Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Help Falling in Love ❯ Can't Help Falling in Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Can't Help Falling in Love

It had been two weeks since the intrusion of the Tellietubbies. Ryou, Malik, and especially Bakura found it quite amusing that the Tellietubbies show was cancelled after the disappearance of the psychotic aliens. Bakura loved the fact that the directors of the show couldn't find any evidence of the missing Tubbies, or that they tried to find substitutes to replace them.

"What's the point?" Bakura sniggered to himself. All of that Tubbie Milkshake had put him on a sugar high for the past few weeks.

Malik nodded for the third time as he sat down on the couch, waiting for Ryou to finish making the popcorn for their movie. Tonight, the ABC channel was hosting a special treat, The Last Samurai. Both teens were excited to see a movie that was actually filmed in Japan.

"Have you ever watched Tom Cruise in one of his films?" asked Malik as Ryou applied the butter to the fluffy white puff-stuff in the bowl.

"No, I tend to like Alan Rickman's movies, like, Pride and Prejudice." Ryou sat down beside Malik and offered him the large bowl of popcorn.

The blond teen smiled gratefully and accepted the gift. He grabbed some of the kernels and popped them into his mouth as Ryou turned the T.V. on channel 3.

They were just on time. The film had just started and Ryou and Malik sat forward eagerly.

Ryou and Malik were about halfway through the film before they were interrupted by a giggle fit coming from Ryou's bedroom. Malik got up and was about to open door when it suddenly opened by itself!

In the doorway stood the oh so familiar figure belonging to no other than…

"Princess Boxers!" Malik smiled cheesily. His upper lip twitched slightly as he stared at the… erm…. lady in front of him. "So glad to see you, your royal highness."

Princess Boxers was wearing a fancy black kimono with red and green rose patterns. Two gold loop earrings hung from his ears and there was obvious evidence of mascara on his eyelashes. Navy blue eyeshadow was applied to his eyelids and his nose and mouth were concealed behind a fancy Japanese fan. The most obvious of all though was a pair of white boxers with pink hearts on his head, and the golden tiara that circled it.

"Delighted," Bakura said in his most sexy woman voice. He batted his eyelashes a few times before asking in a very princessy-like tone, "How are you two on this very fine and wondrous day? What is this, a Tuesday perhaps?"

"Um," Ryou looked over the couch and cringed at the sight of his Yami. "It's Friday, actually…"

Princess Boxers strutted over to Ryou and looked down on him. The deep brown eyes studied his lighter half with wonder.

"It is good to see you, my friend," Princess Boxers lowered the fan to reveal what was behind it.

Ryou almost choked at the sight; His Yami was wearing bright red lipstick and his face was heavily powdered to a bold white.

"Where did you get that lipstick from, Yami?" Ryou blurted out.

"Yami? I am not Yami! I am Princess Boxers, have you forgotten?" the princess looked very offended.

"Just answer my question, you psychotic freako!" yelled Ryou. He was getting impatient, since they were missing their movie.

Ooooooooooh, that's gotta hurt! Thought Malik to himself.

"Well, if you must know," Princess Boxers sighed dreamily, "I got it from the store."

"You went and bought lipstick from the store?!?" Malik coughed at the thought of Bakura in the ladies aisle, looking back and forth for lipstick as all the women stared at him like he was crazy.

"No, I didn't buy it," retorted Princess Boxers. "I found it on a shelf and decided to take it home with me."

"You were shoplifting?" Ryou couldn't believe his Yami had actually pulled it off.

"Oh, I was merely borrowing it from them. I'll give it back when I'm done with it." Princess Boxers waved his fan as if it was no big deal.

"Since when did you go to the store?" asked Ryou.

"Will you stop that? It's not nice to ask a royal lady so many questions. It might damage my intelligence!" Princess Boxers humphed and turned his head away.

"Like he has any left to damage," Malik whispered to Ryou, causing them both to snort.

Ring! Ring!

Malik jumped up and down excitedly before running to the phone, "I'll get it!" He picked up the receiver and held it to his ear, "Hello?"

