Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood N' Tears ❯ The Tempus Orb, New Friends, and Mysterious Past ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter 3: The Tempus Orb, New Friends, & Mysterious Past
Makaru stood there with the desire of death in his eyes. His gaze never turned from Alicia. Alicia groaned as her body ached from being brutally stabbed, "Makaru…why?"
"You have no right to have it!" He hissed, "it belongs to me!"
Ryou looked at him in confusion, /is this dude cracked or what, hikairi?/
/or what is a good question./ Bakura said.
Makaru grabbed Alicia by the throat and shook her forcefully, "give it to me! I want it! it belongs to me!"
Ryou stood wearily and pushed Makaru off of Alicia. Ryou fell back to his knees, "what on earth gives you the right to attempt murder on your own flesh and blood?"
Makaru stood back up, "she took it from me…the Millennium Tempus Orb…it belongs to me…she doesn't deserve it!"
Ryou looked at Alicia in shock, "you have one of the forgotten items!?" Alicia's eyes were pale but she clung to life barely, "yes…but Makaru was always jealous…he couldn't stand the fact I inherited it from our grandfather…"
Makaru glared at his sister, "shut up! I've heard enough! I'm taking the Orb! So just die!" A light gleamed underneath Alicia's shirt. An item simulated around her neck. It was a gold orb surrounded by two gold platforms with three gold bars to hold it between the platforms. It was the size of a baseball. Makaru grinned maliciously, "it mine!"
Ryou stood and punched the boy knocking him out cold. He turned to Alicia and smirked, `it's one of the most powerful items…right here in front of me…'
/Ryou no!/ Bakura yelled from his soul room.
/shut up! You can't stop me anyway!/ Ryou growled.
/But it's wrong! She didn't do anything, Ryou! Leave her! Please!/ Bakura pleaded.
Ryou ignored his hikairi's requests and walked over to a half-dead Alicia. He reached for the Tempus Orb only to have his hand forced away by a small barrier. Ryou rubbed his burnt hand, `damn! The orb's protecting her and itself…I can't get to it! great…now what? The Millennium Tempus Orb is one of the strongest powers next to the Millennium puzzle…'
/HAHAHAHAHA!!! What's wrong, Ryou? Losing your touch?/ Bakura mocked.
/shut the fuck up./ Ryou snapped before taking his place inside the millennium ring.
Bakura gasped from his wound. He ignored his pain and rushed to get a first aid kit. He ran back to the couch and pulled out a roll of bandages. He reached for Alicia to wake her but his hand was deflected just like Ryou's. "Darn…I can't get to her…wait. Is it healing her?"
He then noticed her softly glowing body. Her leg looked like it had been healed and her stabs were now closing. He snickered, "well…no wonder she's had so many scars and survived them all. The Tempus Orb helps her survive and revives her."
I had never been so scared before! I thought I was a goner! Thank god for my millennium item…I'd be dead without it…
/Thank you Alie./ I said to my Yami through our link.
/I can't let anything happen to you, aibou. You're the reason my soul was revived. I can't just let you die./ Alie said sweetly.
/I owe you again…you've saved me more than my share of dues./ I said.
/No. You don't have to repay me. Your friendship is good enough, aibou./ Alie said before resting back in her soul room in the orb.
Alicia blinked a few times, the gleam returning to her emerald orbs. She sat up fully healed to see Bakura passed out on the floor next to the couch. "Bakura!" She said rushing to his aid.
/Alie! We have to help him!/ Alicia noticed the first aid kit next to Bakura.
/No aibou!/ Alie snapped knowing Alicia wanted to use the first aid kit to help Bakura. /Use your powers…they'll work better than any medicine in this place./
Alicia nodded and pulled Bakura into her lap. His head rested on her legs as she closed her eyes and her body started to glow a light pink. She leaned over and kissed his forehead. Bakura's wound in his chest started to close.
