Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ The Explanation ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Italics-mean they are thinking
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Blood Stained
Chapter 3: The Explanation
//Atemu's POV//
In the middle of the room was a table that seated 8; 3 on each side and 1 at each end of the table. While along the walls were extra chairs. My six priests gather around the table while I sit at the head and Sakhalin sat at the end. The priests sat in the 6 chairs along the table. My eyes followed the cloaked Yugi till he sat in one of the extra chairs. I turn my gaze back to Sakhalin.
//Yugi's POV//
I watched Pharaoh Atemu's gaze follow me to where I sat. I understood if the priests and Pharaoh Atemu decided to not allow this engagement to continue. Why treat me different because of what I look like or what happened. I'm still Yugi and always will be. I told father that they won't accept me now but here we are. But what if they don't accept, and then what will happen next? What will father do? What will I DO?As questions swarmed in my thoughts I suddenly realized the Pharaoh spoke.
Pharaoh Atemu: Sakhalin you may begin.
As my father began to tell the story I wished I was anywhere but here.
Sakhalin: Two weeks ago something terrible happened. A vampire was sent, as an assassin, to kill my son. But if you, Pharaoh Atemu, don't mind I would like Yugi to tell what happened.
Pharaoh Atemu: of course. Yugi come stand by your father and tell us.
But I was in my own little world with not a care in the world. So I didn't hear him call me over.
//Atemu's POV//
I watched Yugi just sit there like he was deaf.
Me: Yugi?
He snapped right out of his trance and turned his head towards me.
Yugi: yes Pharaoh Atemu?
Me: (sigh) to begin with (smile) call me Atemu. Next (gestures toward Sakhalin) please go stand by your father and tell me what happened that day.
Yugi: of course.
Yugi stands and walks over to his father then faces me.
Me: please begin.
As I receive a nod he begins.
//Yugi's POV//
Time to get this over with.
Me: First off it was at dusk (Atemu nods for me to continue) I was walking out in the palace gardens with my best friend Jou. I heard something rustling in one of the bushes. I walk toward it with Jou waiting to know what it was. Once close enough to the bush a hand grabs my arm and swings me around so I am facing Jou. Jou steps toward me but the figure, the vampire, bites my neck. Then the next thing I know I wake up in my bed. Jou told mehe killed the vampire before it could kill me.
Isis: I see.
I watch Atemu stand, waiting for what he is going to say or do. Just then he surprises everyone, including me, by what he says of the situations at hand.