimson sheets. Yami sat on Yugi's ass and focused on the boy's death wound rather than the fact he finally had Yugi lying on his bed. Yami removed the boy's vest and ripped his shirt away from the wound.
“Aibou…” Yami wiped the drool from his chin. The blood looked so beautiful and delicious. He had to taste it. “No…I shouldn't…this is just like three hundred years ago. I can't make the same mistake…” But Yugi was dying and he had the power to save him.
“I will not loose you, Yugi.” Yami bent over his love and started lapping at the blood like a dog laps at water. It took at least five minutes to finally get Yugi clean. Yami put a hand over the wound and concentrated every ounce of his healing abilities to repair his Aibou's back. The stake had cracked Yugi's spine and damaged several nerves as well as skin tissue. Yami had to concentrate on every little detail of the human anatomy to make sure nothing was left unfixed.
Thirty minutes passed before Yami collapsed beside his Aibou. He was trembling and so very tired. His mind was in a whirl at everything that had just happened. The reaction of everyone to the fact that he was a vampire, Yugi coming between him and the stake, the painful healing process to save Yugi's life, and the taste of his blood. The taste of this pure soul's blood was so overpowering. In his current condition, Yami felt like taking Yugi right now and sucking him dry. But he resisted the urges, knowing that if Yugi woke during such a thing, he would never forgive Yami.
Once his breathing returned to normal, Yami began to fall asleep next to Yugi.
Yugi's eyes fluttered open and he rolled over on his side. Yami was lying next to him and the boy's faced turned bright red. Did he sleep with Yami? That would be a great fantasy, Yugi thought shyly. Wait, I remember now. I blocked Officer Bartholomew before he could stab Yami with the stake. I was dying and Yami promised he'd save me.
“Yami?” Yugi said softly. He suddenly realized his shirt was ripped in the back. He took the tattered shirt off and shook Yami gently. “Yami, are you okay?” The vampire was breathing so he was probably in a deep sleep.
Yugi walked out of the room to search for a clock of some kind. There was a black one hanging on the wall above the TV. Yugi's eyes widened. “A quarter passed six?! I must've have been out for a long time, because it was eight at night when that Bartholomew guy interrupted our dinner.”
A groan and snorts came from the bedroom. Yugi walked in to see Yami waking up. Yugi pounced on the bed and tackled the vampire. Yami was very surprised and relieved when he saw Yugi was all right.
“Thank God…oh Aibou. I was so worried about you.” Yami held him tightly.
“Thank you, Yami. You saved my life.” Yugi said and nuzzled the vampire's chest. “I thought I was going to die. Would that have made me…like you?”
“I'm not dead.”
Yugi blinked in surprise. “But…you mean vampires…” He didn't know how to phrase the question without insulting Yami.
“Not all vampires are of the undead. Myths say that vampires rise form the dead and shit like that, but it's not all true. Some vampires are created when a mortal human is bitten by a vampire. It usually takes within months or years for that person to change into a vampire.” Yami paused, still a little tired from the healing. “And some vampires are just born that way.”
“Which are you, Yami? I know so little about you. You told my mom and grandpa that you ran away from your drunken father and that your mother died when you were a baby. Is any of it true at all?”
“The drunken father part was nonsense. My father was a vampire.”
“So you were born a vampire.”
“Yes. My mother was human, like your mother. And, yes, she did die when I was a baby. My father knew very little about how to care for a child. After a year passed, my father took me to my grandmother or my mother's mother. She wanted nothing to do with my father, but I was another story. She loved me the minute she saw me. My father said he would be back when I turned thirteen.”
“Why at thirteen?” Yugi asked.
“Vampire children don't start to change until they reach puberty, which is around age thirteen. It was peaceful with my grandmother and she enjoyed my company, because she had been a widow for ten years and had been living alone since her husband died. When I was little, I never knew I was a vampire and never understood why my grandmother continued to move us. After every one of my birthdays, we always packed up and moved to a different village or town.”
“Patience, Aibou, I'm getting to it.” Yami sighed and held Yugi close. “After my eleventh birthday, I protested to my grandmother that I did not want to move around anymore. She finally gave in and we stayed where we were. But my mind was unsettled and I pestered her with questions about who my parents were and why they left me. All she said was that my mother died at childbirth and my father didn't want me.”
“Did he?”
