Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Accusations ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: Sorry it has taken so long. But this story is coming to an end. I know right away some people are not going to like it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh
Blood Stained
Chapter 17: Accusations
Without a second to spare four priests burst into the room. Standing in the doorway was four shocked faces; Isis, Seto, Mahado, and Shadi. Seto spoke up with rage spread across his face.
Seto: What happened?!
Mahado took control of the situation by giving out commands to each person.
Mahado: Isis, you go to the medical chamber and have things ready.
Isis nodded and left. Mahado ripped cloth from his cape.
Mahado: Shadi, go wake Kalim.
Shadi exits and Mahado hands the cloth to Seto.
Mahado: Put that over his wound and apply pressure. Carry him to the medical chamber. I'll get Yugi.
Seto does as he is told and takes Atemu. Mahado strolls over to Yugi and looks down at him.
Mahado: Calm down Yugi. Because I'm going to need you to explain what happened. So come with me and let's get you cleaned up.
Yugi stands but says nothing, only nods. Once in Yugi's chamber Mahado got a cloth and whipped the blood from Yugi's mouth.
Mahado: get a quick bath. I'll wait out here for you.
Yugi walked like a zombie, slumped and slow. Yugi took his bath, got dressed, and came out. Mahado ushered him to take a seat on the bed.
Mahado: Yugi, will you tell me what happened?
Yugi told Mahado all about the suffocating nightmare.
Mahado: I understand…but I'll look into this more. I will be at the library if you need me, Yugi.
Yugi: Can I ask a favor of you?
Mahado: {smiles gently} of course. What is it?
Yugi: Please don't tell anyone what happened in the nightmare…unless you feel you have to.
Mahado gravely nods and leaves. The next day Yugi got up and ready but did not leave his room. Shortly after, Seto and Atemu entered Yugi's room. Seto shut the door behind them. Yugi cast his gaze to the floor at the site of his lover's arm bandaged and in a sling. Seto caught site of this.
Seto: look at what you've done Yugi.
Atemu: Shut up
Yugi: No, Priest Seto is right…I caused this.
Atemu: Yugi…
Atemu approaches Yugi who is seated on the bed. Yugi slides to the other side of the bed.
Yugi: stay away
Atemu: But Yugi?
Seto: Atemu he is a danger. Yugi, you need to leave and disappear.
Yugi's eyes swelled with tears. He grabbed his cloak and walked out onto the balcony.
Atemu: Yugi. No! Please don't…we can overcome this…just like everything else.
With his head bowed low and back turned tears hit the balcony floor softly.
Yugi: I'm half vampire. It will never work.
Atemu: T-Then turn me into a vampire. I know you could if you tried.
Yugi: I couldn't…I don't wish this drastic and horrible life upon anyone.
Atemu went to go to Yugi but Seto held him.
Yugi: You won't find me…ever again. Good-Bye Atemu. I love you.
With that Yugi jumped off the balcony and disappeared into the city. Atemu elbows Seto in the stomach and leaves to the safety of his room. Seto heads to the library to talk to Mahado.
Mahado sat at a large table scanning scrolls of all kinds when Seto walks in and over to him.
Mahado: yes?
Seto: Yugi really left.
Mahado: What? No! I've just about figured out his nightmare.
Seto: Mahado, what in Ra are you speaking of.
Mahado knowing he had to tell Seto explained everything.
Seto: So the nightmare is a premonition and Atemu just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Mahado: correct
Seto: So this accusation of Yugi purposely biting is false. Oh no. We have to find him before Akhnadin does.
Mahado: But we can't tell anyone till Yugi is back. Got it?
Seto: ya. I'll go into the city with a cloak as well and find Yugi and bring him back. It's mostly my fault anyway.
Mahado: {sincerely nods} I understand.