"Hey kids!" said a voice that sounded as if their nose was plugged. "I just wanted to congratulate you for winning the prize of the Millennia!"

"Uh…" Malik didn't know what to say. He froze in terror as he suddenly heard in the background a chanting rhythm, "Barney! Barney! Let's go, Barney!"

"No need to thank me!" the voice sounded happy and bubbly. "My name is Barney, and you've won the privilege to be on my show!"

"Privilege?" Malik choked.

"What's going on, Malik? Who is it?" asked Ryou, but Malik wouldn't answer.

"Yes! You must be at the set tomorrow at 6:30 AM, no sooner, no later. Just right on the button!" Barney chuckled.


A little kid screamed into the phone, "No butts! Butts are gross!"

Malik was starting to regret answering the phone.

"If you don't come at 6:30, then you will regret it!" Barney chuckled again. "Goodbye!" **click**

Malik looked terrified as he put the phone back down. His hand shook horribly as he stumbled back over to the couch where Ryou sat him down.

"Well, who was it, Dearie?" asked Princess Boxers, fanning herself.

Malik blurted out what he had heard, and when he was done, Princess Boxers laughed.

"Don't worry about it; it's probably just a prank call!" she giggled, waving her fan some more.

"You're probably right," Malik stood up and was led to Ryou's bedroom by the white-haired angel.

"Goodnight!" called the princess to the two boys as they entered the room, shutting the door behind them.

Malik groaned as his nightmare awoke him. He had dreamed that Barney had tied him up to a tree and made him watch a never-ending Barney Show marathon. Turning, he buried his head into Ryou's shoulder and let out a small sigh.

Wise men say, "Only fools rush in."

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shout, I say. Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows to the sea

So it goes, `Some things are meant to be'

Then it occurred to Malik that he might want to get something for breakfast, maybe some poptarts or somewhat along those lines. Throwing back the covers, Malik sat up and rubbed his eyes, glancing at the time.

It was 7:18 AM…

Malik almost choked. Turning back to the sleeping boy in bed, the blond shook him awake.

"Mmmm…" groaned Ryou, tossing the covers back over his head.

"Ryou!" Malik started to panic. Maybe Barney was going to send Ryou's soul to the Shadow Realm!

"No! Please, Ryou! Speak to me!" Malik started to cry. "Don't leave me, please!"

"Mmmm…. Come back, little tan bunny…" Ryou mumbled, pulling the covers tighter around his body.



There was a crash as Ryou jerked up, his head crashing with Malik's as the blonde's was coming down.

"Ouch…" Ryou held his head as he attempted to look at what he had hit. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Malik!"

"It's ok. I thought you were trapped in the Shadow Realm," whispered Malik, bending down and giving Ryou a possessive hug.

Ryou blinked a few times, "Why would you think that?"

"Remember the phone call I answered last night?" Malik shuddered.

"Look, Malik. We'll go downstairs and take a look around, ok?"

Malik nodded and stood back so Ryou could get to his clothes.

Just as Ryou finished buttoning his shirt, the two boys heard a shriek from downstairs. They could tell that it wasn't one of those silly girl shrieks, but one of those scared panicked shrieks.

Malik ran down the spiral staircase and jumped the last few steps, landing in front of Princess Boxers, who was backing away from the front door.

The door was open, and a strong wind found it's way into the house. The windows rattled and the curtains swayed slightly as a lone shadowy figure stood the doorway.

Ryou stood slightly behind Malik, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. "I swear I left the door locked before I went to bed last night. Did you unlock it, Malik?"

"N-n-no…" Malik quickly zipped behind Ryou, sticking his head out for a peak as the figure stepped into the house.

Both Ryou and Malik turned to the terrified princess and said at the same time, "Princess Boxers?"

"Did you answer the door…" sighed Ryou.

"Again?" Malik added as the princess started to whimper.

Princess Boxers nodded weakly.

"I told you to be at my studio at 6:30 AM!" cried the figure in front of them. In front of the trio stood the weirdest and most bizarre looking dinosaur they had ever seen. All of a sudden, little kids in the background started to sing in the Yankee Doodle tune.

"Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination