Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Evil Plot ( Chapter 17 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: Ok this is going to be a chapter with a lot of things impacted in it. So pay careful attention. You just might miss something important.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh.
Blood Stained
Chapter 18: Evil Plot
Yugi, cloaked, wandered aimlessly through the city. That's when he spotted another cloaked figure. Yugi made his way swiftly by the figure until the figure grasped his arm. Yugi tried to shake him off but it didn't seem to work and no one cared. Yugi saw a glint of the millennium eye…it was Akhnadin. Feelings mixed with revenge and fear, Yugi bit down on Akhnadin's arm. With his other hand he (Akhnadin) pulled the hood off, so the people knew he was a priest, and screamed in pain. Everyone turned and gasped with fear.
Akhnadin: Help! He's a vampire. Help!
Yugi let go as blood dripped from his mouth and glistening fangs. The people formed a circle around the two. Yugi was trapped. But then Akhnadin hit Yugi and he fell to the ground. Akhnadin yanked Yugi's hood off revealing him to everyone.
Seto rode into the city cloaked. He heard a man scream and raced to the scene. When he arrived people had formed a circle around the revealed Yugi and Akhnadin. Seto pushed through the crowd, still on his horse. He jumped down once he was next to Yugi. Knowing he couldn't ride back to the palace until night fall, Seto did the next best thing. Seto picked Yugi up, who had fallen into unconsciousness, and got on the horse with Yugi in front. The crowd parted quickly and Seto rode into the desert.
Akhnadin smirked with satisfaction as he walked into an alley. Anzu stood waiting. She poured a puckish green liquid on his bites and they disappeared quickly.
Anzu: Only one last thing to do.
Akhnadin: get the King of Thieves to attack the palace.
They laughed evilly and walked further into the darkness and disappeared.
Seto had been riding for 20 minutes, at least before he arrived at an oasis. He laid Yugi underneath the trees and let the horse get water. It was still about three hours before nightfall and he was deathly tired. So, Seto lay down near the water's edge. He laid with his back to Yugi and the side of his hood draped gracefully over his face to block the sun.
When Yugi woke up it was sunset. For a slight moment he panicked when he saw the cloaked figure by the water…thinking it may just be Akhnadin. Yugi quietly yet swiftly made his way to the person. Yugi gently rolled the person over so not to wake him. He pulled back a side of the hood to reveal a peacefully sleeping Seto. Shocked Yugi spoke a little too loud.
Yugi: Seto!?
Seto yawned and sat up. Pulling his knees up and draping his arms over them.
Seto: we had better get ready to go. Thank you for waking me.
Yugi was dumbfounded.
Yugi: w-what?
To Yugi's utter surprise Seto smiled…kindly. Seto told Yugi everything that him and Mahado discussed and what happened after Yugi passed out. Yugi was shocked…he could go back! Seto stood up and walked over to the horse and got its reins.
Seto: Come on Yugi. We had better be going.
Yugi nods and they climb onto the horse and begin to head back.
Anzu, Akhnadin, Bakura, and his best thieves headed straight to the palace. Bakura's other thieves plundered and set fire to the town. They had finally managed to make it into the throne room. Atemu sat on his throne with al his priest, except two. Bakura summoned Diabound and before anyone knew it all the priests were dead. Atemu summoned Mahado or now known as Black Magician. Atemu ordered Black Magician to attack and he killed Anzu. She screamed as the blast burned through her body like she was straw. Another blast came. Bakura dodged it roughly and it hit Akhnadin square in the head. Blood splattered everywhere…it was like a target range.
Seto and Yugi rode quickly into the city horrified. They came into the throne room where only Atemu, with Black Magician, and Bakura, with Diabound, stood. Diabound disappeared into the shadows and walls. Seto could only watch in horror as it all played out. Yugi jumped off the horse, let his wings out, and flew over to Atemu. They embraced and shared a kiss. But after they parted that's when it happened. Bakura ran up behind them and stabbed his sword through both their hearts at once. Bakura laughed manically but only for a short moment. Seto summoned Blue-Eyes White Dragon and killed Bakura with its mighty white lightning. Bakura dropped dead to the ground. Seto raced over to the two lovers and yanked the sword out. Seto checked Atemu's pulse but before he could conclude anything Yugi spoke up weakly.
Yugi: H-He's already dead. B-But he told me to tell y-you that you're the n-new pharaoh.
Tears slid down Seto's cheeks.
Yugi: Th-Thank you Seto…for giving us peace.
Yugi then died and passed while Seto stood up. Just then Mana walked in, she was being trained by Mahado.
Mana: Lord Seto, the fires are out and the thieves are gone.
Inaudible tears were sliding down everyone's faces that day and many days after that. Everyone was buried properly. The two kingdoms became one as well and Seto ruled them both. But the story of the two lovers still is told and passed down to new generations.
Love never dies even though the lovers do.