Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Halloween ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Halloween
A/N Thank you to all that reviewed my story. I am sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter out. There is a part that is on the graphic side. Please do not report me on it. You have been warned.
For all of you that have read this one before I’m back with it. (FF.net fans) For those who have not read it before welcome.
For those of you that are reading my other story, Furry Past…Modern Present, (Fanfiction.net under the same pen name, puffin) I’m putting that one on hold until after the holidays. I’ll pick it up sometime in Jan. I want to try and finish this one and start a few others that are for the holidays. Anyways. I hope you all like this one and please review.
Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only.
Chapter 6
“What did he see?” Vincent asked as Yami just held Yugi. “He saw his love’s dead. Not just dead but….he was mutilated.” Yami said as he just ran his fingers over Yugi’s check. Trying to calm him down.
“Mutilated?” Vincent then asked, both detectives confused at this statement.
“Yes. Mutilated.” Yami said as he kept his eyes on Yugi. Yami knew that all this was still fresh in his love’s mind. Hell he was still fresh in his mind. They were after his friends as well.
“As you know Ryou went off looking for his love, for Bakura and the next think we all heard was Ryou’s scream…..
Looking to were Ryou had went, everyone got up and rush to see what Ryou had just saw.
“Ryou are you…” Yugi trailed off as he saw what had caused Ryou to scream. It made Yugi sick. He almost throw up at what they were all looking at.
They all just stood there, not sure what to say at seeing one of their friends pinned to the wall.
Yami stopped as he took in a death breath and let out slowly. “We should have gone looking for him earlier. Maybe he wouldn’t have be so horrable mutilated. Maybe we could have saved him.”
“Why do you kept saying he was mutilated?” Peter then asked as he watched the oldest of the two tricolor teens.
“Because, that was what was done to him.” Yami said glaring at the cop. “What that murder…mad man did to him…no one should have that done to them and no one should have to see their love like that.” Yami said thinking of poor Ryou.
Yami then looked down to see that Yugi had cried himself a sleep. Yami figured it was for the best. He knew that he would have to tell them what he saw in detail and didn’t want Yugi to have to live throw it again.
“What we saw….he shouldn’t…I just hope Bakura wasn’t a live when it was all done to him. I hope he was killed before he was craved up.” Yami said as he then went back to his story.
They stood there looking at was left of Bakura’s body. It would seem that the killer worked fast. He did a lot in just 2 hours.
Bakura was nailed to the walk with two knives, on in each shoulder. His left eye was missing along with his noise. The left side of his jaw was missing skin. It had been pealed to the point were you should see his teeth and gums of his left jaw.
His neck was slash to the point his head was hardly still attached to the body. It was just barely hanging on by piece of skin.
It looked like his heart had been craved out of his body. It was completely gone and missing.
The large intestines were wrapped around his neck like one might were a boa.
The small intestine, stomach and bladder were on the floor, like they had tumbled out of the body and fell there. There was also a lot of skin and blood on the floor as well.
The two detectives’ eyes went wide and for a few moments they looked like they maybe sick. “He wasn’t just killed he was tortured.” Peter said as he wrote something down. “If he happened to be alive when all that happened to him, then yes, he was.” Vincent said.
Yami just nodded at this as his eyes were closed. “Ryou shouldn’t have to see him like that. He loved him to much. The shock of it nearly killed him.”
“Nearly killed him, so I would then take it his still a live?” Peter asked.
“No. His dead. Just the shock didn’t kill him.” Yami said as he open his eyes and looked to the two cops as he let out a soft sigh. “He died in front of our eyes…..”
Yami then saw that Ryou turned away from Bakura’s now dead body as he wrapped his arms around who ever he was closest to. It happened to be Kaiba. What was a real shock, if anyone had been paying attention or thinking, was that Kaiba just held onto him instead of pushing him away.
Yami then looked back to the wall as he saw that something was written near it. “’Eye for an eye.’” Yami read he, along with everyone minus Ryou, saw that Bakura’s missing eyes was nailed next to it.
Yugi had ran off to throw up as Marik and Malik looked sick and very pale.
“This is one sick bastard.” Marik then said as everyone agreed with him.
“Eye for an Eye?” Peter asked confused as Yami was watching Yugi sleep before looking up at him.
“There is only one person I think this would mean. Pegasus, Maximillion Pegasus.” Yami said with a cold hatred in his voice.
“Maximillion Pegasus? The creator of duel monsters?” Vincent asked shocked that Yami would name him but wrote his name down in his notebook.
