Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Halloween ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Halloween

A/N Thank you to all that reviewed my story. I’m sorry that the chapters have been so short and I am working on make each chapter a bit longer then last. I am also hoping that this chapter will be longer then the last one. I am sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter out and I hope to get a few more out if not the rest of the story by the time midnight shows up tonight. With me working its hard to get these chapters out. Also words written like this means its in the present. Normal writing is for the past and the main story. Well anyways on with this chapter.

Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only. Also don’t own Scooby-Doo

Chapter 4

One of the detectives looked at Kaiba as he blinked his eyes. “You said that a murder happened but you didn’t know about it?” Kaiba just nodded. “Two of them happened without me knowing. It was my pup who found them first but I found them next when he went missing when the lights went out…”

Everyone was having fun and laughing. Kaiba was looking around with a small smile on his lips. Yes even Kaiba was having fun and walking around. Every now and then he would speak to someone and was being very nice to everyone. This was more of a shocker then Marik’s costume.
Kaiba was talking to his pup when he looked around and noticed that his brothers were not in the living room with everyone else. “Pup have you seen either one of my brothers?”
“Yep. Saw them head upstairs a few moments ago. I think they were going to Mokuba’s room. Want me to go up and get them?” Joey asked smiling as Kaiba let out a soft sigh. “Yes. This was Mokuba’s idea and he should be down here to see this throw the end.” Kaiba said as Joey just smiled even more. With a kiss Joey started for the stairs. “I’ll be back with them soon.” Joey said.
It was about fifteen minutes later when everyone could hear Joey screaming Kaiba’s name as they then saw him heading for the stairs when the lights went out. Seconds later two gun shots were heard as they could see the blast of light that came with each gun shot.
It seem like 10 minutes later the lights came back on as everyone looked around as Yami then called out Yugi’s name to see him on the floor, with a bullet wound in his left arm. There was a small pool of blood around the arm as well as blood that was running out of his arm as Yami dropped to his needs. “I need a first aid kit Kaiba!” Yami said without looking at Kaiba as Kaiba walked off to get it.
Now normal Kaiba was not one to get things like this. He would normal send someone else to get it but he wanted to see what caused his pup to become so scared and he wanted to see if he could find his pup, having realized he was missing. By the time he got to the top of the stairs Kaiba saw a bit of blood on the floor like someone was hurt but it didn’t seem like he was dragged away or anything because the blood was in one spot and wasn’t smeared. ‘Must have been carried away.’ Kaiba thought to himself as he head down the hallway and found Mokuba’s room. Something he did not want to see.
Mokuba was laying on his bed. His costume had been removed to show that he was stripped to his boxers. The terra was thrown on the floor as was Noa’s clothes. It looked as if the two had started to do something when someone walked in on them. Mokuba had a pillow over his face and his chest was not moving. Kaiba knew that his brother was dead.
Noa still had his pants on but his jacket and top was on the floor and was slumped over Mokuba’s almost nude body. Noa had red hand marks around his neck. He had been strangled and with how red they were, not all that long ago. This means that who ever took Joey must have been the same one to kill his brothers. This just made Kaiba growl as he walked out.

