Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Halloween ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Halloween

A/N Thank you to all that reviewed my story. I’m sorry that the chapter was so short and I am working on make each chapter a bit longer then last. I am also hoping that this chapter will be longer then the last one. I am sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter out and I hope to get a few more out if not the rest of the story by the time midnight shows up tomorrow night. With me working its hard to get these chapters out. Also words written like this means its in the present. Normal writing is for the past and the main story. Well anyways on with this chapter.

Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only. Also don’t own Pirates of the Caribbean or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They are only used for fun and not money.

Chapter 3

Kaiba looked to Joey before looking to the other two in the room. “It started on Halloween and halfway throw the party that my boyfriend and one of my two brothers had been planning. They wanted a costume party. Thy just wanted a normal Halloween party. No one knew of the extra ‘guess’ that had shown up.” Kaiba said spitting the word guess out like it was poison in his mouth. Kaiba’s eyes narrowed as he thought of that one person as he let out a dangerous growl.
“The security was light that night. Everyone that was coming over was people we have known for a few years. Some longer then others. We didn’t know that there was someone there set on killing us all.” Kaiba said as he looked to his pup to see that he wasn’t looking at them. That Joey had his head turned away from them all. “As I said the party was about halfway over when the first murder happen but we all wouldn’t know for sometime…..

Kaiba was standing near the fireplace in the living room. Seeing how it was just a group of close friends, the Kaibas decided to have the party in the living room. Kaiba looked around the room as he shook his head. No one was wearing mask and no one really put any real thought into their costumes. Every came as one would think or in a typical costume. Kaiba just shook his head at this as he looked over to see his two brothers sitting on the couch talking to each other as Noa said something to make Mokuba chuckle.
A few years after the once pharaoh got his memories back and decided to stay with Yugi, Kaiba was able to find Noa’s mind and put it into a body that had been grown for Noa. This was all Mokuba’s idea and now he had two younger brother that were so close that it was no real shocker when they told everyone they were dating.
Mokuba was dressed in a long light pink gown with a diamond studded terra. He also had light, very light pink wings that sparkled as he moved around the room. Yes Kaiba’s brother was a fairy princess.
Then Kaiba’s other brother, Noa was dressed in a pair a nice dark dress pants with a black button down shirt with a leather jacket over it. On his back was a pair of leather wings with what looked like sharp talons. Noa was a demon prince which was a perfect match to Mokuba’s fairy princess costume. Granted Kaiba didn’t like the fact those two were dating but never pushed anything. As long as Mokuba was happy that was all that Kaiba really cared about.
As Kaiba looked around he saw his puppy dressed up in the puppy costume that Duke once made him wear. Why Joey still had that thing Kaiba never knew and really didn’t care. Joey said he was going to dress up as what he was and he did so. He dressed up as a puppy. Kaiba just smirked as he shook his head over that one.
Kaiba’s puppy was talking to Ryou and his dark, Bakura. Ryou was dressed up in a woman’s costume. It was from the civil war era from the states. A southern belle. It was a long hoop dress that was snow white with green ribbon trim, a shade darker green sash around his waist. The dress was off the shoulders and fit him nicely. Ryou also wear a soft yellow picture frame hat that had a green ribbon going around it. He also had a choker of the same dark green and wear white lace gloves. The shoes were from the same era as the dress. He looked like he could really be a southern belle.
Ryou’s dark, Bakura, was a confederate solder. He was wearing a gray jacket with gold bottoms and gold cuffs. He was also wearing gray pants with a gold stripe and a yellow sash around his waist. In the sash was a sward and wear the normal confederate hat. The solder did look very becoming and ready to defined his southern belle if he must.
Kaiba then saw Malik and Marik as he shook his head. ‘Should have knew there was going to be three cross dresser at this party. My own brother, then Ryou and Malik.’ Yes Malik was also dressed up as girl.
For Malik’s costume it was a school girl outfit. Malik wear a green skirt that was pelted. He was also wearing a short sleeve sailor shirt with the red bow around the front of the shirt. The skirt was also on the short side a bit but covered what need to be covered.
As for Malik’s love, Marik, he was a hippie from the 60’s. Why a hippie Kaiba, well no one for that matter, knew. Marik looked like a stereotypical hippie. He, some how, got his hair to go down so it looked to be a bit on the long side. He also wear a white shirt with a vest that was fringed. He also wear a pair of belly-bottom pants. Both vest and pants were a flower design in the loudest colors he could find. Around his neck was a peace sign metal necklace. This was a costume no one would think Marik to wear.
“Hello Kaiba.” came a young female’s voice as Kaiba turned to see Ishizu Istar, Malik’s older sister, standing there. She and Odion had been invite along with Marik and Malik. “Hello Ishizu. Nice costume.” Kaiba said in his normal deadpan, no emotion voice that he uses for everyone.
Ishizu was a living dead bride. She wear a western style bridle grown and had made her skin a pale, deathly white pale. It was a simple costume but it worked for her. “Thank you. You look very becoming in your pirate costume.” Kaiba just gave a nod to this.
Kaiba was dressed up as Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. It had been his puppy’s idea but why his pup couldn’t go as Will from the same movie, for himself instead of the puppy costume Kaiba didn’t know. But as long as his puppy is happy that is all that matter.
“I see Odion is dressed up a Willy Wanka. Was that your brother’s idea or his dark?” Kaiba asked as he smirked. Odion just didn’t seem like one to pick that costume for himself. “Both.” Ishizu said with a grin. “With Malik asking Odion could not say no, even if he wanted to.” Ishizu said with a giggle. “The movie is both Marik and Malik’s favorite movie but they didn’t dress up as him or any other character from the movie. So they made Odion dress up as him.”
Kaiba just nodded as he saw Yami and Yugi walk around. “That’s a sad costume.” Kaiba then said as he saw how Yugi was dressed up as a zombie and was failing at it while Yami was dressed up as a vampire and pulling it off very well. For Yami had on a pair of black shoes and black dress pants. He wear a dark maroon color vest with a long sleeve white shirt. The jabot bib collar, the puffy stuff on the front of a shirt, could be seen. He also wear a long black cape with the same dark maroon color on the inside that hooked together in the front. Kaiba had to admit it, Yami looked hot. ‘No wonder Yugi is always smiling.’ Kaiba thought to himself.
The gang had been moving around and talking with everyone. They were just hanging out having a good time. Beside them there were the servants but they were not allowed to dress up in costume. They had to wear the normal clothes they were as servants……

Kaiba let out sigh as he looked to his puppy who had his eyes closed and would not look at them. Kaiba then looked to the two detective. “If I had allowed my servants to wear costumes I might have been able to save my brothers….