“You think his the killer?” Peter then asked.
Yami nodded some to this. “I don’t think he was there, doing the killings. No, he would have gotten someone to do it for him but I think he is the master mind behind it all. Why? Not sure.” Yami said as he watched them.
“You said your friend Ryou was the next to die. How?” Vincent asked.
“Slowly but gently and as I said in front of our eyes…” Yami said as he looked to the nightstand next to the bed were Yugi’s puzzle sat and Ryou’s ring.
After a while everyone walked back into living room were a very shaking Ryou was sat on the couch.
“I may not have liked the man but one should have died like that.” Yami said as he sat on the couch holding Yugi. Yugi seem to be feeling better but still kind of pale.
Ryou just lowered his head. “I can’t believe his gone.” he said softly as Marik then walked off.
“Here drink some water. It should help.” Marik said as he handed him a glass of water. Ryou took it and slowly sipped the water.
When it was about half gone Ryou handed it back saying that it was starting to taste a bit warm. Marik ran off to get some ice for it as Ryou lay down on the couch and closed his eyes. He said he wasn’t feeling good.
Just as Marik’s left the lights went out again and shots rang out. They then heard Yugi cry of pain, Yami calling out Yugi’s name and the sound of feet running off.
When the lights came back on Yami saw that Yugi was holding his now bleeding arm again. “Damn Yugi, you must not like that arm.” Malik said with a smirk.
“Shut up Malik.” Yugi said with a glare as He felt Yami wrap his arm to stop or at lest slow the bleeding down as they all then heard a crash followed by a girlish scream as Marik came running into the room.
“Ra damn it Marik! You nearly gave me a heart attack screaming like a damn girl!” Malik said as he head held onto were his heart was and gave his love a glare.
“Well, I just found Odion’s head. It scared the shit out of me. It’s in the freezer.” He said as he reached out, took Malik’s hand and started to pull him into the kitchen.The others had followed as they saw that it was Odion’s head. Odion’s mouth was open in a silent scream and his eyes were filled with frozen fear. Seeing it there meant that he was dead when the everyone was hoping he was still a live.
Malik just closed the door as he lowered his head. He then spun around, flung himself as Marik, holding onto him as he buried his head into his shoulder. Seeing how hard his own shoulders were shaking everyone knew that Malik was crying. “Sorry Mal.” was the only thing that Marik could think of as he held his love.
Yami then noticed that Kaiba was holding a piece of glass and really looking at him. “Something wrong?” He asked.
“Ryou’s dead. Poison” Kaiba said with no emotion in his voice. As if this was common for him to say this.
“What do you mean his dead?” asked a shock and upset Yugi. It would seem like their friends were dropping like flies around here.“Just what I said. When you all came in here to see a head, I noticed that Ryou had stop breathing. Seeing how he wasn’t shot the only other was being poison.”
“But I got him tap water. From the tap.” Marik said as he watched Kaiba.
“Which means either you poisoned him….”
“I DIDN’T POISION RYOU!” Yell and enraged Marik.
“..Or…” Kaiba went on; acting like the enraged Egyptian had not interrupted him. “…the poison was on the glass. And if Marik had not then it had to be on the glass.” Kaiba said as he dropped the cloth and glass on the floor.
“But who would the killer know we were going to get that glass?” Malik then asked with his head now resting on Marik’s shoulder.
“He didn’t. He couldn’t. The only way to make sure at lest one of us was poison was to put them on all my glasses.”
“So that means we all could have been poisoned?” Malik then asked as Kaiba nodded to this. “I don’t think he messed with the cups in the living room, just the ones in here. He would want to make sure he didn’t poison himself so he left a few untouched.” Kaiba said as he watched them all.
Everyone just seemed to be thinking hard as they walked into the living see that Ryou was indeed, dead. He wasn’t breathing but he looked like he was just sleeping. In peace.
“So then it was just down to five us. Joey was missing and some of us were thinking he was dead now and we had just lost two more friends. We didn’t know who would be next or how he would die.” Yami said as he just watched his love sleep peacefully, hoping that he was having sweet dreams were their friends were still alive.
A/N Ok finally done with this chapter. I’m back with this one. I’m hoping to get this one done before Halloween. I might be able to. I don’t think there will be too many more chapters left to this one. As I stated before, my other story is on hold until after the holidays. I hope you like this one and please send review. As always, I know I have spelling errors and grammar mistakes please don’t point this out to me.
