Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Halloween ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Halloween

A/N Thank you to all that reviewed my first chapter to this story. I’m sorry that the chapter was so short and I am working on make each chapter a bit longer then last. I am also hoping that this chapter will be longer then the last one. Well anyways on with this chapter.

Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only.

Chapter 2

Honey brown eyes fluttered open then snap shut as they saw the light that was to bright before slowly open again as a hand reached up to rub them and the face as a small groan was came from the red full lips but the hand stopped as pain shot up the arm. “Man my arm hurts.” came the groan from the boy with the honey brown eyes.

“Well it should pup.” came another male’s voice. Honey brown eyes that were now open and used to the bright lights of the sold white room looked over to were the voice came from to see a male of tall statue with cinnamon brown hair and cold blue eyes. The color of the sea on a cold icy day. The man was sitting on the bed with pale skin and is wearing his normal attire. That is a black shirt, pants and shoes. Over them he wear a white trench coat with one arm buckle on his right upper arm and two on this left upper arm. On the collar of his trench coat were the letters KC. He also wears, around his neck, a pendent that looked to be the back of a duel monsters card. Around his waist was a black belt with the letters KC on the buckle.

“Seto?” came the voice of the boy with the honey brown eyes. He also had short but messy blond hair and pale skin that was kissed by the sun. Right now he is wearing a hospital jonnie with his head wrapped. He also has a cast on his left arm and leg. “What happened? Wait! Where are the others?! What happen to them?! Yugi?! Yami?! The others?!” The blond boy asked as he tried to sit up but his body protested too much to the sudden movement and he was forced to lie back down as his looked to his love as his love shook his head. “Yugi is in the room across the hall from you and Yami is with him. He hasn’t left his side since Yugi arrived here just like I haven’t left your side, pup.” Kaiba said as he looked at him and held his pup’s hand in his own hand.

“But the others?” The blond boy asked as Kaiba shook his head. “You know what happen to them, Joey.” Kaiba said as he looked down for a moment. The blond, Joey, closed his eyes as he held back the tears that wanted to fall as his listen to his boyfriend speak. “I’ll make sure that who ever did this is found pup. I wont let them died a needless death.” Kaiba said as he held back his own tears.

The two didn’t say much from that point on. The two were lost in there own worlds as they remember the events that lead up to now as a knock was heard on Joey’s hospital room door. Kaiba got up from Joey’s bed as he walked over and answer the door. “Hello Mr. Kaiba. I’m detective Peter White and this is my partner Vincent Long. We are working on case of the multiply deaths that happened at your home the other night and we would like to ask you and your boyfriend a few questions.” One of the detective asked as they both showed him their badges.

The one know as Peter White had sandy blond hair that came down to his ears with pricing blue eyes that seem to be able to read a person’s soul. He had tan skin and looked liked he worked out some. Not to thin and not to fat, just right. He was wearing a white bottom down shirt with black pants and tan over coat with black shoes. When he pulled his coat back one could see the gun he carried.

The other one, Vincent Long had dark black hair that was a bit longer then Peter’s hair with stunning green eyes yet they also showed that Vincent had seen a lot in his line of work. He also had tan skin looked like he worked out a lot. He was wearing a light blue shirt with black pants and shoes with a lighter tan over coat. He was also carrying a gun and they both seem to be in there late 30’s to earlier 40’s.

Kaiba gave them both an odd look then nodded as he walked away from the door and over to his boyfriend’s bed were he took his seat again holding onto his pup’s hand. Joey just looked at the two that walked in but didn’t say anything to them as Peter took the seat next to the bed and Vincent just stood next to his partner.

Vincent was the first one to start the questions. “We like to ask about what happen on Halloween night.” He said as Joey just looked at him with blank eyes. “We lost a lot of people close to us because of some crazy killer.” He said as he narrowed his eyes a bit at this as Kaiba just tighten his hold on Joey’s hand as Peter then spoke up. “Could you go into details as to what happened to lead up today?” Joey just looked down not able to talk as Kaiba looked at them. “My pup may not be able to tell you what happen but I can.” Kaiba said as he started to tell them about what happened. Started to tell them about the events that later would be know as Bloody Halloween.