Yami was silent for a while as if contemplating what to say. “He…never told me that he loved me. A week before my thirteenth birthday, I was watching some younger children playing and one boy fell and skinned his elbow. The sight of his blood made me lick my lips. I didn't realize I was walking toward him until I was inches away from his face. He suddenly went into a daze and I found myself picking at his cut to make it bleed more. The other children beat me until I ran back home.”
The vampire felt Yugi shudder and cuddled him closer for comfort. “A couple days before my birthday, a man stole my grandmother's purse. I ran after him with incredible speed and tackled him with so much strength that he died from the impact. I took the money back to my grandmother and shortly afterward, we were run out of town. We spent my thirteenth birthday in a cave with no civilization close to us. My grandmother was sick and dying and she finally told me what I really was.”
——— Flashback to 1677 (respectfully) ———
The old woman was breathing heavily and her silver hair was a mess underneath her cap. The little boy with red, black and gold hair knelt by her side and snuggled as close to her as possible in hopes of keeping her warm. “It'll be okay, Grandmother.” the boy said. “I'll keep you safe until morning.”
Grandmother stroked the boy's spiky hair. “Yami, my dearest grandson, I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you.”
“Yes Grandmother.”
“Do you remember what I told you about your parents?”
“Yes Grandmother. You told me that my mother died giving birth to me and that Father abandoned me.”
Grandmother nodded slowly. “It is all true, my boy. But I never told you that your father planned to come back for you when you turned thirteen.”
The young Yami blinked in surprise. “Is…Is he the reason we've been wandering around the country all these years?”
“Yes.” Grandmother said hoarsely. She coughed twice before continuing, “Your father is not what he seems.”
“What do you mean, Grandmother?” Yami asked.
“Yami…it means `dark' and your father…was the one to give that name to you. There's a terrible reason for these sinful changes you've been going through.” Grandmother was about to explain more when a tall shadow fell over them. The old woman gave a frightened gasp and Yami stood between the stranger and Grandmother to protect her.
“You've grown. I'm impressed, Yami.” said the stranger in a deep voice.
“Who are you? If you've come to hurt my grandmother, then I'll kill you!” Yami said, angrily.
The stranger merely laughed. He had golden bangs much like Yami's and flaming red hair. His eyes were Yami's eyes and there were sharp fangs inside his mouth. Yami gaped in shock. He was picking a fight with a vampire.
“No need to fear you own father, Yami.” said the vampire.
Yami whirled around to his Grandmother. “I'm…a vampire?”
Grandmother nodded. Her life was fading away. “Yami, please…I-I just wanted to spare you from him. You have the innocence of your mother…I did not want you to become a creature of the night.”
“Come Yami. Your body is going through its transformation.” Yami's father glared at the dying old woman. “I told you I would be coming for him on his thirteenth birthday. At age thirteen is when a vampire is an adult. He is able to make his own decisions.”
Yami held Grandmother's hand. “Thank you for raising me, Grandmother.”
The old woman gave him a broad smile before she died. Yami hugged her, wanting to cry but knowing he had to be a man. His father let him hold the old woman and finally said, “Come with me, my son.”
Yami should and frowned at his father. “I don't want to go with you. I can learn to be human and live among mortals! I don't need you!”
His father stared at him with fiery anger. “Do you, eh? You think mortals will accept you? Yami, people fear us. Our cravings for blood make us dangerous to them. You wouldn't last an hour without me. You'll start craving blood and then go on a killing spree! Is that what you want?!”
Yami turned away from him. “I hate you. You just left me…I didn't know who you were or who Mother was. I hate you.”
Strong hands gripped the little boy's shoulders. He wanted to get away, but the vampire said, “Son, I took you to your Grandmother because I didn't know what else to do. Your mother was so beautiful and meant the world to me. And when she had you, I felt joy that could not be measured. But your birth turned into a nightmare when your dear mother died. I was not schooled in the ways of raising a child. So I took you to your Grandmother and she took care of you until your transformation began.”
“What will happen to me?”
“You'll grow fangs and your speed, hearing, and strength will increase greatly. And then there are the cravings for blood. You will get those on some occasions, but you must remember one thing, my son.”
“What's that, Father?”
“If you truly want people to accept you, then you must not drink human blood. Only drink animal blood…”
Yami held his stomach. “I'm thirsty, Father.”
“I saw a dairy farm on my way here. Let's pick out a nice cow for you to bite.”
——— Flashback ends ———
“My father left me too.” Yugi said, still close to Yami. “He was a busy man and never had that much time for me and Mom. When he did come home, my parents were always bickering. It got so bad that Grandpa stepped in and took Mom and me away from him. Dad often came to Grandpa's home to try to convince Mom to come back. She refused and they divorced. Dad didn't even say he loved me or even good-bye when he up and left for New York.”
