Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sorry it was short but I have others to write….the next one should be longer….and its almost the fourth of July too…well just so you know I don't own yugioh and never will.
Blood Stained
Chapter 1
The young 18 year old Egyptian Pharaoh calmly sat in a chair by his father's bedside. His name was Atemu; he had black hair with crimson red tips and golden bangs shaping his face. His eyes were crimson red while his sun kissed skin was covered in gold finery. Today was the day he would meet his fiancé. The two had never seen each other and have been engaged since birth. But today is the day that he is going to meet his fiancé at last. The servants are all over the palace getting things ready and Atemu wished they would be quieter. At that moment the door opens to show Mahado, Atemu's best friendand high priest. Mahado gently tells Atemu his fiancé has arrived. Before he even gets to the throne room Anzu, his annoying gardener, comes up and starts flirting with him. Ever since they were kids Anzu has been trying to get Atemu to kiss her, but he has been saving his first kiss for his fiancé like his father had told him to.
Anzu: So where are you going?
Atemu just kept walking forward while he replied.
Atemu: (proudly) to meet my fiancé.