A/N Thank you to all that reviewed my story. I am sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter out. There is a part that is on the graphic side. Please do not report me on it. You have been warned.
For all of you that have read this one before I’m back with it. (FF.net fans) For those who have not read it before welcome.
For those of you that are reading my other story, Furry Past…Modern Present, (Fanfiction.net under the same pen name, puffin) I’m putting that one on hold until after the holidays. I’ll pick it up sometime in Jan. I want to try and finish this one and start a few others that are for the holidays. Anyways. I hope you all like this one and please review.
Don’t own Yugioh. Being used for fun only.
Chapter 6
“What did he see?” Vincent asked as Yami just held Yugi. “He saw his love’s dead. Not just dead but….he was mutilated.” Yami said as he just ran his fingers over Yugi’s check. Trying to calm him down.
“Mutilated?” Vincent then asked, both detectives confused at this statement.
“Yes. Mutilated.” Yami said as he kept his eyes on Yugi. Yami knew that all this was still fresh in his love’s mind. Hell he was still fresh in his mind. They were after his friends as well.
“As you know Ryou went off looking for his love, for Bakura and the next think we all heard was Ryou’s scream…..
Looking to were Ryou had went, everyone got up and rush to see what Ryou had just saw.
“Ryou are you…” Yugi trailed off as he saw what had caused Ryou to scream. It made Yugi sick. He almost throw up at what they were all looking at.
They all just stood there, not sure what to say at seeing one of their friends pinned to the wall.
Yami stopped as he took in a death breath and let out slowly. “We should have gone looking for him earlier. Maybe he wouldn’t have be so horrable mutilated. Maybe we could have saved him.”
“Why do you kept saying he was mutilated?” Peter then asked as he watched the oldest of the two tricolor teens.
“Because, that was what was done to him.” Yami said glaring at the cop. “What that murder…mad man did to him…no one should have that done to them and no one should have to see their love like that.” Yami said thinking of poor Ryou.
Yami then looked down to see that Yugi had cried himself a sleep. Yami figured it was for the best. He knew that he would have to tell them what he saw in detail and didn’t want Yugi to have to live throw it again.
“What we saw….he shouldn’t…I just hope Bakura wasn’t a live when it was all done to him. I hope he was killed before he was craved up.” Yami said as he then went back to his story.
They stood there looking at was left of Bakura’s body. It would seem that the killer worked fast. He did a lot in just 2 hours.
Bakura was nailed to the walk with two knives, on in each shoulder. His left eye was missing along with his noise. The left side of his jaw was missing skin. It had been pealed to the point were you should see his teeth and gums of his left jaw.
His neck was slash to the point his head was hardly still attached to the body. It was just barely hanging on by piece of skin.
It looked like his heart had been craved out of his body. It was completely gone and missing.
The large intestines were wrapped around his neck like one might were a boa.
The small intestine, stomach and bladder were on the floor, like they had tumbled out of the body and fell there. There was also a lot of skin and blood on the floor as well.
The two detectives’ eyes went wide and for a few moments they looked like they maybe sick. “He wasn’t just killed he was tortured.” Peter said as he wrote something down. “If he happened to be alive when all that happened to him, then yes, he was.” Vincent said.
Yami just nodded at this as his eyes were closed. “Ryou shouldn’t have to see him like that. He loved him to much. The shock of it nearly killed him.”
“Nearly killed him, so I would then take it his still a live?” Peter asked.
“No. His dead. Just the shock didn’t kill him.” Yami said as he open his eyes and looked to the two cops as he let out a soft sigh. “He died in front of our eyes…..”
Yami then saw that Ryou turned away from Bakura’s now dead body as he wrapped his arms around who ever he was closest to. It happened to be Kaiba. What was a real shock, if anyone had been paying attention or thinking, was that Kaiba just held onto him instead of pushing him away.
Yami then looked back to the wall as he saw that something was written near it. “’Eye for an eye.’” Yami read he, along with everyone minus Ryou, saw that Bakura’s missing eyes was nailed next to it.
Yugi had ran off to throw up as Marik and Malik looked sick and very pale.
“This is one sick bastard.” Marik then said as everyone agreed with him.
“Eye for an Eye?” Peter asked confused as Yami was watching Yugi sleep before looking up at him.
“There is only one person I think this would mean. Pegasus, Maximillion Pegasus.” Yami said with a cold hatred in his voice.
“Maximillion Pegasus? The creator of duel monsters?” Vincent asked shocked that Yami would name him but wrote his name down in his notebook.
