Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Wings ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Broken Wings
Author: Cheysuli
Rating: R (to be safe)
Pairing: ?/Bakura
Summary: There is more to life than Shadows. Sometimes, though, Shadows are all we can see. Shounen-ai. ?/Bakura.
Warning: Shounen-ai (male/male)
Disclaimer: The characters of Yu-Gi-Oh belong to their creator (not me); any mythology mentioned belongs to Egypt which belongs to the Egyptian Gods. I do not own the various books mentioned in this fic; they belong to whoever wrote them.
Chapter: Chapter 2
.:yami to hikari/hikari to yami:.

_____________ _________________

Hurts. It hurts so bad very bad bad bad bright too bright too painful too loud loud bright whispering chanting singing screaming crying crying who’s crying screaming make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop...

Please make it stop...





" Hmmm. Early," Ryou yawned, pulling the covers over his head and going back to sleep. Or rather, he tried to go back to sleep. Sleeping is rather difficult when someone yanks the covers off of you, exposing you to the chill morning air. Ryou groaned and rolled over to glare directly into amused amber eyes. "Must you do that so early?"

Bakura smiled sweetly. "Do what, Ryou?" he asked, feigning confusion. Ryou just glared and Bakura sighed, dropping the act. "You have to get up for school now."

Ryou blinked and glanced at the clock, groaning when he saw what time it was. "Bakura," he whined, pulling his pillow over his head. "It's 5:30; go back to sleep."

Bakura frowned. "But I don't want to," he said, leaning closer to Ryou and poking his arm. "Up, Ryou."

"Why are you awake now?" Ryou asked, his voice muffled since he was still hiding under the pillow. "Usually I have to drag you out of bed."

Bakura mumbled something that sounded vaguely like 'couldn't sleep' before crawling onto the bed next to Ryou. "Ryou, get up," he whined. Yes whined. Bakura was not above whining to get his way... as long as Ryou was the only one there to hear him.

Too bad it rarely worked.

Ryou frowned, pushing the pillow off of him and staring hard at his yami, seeing how uneasy and tired he looked. 'A nightmare maybe? But he's never woken me up before; he usually just crawls in bed with me if the dream's too bad.' Ryou had lost count of how many mornings he had woken up to find Bakura - his 'I'm not afraid of anything' yami - snuggled up next to him under the covers. Of course, Bakura always denied it, claiming he had no idea how or why he had ended up in Ryou's bed.

Smiling, Ryou reached up and wrapped his arms around Bakura's neck, pulling him down to lie next to him. "Sleep, Bakura. We don't have to be up for hours," he yawned, hugging Bakura close to him.

Bakura sighed, reaching down to pull the covers over them before lowering his head to Ryou's chest and wrapping his arm around the hikari's waist. 'Stupid hikaris. They're too observant for their own good,' he thought with faint amusement that tried, and failed, to override the nervousness he still felt from the disturbing dream he had just had. 'Thank Ra,' he thought drowsily, holding back a yawn, before he snuggled closer.





"Go way. Mmm sleeping," Bakura yawned, pulling the covers over his head in a pathetic attempt to hide from his hikari.

Ryou sighed, laughing quietly as he knelt on the floor next to the bed. "If you hadn't gotten up at 5:30 this morning you wouldn't be this tired now," he said, pulling the covers off Bakura and reaching out to shake the sleeping boy. "It's already 7:30 Bakura. If you don't get up now we'll be late for school."

Bakura groaned, blinking open his eyes. "5:30 7 what?" He yawned, sitting up and leaning against Ryou as he once again dozed off.

Ryou rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Bakura's waist before standing and pulling his yami off the bed. "Must we do this every morning?" he asked as Bakura blinked in confusion, wondering how he had gotten to his feet.

Bakura frowned as he suddenly realized where he was. "How did I..." he began before remembering last night's dream. "Oh, right," he finished, blushing slightly as he realized he couldn't pretend to have no knowledge of how he got here. His blush intensified when he noticed he was in Ryou's arms while wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and an oversized T-shirt. "Umm, you can let go now."