A few minutes (or hours really) later and Alicia pulled away from him. Bakura opened his eyes slightly revealing beautiful chocolate orbs to her. Alicia smiled, "Bakura…you're alright…"
Bakura sat up quickly and blushed, "um…I…I'm sorry…"
Alicia rested her slender hand on his shoulder, "thank you for saving me, Bakura…I owe you."
Bakura turned to her. "you don't owe me anything. You helped me. We're even," he said with a smile.
Alicia looked down at the beige carpet, "I didn't want you to get involved like that. I never knew my brother was so violent. I knew he hated me but I never thought he wanted me dead. I'm sorry for all the trouble my brother caused you."
"What trouble?" Bakura laughed, "I've been in worse situations."
Alicia stood up, "I should go. I shouldn't bother you anymore. I know that my brother will only come after me again. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me."
"You haven't bothered me. And I know he'll come after you. But you can't defend yourself without someone to protect you. And that orb won't keep you alive forever," Bakura pointed out.
/yeah. Right, hikairi. That WILL protect her as long as her spirit remains alive. You're just saying that to keep her here!/ Ryou laughed.
Alicia smiled sadly, "I know it won't save me forever. But I must keep going. I'm not someone who stays in one place all the time. I'm just so used to running."
Bakura then noticed the unconscious Makaru on the floor. He picked up the boy and put him outside. "can't have him trying to attack you in here," Bakura said, "you've messed up my couch with too much blood already."
Alicia paled. He was right. His once light blue couch was now soaked in a dark crimson liquid.
Bakura scratched the back of his head, "I guess it makes it stand out. But the problem will be the smell." Bakura looked at the clock, "oh no! I was supposed to meet the others at the arcade!"
Alicia blinked, "others?"
"My friends. You'll love them," Bakura said smiling so wide that if it got any wider his face would rip.
Alicia's face lit up, "you have friends? I can't wait to meet them!"
Bakura's smile faded a bit, "why don't I get you something else to wear? Your clothes took a number on that assault." Alicia's face went beat red when she noticed most of her skin was exposed.
Bakura walked up the stairs to find her something to wear.
I can't believe it…Bakura's still my friend. Even after what happened with my brother. My brother…I never thought he'd my pursuer…I thought he loved me…I bet he was behind my mom's death too…I don't understand.
Bakura pulled out a shirt and a pair of shorts for her. He headed back down the stairs when Ryou spoke.
/So…you meeting the Pharaoh and his friends?/ he asked.
/last time I checked it was my business, Ryou. But yes I am./ Bakura answered as he reached the livingroom where Alicia sat in the same spot on the floor.
Alicia stood up and smiled, "thank you Bakura."
Bakura returned the smile, "don't think anything of it. Just change. We'll get you some other clothes before we head back here." Alicia nodded and ran to the bathroom.
Alicia's face appeared around the corner with a blush of embarrassment on her face, "uh…Bakura…"
Bakura blinked, "um?"
"Where's the bathroom?" Alicia asked. Bakura chuckled and pointed to the bathroom.
Bakura and Alicia entered the arcade and immediately Yugi, Tea, Tristen, Joey, Serenity, and Duke ran up to them.
"who's this?" Tristen said with amusement in his voice.
"This is Alicia Taru," Bakura introduced. "Alicia, this is Yugi, Tristen, Joey, his sister Serenity, Duke, and Tea," He said pointing to them as he said their name.
Alicia bowed politely, "it's nice to meet all of you."
Yugi looked at Bakura, "is she the reason for-?"
Bakura nodded, "I stayed home today to help tend to her wounds."
Tristen and Joey threw devilish looks at Bakura. Bakura ignored them and said, "I found her in terrible condition. She was wounded in her leg which soon broke."
"Then how can you walk on it now?" Tea asked, directing the question to Alicia.
Alicia glared at Tea, "I'm sorry but I refuse to say."
A chill went down Tea's spine when she saw Alicia's glare. `what did I do to her?' Tea thought.
