Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ The Meeting and the Secret ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Italics-mean the person is thinking.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
The Meeting and the Secret
//Atemu's POV//
I walk into the throne room and the first thing I see, standing in the middle of the room, is the figure cloaked in black as if the person was a silhouette. So I walk to a spot where I am a few feet in front of the cloaked person and the man. Standing beside me awaits my six priests, three on each side. Everyone stands in silence. Wonderful I get to start the introductions.
Me: Welcome, I am Pharaoh Atemu and these are my priests (A/N: from his left to right) Kalim, Isis, Mahado, Seto, Akhnadin, and Shada.
Each bows slightly. The man speaks.
Man: I am Pharaoh Sakhalin. (Gestures toward the figure beside him) and this is my son, your fiancé, Yugi.
Me: It is a pleasure to finally meet you both.
Sakhalin: As do we.
Seto: why is your son cloaked?
Sakhalin: I will show you why.
Sakhalin removes Yugi's cloak to reveal small fangs and skin that was a milky pale color. But there was something else they were hiding.
Sakhalin: Yugi please release them.
Yugi turns around and two bat wings appear but only for a minute and the wings disappear.
Akhnadin: what is going on here?!
Sakhalin: can we please discuss this somewhere more private?
Just when Yugi turned back around our eyes locked. No matter how different he was Yugi was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. At that moment I knew I was in love with the creature standing before me. I snapped back to reality when Mahado nudged my arm.
Me: Yes that would be fine.
At those words Yugi slid his cloak back on and everyone walked to a room. But I couldn't help but feel the tension lingering in the air.