Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Love ❯ Dinner With Yami ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
—Guess the relationship has hid a speed bump. Yugi's mom is still dating Officer Bartholomew. Poor Yugi is back to being the victim of bullying and Yami returns to his lonely “life.” Hopefully they'll make up soon. But I wonder what the future holds for Mrs. Mutou's relationship with the leader of the Hunters? O.O
Chapter 6 - Dinner with Yami
“Oh God, Yugi!” This time the voice that spoke to him was Yami's. Yugi almost felt like laughing when he saw the vampire dressed in a deli worker's uniform of striped red and white pants with an off-white shirt and a white apron stained with mustard, mayo and other things. “Yugi, what happened? What are you doing here?”
Yugi tried to answer, but couldn't. His leg hurt and his eye was killing him. Yami picked him up and carried him into the deli. The smell of freshly cut ham, deli cheese, salami and sandwiches met his nose. Yami took him into a back room where he sat the boy on a fat chair that was falling apart. The rips were repaired with duct tape and a patchwork quilt was thrown over it to make the chair look decent. Its appearance hid how soft and comfortable the chair really was. Yugi fell asleep the minute he was in it.
Yami smiled at the sleeping boy. “You came back into my arms, Aibou.” He graced a finger over Yugi's cheek. He gently relieved Yugi of his backpack and school jacket.
“What the fucking hell is goin' on?” asked the grouchy, hairy owner of the deli.
“This is my boyfriend.” Yami said. “He was beat up by some thugs and I'm hiding him here.”
“I always knew you were a fuckin' homo, Yuuki. You make sure my pappy doesn't find out or he'll kill you. He's homophobic.” the deli owner said, shaking a dirty finger at Yami. (Author: Homophobic - “hating homosexuals”)
“Yessir.” Yami said.
“Good. Now get back to work. Those sandwiches don't make themselves.” The deli owner grouched and hobbled away.
“I will, sir. I just need to tend to Yugi first.” Yami said.
“He's fine where he is.” the owner grumbled. Yami frowned a little, but the owner threw up his hands. “All right. Finish the sandwich you were making and then you can leave early.”
Yami smiled, being careful not to show his fangs. “Thank you, sir.”
“Yeah whatever. Just hurry up!” the deli owner snapped and hobbled away.
Yami leaned down over Yugi. “I don't know if you can hear me, Aibou, but I'm sorry for my behavior. I didn't want to drive you away.” He stood and went to hurry and finish his work for the day.
Yugi awoke a couple minutes after Yami left his side. His black eye was still swollen shut and now he was getting a headache. This room was small and so was the desk. Yugi stood slowly and limped over to the desk. There was an envelope with “Yuuki” on it. Yugi recognized Yami's human name and opened the envelope out of curiosity.
“A paycheck. Wow, Yami makes decent money.” Yugi said to himself.
“I do indeed…” Yami had come into the doorway holding a crate of some kind. “I need to put this away and then I'll take you home, if you want.”
“No bad idea!” Yugi said. He had to sit down, which he did in the fat, torn-up chair. “It's gotten way too dangerous for you at my house now. My mother is dating Officer Bartholomew! What if she marries him?! That'll make me—”
“Shush Yugi.” Yami snapped softly. “We'll talk about it after we get to my apartment.” He put the crate away and took off his apron before hurrying back to Yugi and picking the boy up. Yugi grabbed his jacket and backpack before Yami carried him out.
As they left the deli, the owner said, “We're closed tomorrow, Yuuki. I have to go to some funeral for some relative I don't give a damn about.”
“Yessir.” Yami said, pushing the door open with his hip and walked outside with Yugi. He was nearly blinded and said, “Yugi, reach into my pocket and get my sunglasses for me.”
Yugi placed his backpack and jacket in his lap before doing what Yami asked. He then slipped the sunglasses on the vampire's face. “Thank you.” he said and walked back to his apartment while carrying the little boy with him. Once there, Yami sat Yugi on the couch and took his sunglasses off.
“Now for your bruises…” Yami knelt in front of Yugi and asked, “Where's the cause of your limping, Aibou?”
Yugi pointed at his throbbing leg. Yami caressed it slowly. Yugi felt the pain intensify for a split second and then slowly fade away. He let out a sigh of relief and Yami chuckled.
“Now for your eye…”
“No wait.” Yugi said pulling away. “If I come home completely healed, then my mom will get suspicious and that will make Officer Bartholomew start poking his nose in my personal business.”
“True. But I bet your lip hurts. Can I at least heal it too?”
