Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood N' Tears ❯ Pain ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: just to warn everyone. This is rated "R" for the bloody violence and gore. My character's trying to be killed for goodness sake!

Ryou Bakura - Good Bakura

Ryou Yami - Yami Bakura(in Japanese terms he'd be considered Yami Ryou. But since English dubbers love to confuse little kids they changed his name from Ryou to Bakura. Imagine your last name being your first name?)

"…" talking

`…' thinking

/…/ telepathically talking

Chapter 1: Pain

I ran down the streets of Domino, I think it was called. It was raining. Hard. I could hear the breath of my pursuer right on my heels but I couldn't get far away enough to tone down the horrifying sound.

But apparently he caught up with me and the blade of his knife cut my leg sending blood splattering on the street and my pants. I fell and screamed as the blood spilled out faster from the fresh wound. It was hurting so bad.

And the sight of my attacker made my blood spill faster. By the time my pursuer was right beside me, my blood had soaked my pants and was washing away down the cracks of the street like a river.

As soon as I saw my attacker's face…I lost my vision and fell to the ground from a headache. But before I lost consciousness I heard the person who was after me run off as someone ran up to me. But I was still in darkness…


She awoke in a small bed no larger than a day bed. She tried to sit up only to be forced down gently by a unknown hand. She looked over to the figure and smiled. She didn't recognize the person but she felt safe with him there.

"Are you alright?" he asked. His voice stern yet kind.

"Yes…my head hurts though…" She responded.

"It's to be expected, really. You lost a lot of blood. That cut went straight to your bone," he said, "I'm Ryou Bakura."

"Alicia Taru," she said wearily, "where am I?"

"My house," Bakura said standing up, "get some rest. Your leg still needs time to heal. You hungry?" Alicia shook her head and Bakura walked out. Alicia looked around the room, keeping her mind occupied, `what a small place…but then again…it's better than nothing…and I literally have nothing…'


She was a weird one. I found her out in the rain with a boy chasing her with a knife. First of all, I want to know how a knife can cut someone so deep! But then again…it matters on the blade…well, anyway, I never saw someone so pale.

It was as if she had never seen daylight. Her skin was so white if she was in snow I wouldn't be able to find her if it wasn't for her dark brown hair. And her eyes…I never saw eyes so pale…so much sorrow…I feel a strong need to protect her…why? I just met her!


He had a small little room. I wonder how long I've been here…probably a day or two. He said himself that I'd lost a lot of blood. But he's so kind to me…is it a coincidence that I met him? No…it HAS to be fate…

Why else would so many feelings rush through my body when he's near? But I was not meant to see anyone…no one other than my murderer or at least…that's what my mom told me…


Bakura walked into the room with a first aid kit. He placed it next to Alicia on the night stand and removed the covers from over her, startling the angsty woman underneath them.

She jumped in shock, "what are you doing!?"

"I have to change the bandage on your leg. Do you want it to be soaked of blood?" He snarled.

"why are you so cruel?" she asked absentmindedly. Bakura's head snapped up from his work. He just stared at her in both shock and awe. Her pale green eyes locked on his chocolate brown ones.

His eyes narrowed and he turned back to his work on her leg. Alicia blinked and looked at her hands in her lap. Several thoughts and questions roamed the brunette's head. So many emotions and questions flooded her mind.

"There," he said tightening the knot on the bandage, "it's not professional but it's sturdy. Can you walk?" Alicia nodded and scooted to the edge of the bed. She stood up and winced in pain as she fell over and collapsed into Bakura's arms.


The second she fell my body reacted. As if it had a mind of it's own! I mean, I didn't even have time to think weather or not I should help. But when I held her…it felt so…right.

Her eyes…I can never explain them…the feeling I get when I see her eyes…I've just met and I already can't stop looking into her eyes. They hold so much pain and sadness in them I feel sympathy for her. what am I to do?


I just wish I could stay like this…but I could never tell him. I mean, I had just met him and I was already falling for him. But I had never liked someone before. I had never met anyone else better besides my parents and brother.

And here I am…in the arms of a stranger…but how I love it…it's so wonderful it's scary…please Bakura…hold me until I can get rid of all my pain…hold me forever…