“You think his the killer?” Peter then asked.
Yami nodded some to this. “I don’t think he was there, doing the killings. No, he would have gotten someone to do it for him but I think he is the master mind behind it all. Why? Not sure.” Yami said as he watched them.
“You said your friend Ryou was the next to die. How?” Vincent asked.
“Slowly but gently and as I said in front of our eyes…” Yami said as he looked to the nightstand next to the bed were Yugi’s puzzle sat and Ryou’s ring.
After a while everyone walked back into living room were a very shaking Ryou was sat on the couch.
“I may not have liked the man but one should have died like that.” Yami said as he sat on the couch holding Yugi. Yugi seem to be feeling better but still kind of pale.
Ryou just lowered his head. “I can’t believe his gone.” he said softly as Marik then walked off.
“Here drink some water. It should help.” Marik said as he handed him a glass of water. Ryou took it and slowly sipped the water.
When it was about half gone Ryou handed it back saying that it was starting to taste a bit warm. Marik ran off to get some ice for it as Ryou lay down on the couch and closed his eyes. He said he wasn’t feeling good.
Just as Marik’s left the lights went out again and shots rang out. They then heard Yugi cry of pain, Yami calling out Yugi’s name and the sound of feet running off.
When the lights came back on Yami saw that Yugi was holding his now bleeding arm again. “Damn Yugi, you must not like that arm.” Malik said with a smirk.
“Shut up Malik.” Yugi said with a glare as He felt Yami wrap his arm to stop or at lest slow the bleeding down as they all then heard a crash followed by a girlish scream as Marik came running into the room.
“Ra damn it Marik! You nearly gave me a heart attack screaming like a damn girl!” Malik said as he head held onto were his heart was and gave his love a glare.
“Well, I just found Odion’s head. It scared the shit out of me. It’s in the freezer.” He said as he reached out, took Malik’s hand and started to pull him into the kitchen.The others had followed as they saw that it was Odion’s head. Odion’s mouth was open in a silent scream and his eyes were filled with frozen fear. Seeing it there meant that he was dead when the everyone was hoping he was still a live.
Malik just closed the door as he lowered his head. He then spun around, flung himself as Marik, holding onto him as he buried his head into his shoulder. Seeing how hard his own shoulders were shaking everyone knew that Malik was crying. “Sorry Mal.” was the only thing that Marik could think of as he held his love.
Yami then noticed that Kaiba was holding a piece of glass and really looking at him. “Something wrong?” He asked.
“Ryou’s dead. Poison” Kaiba said with no emotion in his voice. As if this was common for him to say this.
“What do you mean his dead?” asked a shock and upset Yugi. It would seem like their friends were dropping like flies around here.“Just what I said. When you all came in here to see a head, I noticed that Ryou had stop breathing. Seeing how he wasn’t shot the only other was being poison.”
“But I got him tap water. From the tap.” Marik said as he watched Kaiba.
“Which means either you poisoned him….”
“I DIDN’T POISION RYOU!” Yell and enraged Marik.
“..Or…” Kaiba went on; acting like the enraged Egyptian had not interrupted him. “…the poison was on the glass. And if Marik had not then it had to be on the glass.” Kaiba said as he dropped the cloth and glass on the floor.
“But who would the killer know we were going to get that glass?” Malik then asked with his head now resting on Marik’s shoulder.
“He didn’t. He couldn’t. The only way to make sure at lest one of us was poison was to put them on all my glasses.”
“So that means we all could have been poisoned?” Malik then asked as Kaiba nodded to this. “I don’t think he messed with the cups in the living room, just the ones in here. He would want to make sure he didn’t poison himself so he left a few untouched.” Kaiba said as he watched them all.
Everyone just seemed to be thinking hard as they walked into the living see that Ryou was indeed, dead. He wasn’t breathing but he looked like he was just sleeping. In peace.
“So then it was just down to five us. Joey was missing and some of us were thinking he was dead now and we had just lost two more friends. We didn’t know who would be next or how he would die.” Yami said as he just watched his love sleep peacefully, hoping that he was having sweet dreams were their friends were still alive.
A/N Ok finally done with this chapter. I’m back with this one. I’m hoping to get this one done before Halloween. I might be able to. I don’t think there will be too many more chapters left to this one. As I stated before, my other story is on hold until after the holidays. I hope you like this one and please send review. As always, I know I have spelling errors and grammar mistakes please don’t point this out to me.