Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking Point ❯ Breaking Point ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warning: I do not own Yu-gi-oh, much as I wish I did. “Sigh” Oh anyway this fanfic contains yaoi. Yes, male/male. It contains sexual content not appropriate for people under the age of 14. If you are under 14 and read this well I hold no responsibility for this.
Oh and for all you homophobic people, don't review cause may I remind you it does say yaoi in the description, and no one made you read my fanfic!!!
P.S. This is my first time writing this pairing so please don't kill me. T_T
P.P.S. Ok in this story all the Yamis have their own bodies. Just to classify! Ryou is uh.. Bakura and Bakura is well Yami Bakura.
***** =Changing point of view, sometimes used to skip ahead in time for the safety of my poor typing fingers and my sanity or the little I have left ma wahhhhhhha
Flashback~ = well flashback
End Flashback~ = end flashback
*…….* = Motion or sound
~………~ = the annoying little voice in your head that never shuts up
Breaking Point
I was always the strong one.
The protector, he would run to.
But what if for once I wasn't strong enough.
What if I meet someone stronger?
What then?
Who could I run to?
Everyone has a breaking point.
A point that once reached would destroy our walls,
Our hearts very defense
What then?
When all the lies and illusions are removed
What will you see?
When the truth is before your eyes
What then will you do?
Will you choose to protect
Or Destroy
What lies before you?
What happens to a person when their Breaking Point is reached?
What then?
Ryou's POV At his house.
Oh no I was going to be late. I can't believe I over slept. Why didn't my alarm go off? It must be out of batteries. Oh well to late now. I need to get ready.
Quickly grabbing a towel Ryou headed for the shower.
After getting dressed Ryou just had time to grab his book bag and the ring before dashing out the door for school.
Oh damn it! I forgot my dual monster cards. Oh well too late now I am almost halfway there. Not like I will be needing them. I'm not going to have time to play today anyway since I am late.
At school
Ryou quickly slid into his seat next to Yugi and Tristian.
“Hey Ryou”
“Oh good morning Yugi” Man that had been close he though for sure he would be late. Now not only was he on time but he had a few minutes to spare before class started to talk.
“Hello guys” Ryou said greeting everyone.
“Why weren't you here earlier we missed you”
“Oh well I overslept. And then I forgot my dual monsters cards oh my desk cause I was in such a hurry. I was almost half way here and I didn't want to be late to go back and get them” Replied Ryou blushing lightly.
“It's ok. Ryou it happens to all of us.” Giggled Yugi as he watched Ryou's cheeks change to another darker shade of cherry red.
“Hey, Where's Bakura anyway?” Joey burst out from behind them.
“Um no idea” Now that he thought about it he hadn't seen Bakura since last night when he had left to go to a bar. Know him he was probably drunk in some alley. It didn't really matter he could take care of himself. He was always back home in time for dinner.
“Wait, but doesn't he live with you?” Tristian asked looking very confused.
“Well yah but he comes and goes when every he pleases” Stopping Bakura was like stopping the tides. He was so stubborn when he made up his mind stopping the tides might actually be easier. He really could be anywhere. If it was anyone else he probably would have worried. But Bakura could take care of himself and then some.
“Knowing him he is probably skipping. You know how he hates history he thinks it is a waste of time. The fact that he hasn't even heard of most of the things we study in history doesn't exactly help you know. ”
“Okay class now quiet down. It is time to start the lesson. Today's lesson will be on the dropping of the atomic bomb.”
The 10'o clock news.
Hi this is Jerry Evens with a special report. We have just received information that high-class criminal Tokaru Hiruki has escaped from prison. He is believed to be around the Tokyo area. Parents tell your teens to stay in view and always let someone know where you are going as well as when you will be back. This man has been found guilty in heading an illegal sex ring as well as various cases of rape, murder, and kidnapping. He specializes in targeting teenagers. He is to be considered armed and dangerous. If you spot this man be sure to contact the local authorities as soon as possible. If you spot him no matter what you do not confront him. He is mentally unstable and will not hesitate to kill. If you have any tips or have seen this man please call this hotline. A reward will be offered for his capture. More on this story later, now to the Michel Downer with the local news…..