“I'm sorry, Yugi.” Yami said, running a hand up and down his Aibou's back.
Yugi nuzzled Yami's chest. “It doesn't matter anymore. I love you and that's all that matters.”
Yami flipped them so he was on top and Yugi was lying on the bed with his back against the bedsheets. “God, Yugi…I need you.”
Yugi bucked his hips, making their groins touch. Yami shivered as Yugi purred, “Exactly how badly to do you need me?”
The memory of how sweet Yugi's blood tasted slowly returned to Yami's mind. I must take him, he thought. He wants me to take him. “Yugi…” Yami groaned.
“I love you, Yami. I want you…”
Yami smiled, showing his fangs. “And I want your light. Without your light, I will always be the darkness.” He engulfed the boy into a passionate kiss, letting his tongue explore Yugi's mouth and his hand caress Yugi's body.
Yugi moaned and bucked his hips again. Yami pulled away from the kiss and stripped himself bare and literally tore Yugi's pants and underwear off. The vampire nearly drooled at the beautiful, nakedness that was his Aibou. Yugi just gave him a seductive look and said nothing.
The vampire kissed and nipped at the boy's chest, making sure not to actually bite him. He suckled at one of Yugi's nipples and blew on it to harden it. She then nipped at it and Yugi made all sorts of arousing sounds as Yami did this and then moved to do the same to the other nipple.
Once he'd finished, Yami kissed and licked his way down to Yugi's hardened member. He had touched it before, but now he actually had permission. He immediately deep-throated the boy, making Yugi cry out in complete surprise and bliss. He wanted to move his hips as Yami sucked on his tender area, but the vampire kept a firm grip on his hips so all Yugi could do was pant and grip the bedsheets tightly.
“Oh…Yami…oh I love it…don't stop…” Yugi moaned. He closed his eyes and moaned louder as Yami's sucking became more vigorous. The vampire wanted Yugi to cum so badly and knew his Aibou was close. He massaged Yugi's member with his tongue and continued to suck.
Yugi screamed his release and Yami accepted every drop. Yugi panted heavily as he came out of his climax. The vampire straddled Yugi's hips and grinded their groins together. Yugi arched his back and moaned. He eyed his love and grinned at the lust in those crimson eyes. Yami continued to grind their hips together and drew Yugi in another passionate kiss.
“I want you inside my light, Yami.” Yugi whispered once they broke from the kiss.
The vampire immediately flipped the boy over and positioned him so that Yugi was on his hands and knees. Yami kissed the boy's butt cheeks and massaged them slowly. Yugi gripped the sheets again and made a noise that Yami had no idea what it was. His tongue out Yugi's opening and licked at it until it found its way inside.
Yugi gave a loud squeak and hiccupped before he had to bury his face in a pillow to scream his approval. Yami only chuckled and replaced his tongue with two fingers. He stretched and caressed his love until Yugi was thrashing with impatience. Yami nestled the boy back into his lap and sheathed inside his Aibou. Yugi whimpered painfully and clawed at Yami's arms that were loosely wrapped around his waist.
“Easy…Aibou…” Yami grunted. He gripped the boy's hips and moved in a rhythm that didn't have Yugi squealing in pain. Yugi was floating in a cloud of sheer lust and bliss. He rocked to Yami's rhythm and gasped when the vampire's hand grasped his swollen member and pump it in time to his thrusts. Yugi moaned as Yami sped up his thrusting. He gave a loud squealing sob as Yami maneuvered to stab Yugi's prostate repeatedly. Finally Yami felt Yugi clench around his penis and both lovers released together.
Yami pulled out of his love and situated their heads to the pillows. “We're messy…” Yugi said quietly, feeling very tired now.
The vampire chuckled softly. “It's all right.” He held Yugi close to him. “I feel renewed. Yugi, you have given me back the feelings of joy and serenity and hope…and especially love. These emotions…I never believed I would ever feel them again.”
“I'm glad you could, koibito.” Yugi whispered.
Yami kissed his lover's forehead before sleep washed over them.
—I know it was a long chapter, but I had to put the lemon in there. I was considering a cliffhanger, but then I said: “No. They'll hate me for stopping in the middle of a Yami/Yugi sex scene.” So I put the whole lemon in there. Now we can only wonder what Mrs. Mutou will say when she sees her son again. Oh wait…heh…you just have to keep a lookout for the next chapter…