It was another fifteen minutes later that Kaiba came downstairs and handed Yami the kit. “Here.” He said as he watched as Yami started to fix Yugi’s arm up the best he could. All Yami really could do was stop the bleeding. “What did you find upstairs?” Ryou asked. “By brothers. Dead.” Kaiba said with no emotion in his voice. His eyes were hollow and empty. It would seem like he didn’t care that his two brothers were just killed. Kaiba turned and looked at Ryou when he gasp as he saw his dark pull him close as Ryou clung to him shaking some. “That’s horrible.”
“Its not over.”
“What do you mean, its not over?”
“I mean its not over. They were the start. There is someone here that is going to kill us off one by one. They were the start.” Kaiba said as he looked to Malik. “Anyone of us could be next.” Kaiba then went on as he looked them all over.
“So now what?” Ryou asked as Malik then spoke up. “Split up but stay in groups of two or three. If there is someone in here then we need to find him and flush him out.”
“Are you stupid Malik or just watching way to much Scooby-doo? We split up and we’re dead.”
“No Bakura. If we split up then we can flush the killer out and if one us ends up dead then we’ll know who the killer is.”
“Are you saying it could be one of us?”
“Maybe Ryou.”
“That’s just dumb Malik. Not a one of us is killers.”
“You use to me Bakura.”
“No I was a tomb robber not a killer. Your dark on the other hand has killed before it could be him.”
“I only killed his father and there was a reason.” Marik then growled out as Kaiba then growled louder. “ENOUGH!!” Kaiba yelled at them. “Fighting wont help anything and I hate to say this but I agree with the Ryou’s dark. We stay together. No one goes anywhere without the rest of us knowing.” Kaiba said as he glared at them. “I mean no one…..”

Kaiba shook his head as he remember the fight those three had as he growled some. “Morons. All of them.” Kaiba said as he looked to his pup to see him watching them all. “Now thinking about it maybe we should have split up. It might have save everyone else’s life if we had. We might have been able to find out who the killer was and I could have found my pup sooner.” Kaiba said as he reached out and held on to Joey’s hand.
The detectives looked to Joey to see that he was watching them. “Joey can you tell us what happen to you when the lights went out?” Peter asked as Joey just nodded. “As Seto said I had just found out that his two brothers were killed and was running to tell him what I had seen when the lights had gone out……”

Joey stopped running as soon as the lights went out as hear the sound of a gun going off and seeing the blast of light that follows. The thing was when the blast of light went off Joey realized that it was close by. Also sound was to close for it to be on the ground level with everyone else. So this must mean the killer was close to him. Joey started to take a step towards the stairs when the gun went off again. This time Joey knew he was hit by the bullet. Joey just turned to try and see the guy but couldn’t see anything but his outline.
As Joey started to fall a hand shot up to were he was shot as another one caught him before he could fall. “Don’t want you falling and killing yourself.” The guy whispered into Joey’s ear. The thing was, the voice, it sounded like…….

“Sounded like who?” Vincent said as he watched Joey as he looked away. “Someone I once knew.” Joey said as Vincent pushed on. “Who? If you know who the killer is then you got to tell us.”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
“BECAUSE HIS DEAD!” Joey yelled as he glared at the cop. “He died a few years ago.” Joey said as he turned away from the all as he closed his eyes as he try to stop the memories and the tears, both came flooding back.
Kaiba just watched his pup as he looked to the two detectives. “That will be enough for today. He lost almost all his friends. You’ve got questions you want answers to then go across the hall and talk to Yugi. He was there he can tell you what happened.” With that Kaiba turned and looked at his pup. This was his way of telling them that for now they were throw.
Once the two detectives were gone and the door closed Joey looked up at his love as he reached a hand and lightly touch his check. “I wasn’t the only that lost people close to me Seto. You lost two brothers.” Joey said as he saw something he thought he would never see from his love. Tears. Lots of them. Seto Kaiba was doing something no one ever thought he would do. Seto Kaiba was crying.
Now it wasn’t a loud sob but he was crying as Joey just pulled him down and held him close as Kaiba let the tears fall. They were for his fallen brothers. “I’ll find he bastard and kill him myself.” Kaiba said after a few moments but didn’t move from Joey’s hold. Right now Kaiba wanted and needed the comfort he was getting from his puppy.

Yugi was snuggled into his dark’s chest as Yami laid in bed next to him as he and Yugi looked to the door as it open up. “Hello. I’m detective Peter White and his is my partner, Vincent Long.” A older male wearing a trench coat said as they both showed there badges. “Is one of you Yugi Motou?”
“I am. Can I help you?”
“We’d like to ask you a few questions about the night you were shot.” Peter said as Yugi sat up some and nod. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”