Alicia stepped behind Bakura, a little nervous, "Bakura…I'm sorry but I can't."
Bakura blinked, "can't what?"
Alicia shook her head, gathering her courage, and pulled Bakura away from the group. "I'm not used to having people talk to me. I'm sorry but my social skills are a little off."
Bakura hugged her, "don't worry. They're nice. They won't bite last time I checked."
Alicia sighed and rested her head against his chest, "I trust you, Bakura…it's them I'm not too sure about."
Bakura kissed her forehead and pulled away from her, "you'll be fine."
(sorry but to let you know, they're NOT a couple! Friends kiss each other's foreheads, hands, or cheeks if they're of opposite sex. Bakura's not in love with her or vice versa!)
The two walked back to the group and Serenity smiled at Alicia. Alicia got a little uncomfortable at the people talking to her and Bakura. Serenity noticed this and grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the group.
Alicia, feeling VERY uncomfortable now, started tugging against Serenity's hold silently protesting. Serenity released her and smiled warmly at Alicia, "I wanted to talk to you in private."
Alicia suddenly felt comforted, Serenity's smile reminding her of her mother's smile.
"w-what did you want to tell m-me?" Alicia choked out trying to find her voice.
"Well, I noticed you and Bakura are close. And I was wondering-" Serenity started.
"He's not your boyfriend is he?! I don't want to interfere!" Alicia interrupted.
Serenity giggled, "no. he's not. I was wondering if you two were an item. You see, Bakura's very shy but he's really sweet towards his friends. And he deserves someone nice."
Alicia blushed in embarrassment, "oh…no we're not together. Bakura helped me when I needed it and so I wish to repay it. But I don't know how."
"What he needs is someone who understands him. And I have a feeling you're that someone he's been waiting for," Serenity said with a wink. Alicia blushed as the group walked over to them.
Alicia stood beside Bakura and stared at him while he talked to his friends. Was Serenity right? But how could she know her feelings towards someone she just met? She couldn't know her feelings so soon. Right now he was just a friend. Right now…
Ryou placed Alicia on the bed in the guestroom. As he pulled the covers over her unconscious form a voice from behind him giggled.
Ryou turned around and gasped, "what the hell-!?" A brunette female stood behind him. Her hair fell to her back and her emerald green eyes glowed in the darkness of the room. It was Alie.
Alie stood in a transparent form in the corner of the room with a smirk playing across her face, "hello Ryou. It's been a long time." Her smile faded as she charged at him, her form becoming solid and forced a knife against neck.
Ryou froze at her actions. He smirked as her own disappeared, "so the bitch from Egyptian hell has come back. For what do I owe this honor?"
"Cut the shit, Ryou!" Alie said pressing the blade against his flesh, "you left me to die all those years ago! I swore I'd make you pay…I knew that girl would be of use to me…"
"So you chose some random girl t do your biding? Interesting. I never knew you were one to deceive," Ryou snickered.
Alie's eyes glowed with rage, "you're one to talk. You had the nerve to led me to the late pharaoh's tomb! Knowing one of the pharaoh's priests would be there! You deceived me, Ryou!"
Ryou's eyes widened, "a priest? Pharaoh's tomb? What are you talking about? I never-"
Alie glared at him, "stop lying! You knew that Marik was waiting for me!" Ryou laughed at her words. "what's so funny!?" she hissed.
"You! You really think I put you up to that?" Ryou snickered. His face turning serious, "I'd never hurt you…"
She pushed him onto the bed and glared at him, "you lie!" Then as Ryou tried to stand she forced the knife into his chest, opposite of his heart. She forced the knife in deeper, pushing him on his back onto the bed. She pulled the knife out of his flesh, the blade dripping in his crimson liquid.
She stared at his fallen form. His eyes were pale and his chest was now spooling with blood. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she dropped the knife. She knelt down next to him and kissed his lips. `Ryou…forgive me…but you'll never know the pain you've caused me…' Alie thought as she disappeared into the Tempus Orb.