Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Wings ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )
Title: Broken Wings
Author: Cheysuli
Rating: R (to be safe)
Pairing: ?/Bakura
Summary: There is more to life than Shadows. Sometimes, though, Shadows are all we can see. Shounen-ai. ?/Bakura.
Warning: Shounen-ai (male/male)
Disclaimer: The characters of Yu-Gi-Oh belong to their creator (not me); any mythology mentioned belongs to Egypt which belongs to the Egyptian Gods. I do not own the various books mentioned in this fic; they belong to whoever wrote them.
Chapter: Chapter 3
A/N: To aura-chan the neko-jin, the prologue wasn't really supposed to make sense. Technically, it hasn't even happened yet since the story actually 'starts' three weeks before the events in the prologue. Think of the prologue more as a teaser of what's to come.
.:yami to hikari/hikari to yami:.
_____________ _____________________
"He's up to something."
Yugi sighed, glancing over at Yami, who was glaring across the room at Bakura. "Leave him alone, Yami. He's good now."
Yami just glared harder at the thief, who appeared to be working on the assignment the teacher had given the class. Appeared to be. Yami knew Bakura couldn't be that interested in math. Or even interested at all. "He's faking, Yugi. Can't you see?" he asked, glancing worriedly at his hikari. "He just luring everyone into a false sense of security and when we least expect it, he'll-"
"Is there a problem, Mouto?"
Yami winced and turned away from Yugi, glancing nervously at the teacher that seemed to loom over him. "Uh... no, Sasaki-sensei."
Sasaki smirked. "Well then, Mouto; perhaps you could tell the class the answer to problem number twelve," he said, pointing towards the board in the front of the room.
Yami turned to look at the board then glanced down at his blank paper. He had been too worked up over whatever Bakura was planning that he had forgotten all about the assignment. Nervously, he looked back towards the board.
If a triangle has sides 5, 6, and the square root of thirteen, what is the area of the triangle?
Yami blinked. "Uh... uh..." he stuttered, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation.
Sasaki cocked an eyebrow as he watched his student squirm. "I thought as much. Please see me after class, Mouto," he said, before turning to one of his favorite students. "Bakura, do you know the answer to number twelve?"
Yami smirked, confident the thief would fail as well. 'There is no way he is smarter than me,' he thought, watching as Bakura looked up from his desk.
Bakura studied the board for a moment, cocking his head. "9," he answered before returning to his paper, not even glancing over at Yami.
"That's correct, Bakura," the teacher said proudly. "And can you tell us how you arrived at that conclusion?" he asked, glancing at Yami from the corner of his eye to make sure he was listening.
Bakura didn't even look at the teacher as he answered. "Heron's formula. We studied it last week."
"That we did," he said as he turned his attention once more to Yami. "And apparently some students need to start paying attention in class if they don't want to fail."
Yami was so shocked that Bakura had actually known the answer that he had almost missed the teacher's threat. Almost. "Yes, Sasaki-sensei," he said, nodding as he gaze shamefully at his desk. .:He cheated; I'm sure of it,:. he told Yugi mentally so he wouldn't get into anymore trouble.
Yugi sighed just sighed, shaking his head in amusement, before turning back to his own assignment.
.:Is the Pharaoh still sulking?:.
Ryou glanced quickly across the room before answering Bakura. .:Yes. And he's glaring again, too.:.
Bakura sighed, wondering what he had done this time. .:If he'd only pay attention instead of plotting ways to get rid of me, he wouldn't get in trouble.:.
Ryou smiled as he returned to figuring out the assignment. .:You know, Kura; if anyone heard you talking like that, they'd think you were a pod person.:.
Bakura frowned and turned to stare at Ryou.
Sensing Bakura's confusion, Ryou glanced up from his paper. .:You know; Invasion of the Body Snatchers.:.
Bakura just continued to stare blankly.
Ryou sighed. .:Gods, Kura! You need to watch more TV! Now, uh, can you tell me the answer to number seven?:.
Still confused but distracted by the change of subject, Bakura shook his head. .:No. If you don't do it yourself, you'll never learn.:.
.:But you told the whole class the answer to number twelve and how to solve it!:. he whined, turning to stare wide eyed at Bakura.
Unfortunately, when it came to schoolwork, Puppy Eyes never worked on Bakura. .:Only because Sasaki-sensei asked me to.:.
Ryou pouted but didn't argue and turned back to his almost complete assignment, trying to remember everything he knew about triangles.
"Did you see the pleading looks Ryou gave that thief?!" Yami growled later that day. "He obviously threatened Ryou into given him the answer."
Yugi sighed and shared a suffering glance with Jou, who had joined them for lunch. The three were in their usual lunchtime spot: sitting in the shade of a large tree near the fence out behind the school. "Um, Yami; don't you think you're overreacting just a little?" Yugi asked, trying to calm him down.
Jou nodded. "Yeah, Yami. It's your own fault you got detention. You can't go blaming Bakura for this."
Yami glared at them. "Don't you see?! That thief is using Ryou and the boy is too afraid to stand up to him!"
Yugi nodded. "I know, Yami. But there's nothing we can do about it until Ryou asks for help. It's really none of our business."
Jou frowned at them. "You know, guys; have you ever thought that maybe Bakura is actually smart and Ryou was giving Bakura 'pleading looks' because he wanted Bakura to give him the answers?"
Yugi and Yami both turned to stare at him in disbelief.
Jou gave a nervous laugh, raising his arms a bit in defense. "Or I could just be imagining things."
Yugi and Yami continued to stare for a few more moments before returning to their own discussion. And Jou's comment was soon forgotten.
At least, forgotten by the Pharaoh and his Light. Jou knew there was more to Bakura than anyone suspected and he couldn't... wouldn't forget what he just said.
And neither would the still figure that watched silently from the branches above.
A/N: And that was another slow chapter. Sorry. Things should pick up a bit next chapter.
Oh, I got the math problem and the answer from The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math. And they did use Heron's formula to solve it. Not that I really understood the process. But then again, I really didn't try to understand it.
And yes, I know I said I wouldn’t make Yami such a bastard. And he’s not. He’s just stubborn and blind to the truth right now. But at least Yugi’s calmed down a bit. And Jou’s here now! Haven’t decided who else I’ll bring into the fic yet. Not too many since I have trouble writing stories with a large cast. Probably not more than two or three other people.