Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Code of Practice ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Italics means they are thinking
Rea: this is the next chapter…hope yall enjoy…oh and the numbers after words are words I don't know if yall know what they mean or not so at the end of the story I give the meanings and definitions to them all that are numbered. And I don't own and never will own Yugioh or even Yugi's dad in this story “Sakhalin” my computer does…
Yugi: THANK YOU!!!
Blood Stained
Chapter 6: Code of Practice (1)
//Normal POV//
After Sakhalin left everyone appeared to be caught in the silence, except for Atemu.
Atemu: Well, c'mon Yugi. I'll show you to your room.
The cloaked Yugi stood like a statue as Atemu walked up to him. Atemu grasped Yugi's hand and dragged the young prince out the door. After many twists and turns both boys stopped in front of a door.
Atemu: (smiles) Yugi…this is your room. (opens door)
Yugi walks in with Atemu standing right behind him. As Yugi had expected the stone walls, embedded with gold, were vacant. A door to the closet and the bathroom were shut, while the breeze from the balcony swept through out the room. Lastly there was a queen size bed adorned in violet bed linens.
Yugi: thank you for the room
Atemu: I wish to show you something, follow me.
Atemu, with Yugi behind him, walked over and into the closet.
Yugi: why are we in the closet?
Atemu: only Mahado and I know about it; it's a fake wall. Just push it open and you end up in-
A knock from the door filled the room with silence. Trying to show no irritation, Atemu walks to the door while Yugi moves to sit on the bed.
Atemu: (opens door) yes?
Seto: My Pharaoh we need you in the throne room.
Atemu: I'm coming.
Seto: (small kowtow (2)) I shall go let them know my Pharaoh.
Seto walks away as Atemu closes the door and walks toward Yugi.
Atemu: I want you to stay here. Priest Mahado will bring you dinner. Once Jou is here he shall most likely bring you your meals. If you need anything just let me know.
Yugi: Tha----
Atemu: (sharp shake of the head) don't! I know and you will always be welcome. (smiles) get some rest you've had a long day.
Atemu departs from the room and goes to the throne room. Already standing in the throne room, awaiting his presence, were his priests and Yugi's servants. He approaches and takes his accommodate (3) on his throne.
Seto: My Pharaoh, the servants have all been assembled.
Atemu: My people your duties of serving the young prince Yugi have been relinquished. He requires no need for your service so please do as you wish…on one condition…you stay away from Prince Yugi's room. Understood?
All Servants: Yes Pharaoh
Akhnadin: You are all dismissed
All the servants exited.
Isis: My Pharaoh we have many of paper work to do.
Atemu: (sighs) ok then…Mahado you shall give Yugi his food tonight.
Mahado: yes my Pharaoh.
Definitions and Meanings
(1) Code of Practice- Regulations
(2) Kowtow- show deference, kneel, bow
(3) Accommodate- seat