Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Halloween ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Halloween

A/N Thank you to all that reviewed my story. I am sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter out. With me working its hard to get these chapters out. I know that Halloween is over but I wanted to get this chapter out and may get one more out. Not sure but I know that after today that I’ll be putting this story on hold until next year around Halloween to finish it. Also words written like this means its in the present. Normal writing is for the past and the main story. There is a part that is on the graphic side. Please do not report me on it. You have been warned. Well anyways on with this chapter.

Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only.

Chapter 5

We were all the living room scared. Only me and my two friends Ryou and Ishizu were the only ones to show it. Everyone tried to act as if they didn’t know what fear was or that this didn’t scare them. We were all taking about what to do when I say Bakura get up and leave. I saw that he said something to his light, Ryou before walking off…….”

Yugi just blinked his eyes as he watched them before getting up and walking over to Ryou as he sat down next to him. So where is Bakura going?” Yugi asked Ryou as Ryou looked him and shrugged. “Don’t know. He said he had something he had to do.’ Ryou said as he looked to were Bakura went, scared for his dark. “I just hope his ok.” Ryou said with worry in his voice and in his eyes. “I’m sure he will be. This is Bakura we are talking about.” Yugi then said as Ryou nodded some with a soft sigh.
As Yugi was talking to Ryou, Marik was watching them as he felt his light wrap his arm around his waist. “What’s up Mal?” Marik then asked he looked to his light, Malik shook his head some as Marik wrapped his arm around Malik’s waist holding him close. “Don’t worry love. I wont let anything happen to you.” Marik said as Malik snuggled into him. Malik was scared and needed to feel his love close to calm down some.

It was now ten o’clock. The party had started around eight that night and it was around nine when all the killing started. Everyone was staying more or less quiet as Yugi realized that Bakura had been gone for well over ten minutes. It was also then that Yugi realized that both Ishizu and Odion were missing now.
Just as Yugi was about to say something they heard what sounded like Ishizu screaming. This cause them all to get up and were going to head up the stairs and were about half way up when they saw Bakura walking towards the stairs with something red all over the front of his costume. “Damn it.” Bakura said as he looked down to it as he try to wipe it clean.
Malik just lost it then as he took off after Bakura and tackled him to the floor. “You fucking monster! You’re the fucking killer aren’t you?!” Malik asked as he started to punch Bakura in the face. “Just say so!” Malik said as he throw another punch.
Bakura was able to grab that punch and use his body weight to roll them over so he was on top of Malik straddling his hips as he was able to pin both hands about Malik’s head. “You must be the dumbest person on Earth! Why would I go around killing everyone? I may not like you all but I wouldn’t go around killing everyone and I sure as hell wouldn’t get any blood on me if I was the killer.” Bakura said as Malik growled at him. “You are! You were gone this whole time and show up just moments after my sister screamed!”
“I had to take a piss and there isn’t a bathroom down there. They are up here.” Bakura said with a growl. “When I was coming out of the bathroom I thought I could hear something and was going to see what it was. I was close just a few rooms away when I could hear someone talking and ducked into a room. Just as I shut the door I could hear her scream then head what sounded like someone running away so I went to see what happen. I must have just missed the guy and she was already dead. He slashed her throat. I check to make sure and covered her with a sheet. I had to reach across her to get it.”
The others just stood there as they listen to him as he let go of Malik. “I’ll take you to see. Ryou you stay with the pharaoh and the shrimp.” Bakura said as he got off of Malik and looked to his light. Ryou gave a nodded as Malik and Marik followed Bakura. Kaiba had also gone to see what had happen……

“What happened? Do you know?” Vincent asked when Yugi stopped as Yugi nodded. “Yes. I found out about ten to fifteen minutes later when they all came back down and Ryou had asked. When Bakura told him he looked green and ready to pass out.” Yugi said as he remember what he had heard.

“When we went upstairs I showed them what I found by pulling the covers back. Malik’s sister was naked and looked like she had been raped. There was a bit of seamen around her lower half and her neck was slashed. Her face is in a fozen state of horror and….”
“And what?”
“Are you sure you want to know Ry?”
“I’m not sure.”
“We’ll I guess you have a right to know.” Bakura said with a sigh as he talked to his light. The two of them had gone off to a corner so Malik wouldn’t hear him talking to Ryou not knowing that Yugi was close, listening in. “And in between her legs shoved in her opening was the cut off dick. Some guy is no long a guy.” Bakura said as he turned green then pale as Ryou almost pasted out. Yugi nearly throw up after here this. “Poor Malik. It must have nearly killed him to see that.” Ryou said in a whisper as Bakura nodded.
Malik was lean against Marik on the stairs. The two were sitting on the bottom step as Malik had his head buried into Marik’s chest. “I just want Odion back. He already killed my sister I hope we can find Odion now.” Malik said. “He’ll no long be a he.” Bakura then said as Ryou elbowed him and glared. “Damn it Ryou that hurt.” Bakura said with a growl as Ryou had just turned his head away from him.
Ryou walked over to Malik as he sat on the other side of Malik and lightly touched his shoulder. “Don’t worry Malik. I’m sure we’ll find Odion and he’ll be fine.” Ryou said trying to cheer his friend up. “He most likely were ever Joey is fine. The two maybe tied up so that’s why they can’t get back to us but fine other then that.” Ryou said as he watched his friend as Malik looked at him and nodded to him some.

The group stayed in the living room talking trying to come up with a plan to find Joey and Odion but the talking wasn’t helping the mood. Everyone was on edge, feeling jumping and depressed. They had had three killings and two kidnappings. They didn’t know who was doing this or why. All they knew was it had to be someone at lest one of them knew and this person had a reason to hate who ever that person was. For all they knew they all could have known this person and he hated them all for a reason. What that reason was they didn’t now.
“Fuck this! I’m not going to just sit on my ass doing nothing and wait for my death to come. If I’m going to die tonight then I’m going to go down fighting who ever this fucker is.” Bakura said as he got up and started to walk off. “Ryou stay here. Its safer for you here. I’ll be back in a few moments I just need to walk around.” Bakura said without looking to his light as he walked off as Ryou just sat back down shaking. Ryou and Bakura were very close, closer then most lovers and for Bakura to walk off without Ryou hurt him but it also left him feeling scared. “Please be safe.” Ryou said as he lean into Yugi when Yugi sat down next to him. “I’m sure he will be Ry.”
“I don’t know Yugi.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have this feeling that I wont see him again…alive.”
“Don’t worry. This is Bakura. You’ll see him alive. He just needs to walk around a bit. He’s never one for sitting still for so long.”
“I hope your right Yugi.” Ryou said as he kept his eyes on where Bakura walked off.
When two hours came and went without any sign of Bakura coming back Ryou got so scared he was shaking like a leaf. “I’ve got to look for him. He could be hurt.” Ryou said as he shot up and darted off in the direction that Bakura had left in. It was about another five minutes when they heard Ryou scream.

“Why did your friend, Ryou, scream?” Peter asked as Yugi turned his head away from them and burry it into Yami’s chest as his shoulders shook to let them all know that the small one was crying. “Something you would normal see in horror movies. Something that I would have never wished on the tomb robber. Something that Ryou should have never had to see when it came to his love. Something that will forever be burned into our memories and forever give us nightmares. Something that no one should have to live throw and something on one should have to see……”