Ryou, who had been watching in amusement as Bakura remembered the events of last night, smiled innocently as he slowly released his yami. It was amazing how shy Bakura could be when he was half-asleep and too tired to put up an act. 'If only they could see the real you,' he thought sadly, thinking of their - no; his - friends. 'Then they wouldn't hate you so much.'

Oblivious to the turn Ryou's thoughts had taken, Bakura tiredly made his way from the room, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to stay awake long enough to make it to the shower. He nearly collided with the half open door but managed to catch himself before he could harm himself. "Why does school have to start so early?" he mumbled as he moved down the hall, trailing a hand along the wall to keep himself upright. "Why do I even go to school? Not like it can teach me anything I can't learn on my own..."

Ryou smirked as he listened to Bakura complain before heading downstairs, grabbing his backpack on the way.


Half an hour later, Ryou and Bakura were finally on their way to school, the latter still mumbling quietly beneath his breath. Only this time, instead of complaining about the early hour, he was complaining about the Pharaoh. Why was he complaining about the Pharaoh? Because the Pharaoh and his brat - err, hikari - had decided to join them on their walk to school. Or, more precisely, the Pharaoh and his hikari had decided to join Ryou on his walk to school. Bakura just happened to be there.

.:’Kura, could you please stop? The Pharaoh’s starting to look annoyed and it’s too early for a fight.:.

Bakura blinked and stole a quick glance at the bane of his existence. The Pharaoh was, indeed, starting to look annoyed. Actually, judging by the redness of his face, the grinding of his teeth, and his narrow eyes, he was quickly passing annoyed and going straight to angry. .:Well, what crawled up his-:.


Bakura winced, shaking his head. He hated it when Ryou yelled at him through their link. It always gave him such a headache. ‘Well, serves me right for not keeping that thought private. Must watch that,’ he decided as he returned his attention to the two tri-colored bas... err, porcupines. ‘Wait, I only see - oh, there he is.’ Bakura frowned when he realized the midget was bouncing happily next to Ryou, excitedly telling the white haired boy about something that had happened at the game shop the night before. Bakura found it amazing that he didn’t notice just how forced Ryou’s smile was. .:Have a headache, Ryou?:. he asked his hikari as he glared at the Pharaoh, who glared right back. .:Want me to shut him up?:.

Ryou sent a wave of gratitude over the link but declined the offer. .:We're here anyways. He’ll have to shut up now.:.

Bakura smirked as they entered the school building and the bouncy midget porcupine finally stopped talking. .:Why are you friends with him if he annoys you so much?:.

.:He’s only like this in the mornings, ‘Kura. Or after he’s had sugar. He’ll calm down in an hour or two. You know that.:.

Bakura sighed as he followed them into the classroom, moving to his seat by the window. While he got out his supplies for their first class, he watched from the corner of his eye as the Pharaoh spoke quietly and urgently with Ryou before taking his seat in the back. .:Demanding to know if I’m abusing you, Ryou?:. he asked sadly, recognizing what had become a morning ritual.

Ryou paused a moment as he sat Bakura. .:Yes:. he answered, frowning as he glared at his desk. .:I’m sorry they think so little of you.:.

Bakura shrugged. .:It’s not your fault, Ryou,:. he reassured his hikari before turning his attention to the teacher who had just entered the room.


A/N: I’m sorry for the crappy dream at the beginning. I had originally planned to give Bakura a rather... surreal dream/nightmare but I couldn’t figure out how to write surrealism. Also, I apologize for the mild Yami and Yugi bashing in this chapter. That’s just how Bakura sees them. I’m not going to make Yami a bastard or Yugi an oblivious hyperactive child (except early in the morning and when he’s had sugar).

One other thing, does anyone know where I can find fan art of the Egyptian Gods? I remember seeing this one site devoted entirely to the God Set but can’t remember the address. Any fan art about any of the gods would be great. Thank you.