Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Halloween ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Halloween
A/N Ok I know that I said I would be doing something different then what I normally do but with Halloween coming up I decided to do this story. Yes this story is still different then my normally fluffy, sappy, chick flick type of stories. This one will have gore in it along with 8 deaths. Yes this story is loaded with character deaths. But like my other stories it’s a yoai, boy on boy action. Don’t like don’t read. Also sorry for how short this chapter is. Will try to make the others longer.
Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only.
Chapter 1
IT was clear chilly October night. The stars were out and shinning brightly down on the earth as was the full moon that seem to be hanging low in the sky. Instead of a feeling of being calm like most would feel a night as peaceful as it would seem, the air in fact was heavy and thick with anger, hate, disperse and sadness. This was also shown in the eyes of four teens.
The boys were in front of a home that was on fire. It was lit up the night sky with its hot orange and yellow flames much like a candle would be with lit down a dark hallway or dark room. But unlike how a candle would chase the shadows away the flames of the house showed them and what one shadow had done and how it destroy eight lives and ruin four more.
All of sudden the sound of a window busting could be heard as the sharp spare like shards rained down on the grass as the flames came shooting out and up the now opening window as a whimper could be heard from the smallest teen of the four that just watched all this with emotional and yet emotionless eyes.
Not only was the house burning but everything….everybody that was trapped inside. Dead, gone the empty shell of two beloved brothers and six beloved friends burned with the house. This was their funeral. There was no one to say nice things about them or a box that would hold them as they were lowered into the ground. No dirt piled on top of them and gravestone to mark were their bodies lied. No the burning of a house was their graves. One that they were forced into because lady luck had not been on their sides.
The evidence of who this big grave belong to was being was being burned away. The only evidence of who they were the four teens watching the fire. The four teens that escaped alive but feeling like their lives were trapped in that fire with their beloved ones.
The memories of what happened this night would never leave there memories. Nor would the memories of those eight people and the lives they lived. How they live and how they died. Nor did these teens ever want to forget. To forget would be a crime against the ones that died. It would be as if those eight were never alive. Were never here on earth and that is something these four would not let happen.
A/N Ok I know that I said I would be doing something different then what I normally do but with Halloween coming up I decided to do this story. Yes this story is still different then my normally fluffy, sappy, chick flick type of stories. This one will have gore in it along with 8 deaths. Yes this story is loaded with character deaths. But like my other stories it’s a yoai, boy on boy action. Don’t like don’t read. Also sorry for how short this chapter is. Will try to make the others longer.
Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only.
Chapter 1
IT was clear chilly October night. The stars were out and shinning brightly down on the earth as was the full moon that seem to be hanging low in the sky. Instead of a feeling of being calm like most would feel a night as peaceful as it would seem, the air in fact was heavy and thick with anger, hate, disperse and sadness. This was also shown in the eyes of four teens.
The boys were in front of a home that was on fire. It was lit up the night sky with its hot orange and yellow flames much like a candle would be with lit down a dark hallway or dark room. But unlike how a candle would chase the shadows away the flames of the house showed them and what one shadow had done and how it destroy eight lives and ruin four more.
All of sudden the sound of a window busting could be heard as the sharp spare like shards rained down on the grass as the flames came shooting out and up the now opening window as a whimper could be heard from the smallest teen of the four that just watched all this with emotional and yet emotionless eyes.
Not only was the house burning but everything….everybody that was trapped inside. Dead, gone the empty shell of two beloved brothers and six beloved friends burned with the house. This was their funeral. There was no one to say nice things about them or a box that would hold them as they were lowered into the ground. No dirt piled on top of them and gravestone to mark were their bodies lied. No the burning of a house was their graves. One that they were forced into because lady luck had not been on their sides.
The evidence of who this big grave belong to was being was being burned away. The only evidence of who they were the four teens watching the fire. The four teens that escaped alive but feeling like their lives were trapped in that fire with their beloved ones.
The memories of what happened this night would never leave there memories. Nor would the memories of those eight people and the lives they lived. How they live and how they died. Nor did these teens ever want to forget. To forget would be a crime against the ones that died. It would be as if those eight were never alive. Were never here on earth and that is something these four would not let happen.