Yugi nodded. Yami touched the sore spot on the boy's lips and the bruise was gone instantly. Yami's hand fell away from the boy's face immediately. “Aibou, I'm sorry. I really am.”
“I know. I forgot you feed every month. And you went two months without feeding. It made sense that you went crazy like that.” Yugi blushed when he remembered how strangely arousing it felt to have Yami's hand around his crotch.
Yami smiled and gripped Yugi's shoulders. “I promise never to do that again, Aibou.”
Yugi nodded. “I trust you, Yami.” Then he leaned over and gave Yami a closed-mouth kiss. Yami's eyes widened when Yugi pulled back. He caressed Yugi's cheek and wished that he would be allowed to heal that eye. The vampire pressed his lips against that soft cheek.
Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's neck as the vampire moved to kiss his lips. He felt Yami's tongue pressed against his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Yugi gave it of his own free will. His tongue met Yami's tongue shyly, but suddenly began fighting the vampire's tongue for dominance.
Yami massaged Yugi's hips gently and slipped his hands under Yugi's rear to squeeze his butt cheeks. Yugi's hips bucked and he moaned into the kiss. Yami squeezed again and chuckled at his Aibou's hardness that was pressed into his stomach. Finally they broke from the kiss, panting and gasping for air.
“Yugi, I—”
“I love you, Yami.”
The vampire's eyes widened for a second, but then he felt his entire body melt and quickly engulfed Yugi in another passionate kiss. He trailed his lips from Yugi's mouth to his earlobe and dipped his tongue inside Yugi's ear. The boy shivered and giggled softly. Yami smirked at how responsive Yugi was on his own. But when he started kissing Yugi's neck sweetly, Yugi became ridged and worried.
Yami sat up and said, “Sorry Aibou. I wasn't trying to bite you.”
“I know. The memory of when you did try is still fresh.” Yugi whispered. He suddenly smiled at Yami. “Why don't you come to dinner tonight?”
“At your house? What about Officer Bartholomew?”
“Oh right…um, do you have a phone that I can call my mom?”
Yami nodded, taking a cell phone out of his pocket and Yugi had to laugh. “A vampire who carries a cell phone? Who are you expecting to call you?”
“Perhaps you…when I give you the number.” Yami said. He winked at the boy while handing him the phone.
Yugi blushed and dialed his number and waited. Two rings and then his mother answered. “Hi Mom.”
“Yugi! Oh honey, where are you?”
“At my boyfriend's house.” Yugi replied. Yami couldn't help, but harden at the word boyfriend. Yugi smirked and pinched Yami's thigh playfully. Yami pulled away and sat beside the boy.
“Boyfriend…well, this is a shock, son. You could have at least told your own mother that you were gay. Is it that young man who is always hanging around outside the house?”
“Yeah. His name is Yuuki.” Yugi jumped as Yami's hand ran up and down his leg. The vampire nuzzled his shoulder and his hand started massaging Yugi's leg as it moved up and down.
“Yuuki…sounds nice. Well, honey, as long as you're happy, then I'm happy.”
“Thanks…Mom…” Yugi shooed Yami away from his shoulder, but the vampire continued to massage his leg. “Mom, can Yuuki come over for dinner tonight?”
“Sure. I'd like to meet this boyfriend of yours. Now when did Jerald…oh yes, tomorrow night was when we moved our date. Okay...we'll eat at the usual time.”
Yugi held back the sigh of relief. “Great. Okay. Yuuki and I are going to the movies, but we'll be back in enough time. Love you.” He hung up and Yami attacked the boy's lips with suckles and kisses. They fell over on the couch with Yugi on the bottom. Yugi shyly reached up and grabbed the bulge in Yami's pants.
The vampire pulled away from the kiss and groaned. “Yugi…God that felt good…”
“Payback.” Yugi whispered and slipped his hand in Yami's pants to fondle his new lover's penis. The vampire moaned loudly. He whimpered when Yugi's hand retracted. The boy wrapped his arms around Yami's neck and pulled the vampire close. “I just want somebody who loves me. Somebody outside my family…”
“I'll be that somebody, Aibou. I promise.” Yami whispered.
Yugi put on a white T-shirt with a black vest and black, leather pants. He'd taken a shower only five minutes ago and he was pleased that he still smelled of fruit and spices. The fruity shampoo combined with the spice-scented soap would hopefully turn Yami on. Yugi had no idea what smell vampires loved the most, apart from blood.
A soft knock interrupted his thoughts. “Yugi? Your boyfriend is here.” came his mother's voice.
Yugi hurried out of his bedroom and into the living room where Yami was talking with Grandpa. Yami saw Yugi and smiled. Yugi jumped up and flung his arms around the vampire. He was glad that Yami was dressed like a normal person. Yami snaked his arms around the boy's tiny waist and hugged him tightly.
“Well, it's nice to meet you, Yuuki.” Mrs. Mutou said once the boys had released each other. She held out her hand and Yami took it and kissed the air above it.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Mutou. I thank you for bringing such a beautiful son into this world.”
Mrs. Mutou blushed slightly. “Why thank you, Yuuki. You're very polite.” She led them into the dining room where the family always had dinner. Tonight was Cajun shrimp over spicy rice with a light salad and cream corn on the side. For dessert was one of those Oreo pies. (Author: please wait until your stomach stops growling.)
When Yami saw the spicy rice, he leaned over to whisper against Yugi's ear, “The rice reminds me of that seductive, spicy smell you're wearing.”
Yugi smiled and walked over to the table. Everyone sat down and Grandpa gave the blessing before everyone started passing the food around to put on their plate. Everyone talked and laughed and Yami felt so happy to be with a kind family such as this. He was glad his Aibou had such wonderful people to take care of him.
“So Yuuki, you have met my son before?” Mrs. Mutou said as the meal was drawing to a close and the pie was soon to come.
“Yes ma'am. He was being picked on by some bullies around the fourth grade and I protected him. We didn't see each other again until two months ago.” Yami replied.
“Yeah Mom. Remember I said I'd gotten lost on my way home from the grocery store? Well, Yuuki was the one who helped me find my way back.” Yugi said.
Mrs. Mutou nodded. “You take such good care my boy, Yuuki. I'm glad he's found someone.”
Yami took Yugi's hand and kissed it. “I assure you, ma'am. I will never let any harm befall your son again.” Yugi blushed brightly.
“That's nice.” Grandpa smiled, nodding. He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Now I'm ready for that wonderful pie in the refrigerator.”
Mrs. Mutou laughed. “Oh Dad…” Suddenly the doorbell rang. Mrs. Mutou stood and wondered, “Who could that be?”
Yami and Yugi exchanged confused glances. They heard the door open and footsteps coming back up the stairs. Yami, Yugi and Grandpa came into the living room just as Mrs. Mutou had entered and was followed by Officer Bartholomew.
The Hunter and the vampire saw each other and it was too late for Yami to change his appearance. In the blink of an eye, Officer Bartholomew launched himself at Yami, but the vampire dodged quickly and narrowly avoided the wooden stake. Bartholomew skidded to a halt and said, “Damn you! Still coming after that boy, huh?”
“Jerald, what the hell are you doing?!” Mrs. Mutou cried out.
“Trying to destroy this vampire, dearest.”
“Vampire? There's no such thing!” Grandpa snapped.
Yami hissed and bared his fangs. Mrs. Mutou and Grandpa stared wide-eyed at him. Mrs. Mutou grabbed her son and pulled him close. Yugi was horrified to be a witness to this. “Please stop it! Don't fight!”
Yami heard Yugi's pleading and said, “I respect my Aibou's wishes. I'm not going to fight you. I suggest you do the same.”
“Silence! I'm done talking vampire. It ends tonight and then my family will finally have their revenge against you!” Bartholomew ran at Yami with the stake aimed directly at him. Yami dodged at the last minute and tripped Bartholomew, making the Hunter fall face-down on the floor.
“Yami, get out of here! Hurry!” Yugi cried.
The vampire nodded and turned for the window. But Bartholomew got up and again launched himself at Yami. Yugi pulled away from his mother with tears streaming from his eyes. “YAMI!”
Blood splattered everywhere and Bartholomew's eyes widened. His stake was almost halfway buried in Yugi's back. Yami and he filled with rage and concern as his Aibou fell against him. “Yugi! Yugi, speak to me!”
Yugi was still alive. He looked up to meet Yami's eyes. “Y-Yami, it h-hurts…but I…I love y-you…I'm…I'm scared…”
Yami hugged the boy and scooped him in his arms. The vampire glared angrily at Bartholomew who was getting out another stake. Yami used every ounce of his vampire power to run from the house.
“Aibou, I won't let you leave me or this world.” Yami said as he ran. “I swear that I'll save you!”
—Uh oh…Yugi's been stabbed and is now bleeding like crazy and has a wooden stake in his back. Aww…Yami's gonna try and save him. Let's hope that blood doesn't go make Yami a rapist vampire again.