Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Chibi Yugi ❯ Carnival ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

K: I'm glad I labeled this.

Seto: What?

K: The tape that I accidentally put in. * Shows tape that says 'Cops and robbers YxY' *

Seto: Can I see?

Yami: Hentai!

Seto: Am not.

B. Yugi: But Mokuba told me you sneak into Jou's house and watch him shower.

Seto: Umm…. * shifty eyes *

Jou: O___O

Yami: Ha! Hentai!

Seto: -__-

K: Right….

Seto: Why aren't they calling you hentai?

K: ………….. They don't care if I see?

Seto: O__o

K: * blinks * Presents! From Yami&Yugislover.

B. Y + Y: O.o

K: A hug for Ryou.

Ryou: * blushes *

Bakura: ………..

K: Everyone else gets 1000000000 pounds of choclyite.

Everyone: ???

K: I think she means chocolate. I think.


K: From Mystery! I get millions of plushies and Yami/Yugi stuff like pics, poster's and t-shirts. THANKS!! For Yugi he gets a Yami plushie in all different oufits he has worn!

B. Yugi: * winks * Thanks!

K: To Yami the same thing except it's a Yugi plushie!

Yami: * starts taking the clothes off the plushie *

K: ^__^;; Umm…. From KawaiiBlackMoon to Yami 10 black blood sucking Yoshis?

Yami: O__o

K: And tuxedo!

Yami: What do I use it for?

K: Well Yugi's getting the wedding dress. What do you think it means?

B. Y + Y: * blushes 12 shades of red *

K: Yugi gets 10 white blood….sucking Yoshis.

B. Yugi: O.o

K: Weird but cool! I love Yoshi he's a cute dinosaur. To Seto a new trench coat with a picture of Barbie on the back.

Seto: I've always wanted one!

Everyone: * stares at him *

Seto: * cough cough *

K: …………. Jou gets a life supplies of dog food.

Jou: >__<

K: Malik gets to be hunted by the Jack in the Box guy.

Malik: O___O * runs away screaming *

Y. Malik: My light's a chicken.

K: Oh yeah? Chuckey!

Y. Malik: What?! She sent him too! * runs away screaming *

K: ^___^ To Bakura he gets to be a power ranger for 1 day and choice of color!

Bakura: WTF!!

K: Watch your mouth! To Ryou the first issue of Shonen Jump where he's not in it.

Ryou: Umm…. Thanks…. I think.

K: To me a Flames-B-Gone spray! Thanks! And an invitation to the BS-Project! Thank you! * runs off and hugs KBM *

KBM: O___O

K: ^__^;; Ummm…. * runs back *

Everyone: O.o

K: From Kuragari no Tenshi to Yugi unlimited supply of sugar.

Seto: The Pain!

B. Yugi: ^________^

K: To Yami a Yugi plushie.

Yami: ^__^ * squeezes plushie *

K: To Ryou the latest computer software and computer.

Ryou: Thank you.

K: To Bakura a 'How to steal the pharaoh's treasure and KEEP it' book.

Bakura: ^___^

Yami: * holds Yugi tightly, glaring at Bakura *

K: To Anzu * gives gift to her *

Everyone: * runs away *


Anzu: X___x

K: She got a nuclear bomb. Honda gets 'Comebacks for comments on hair' book.

Honda: Somebody likes me!

K: Right…..Jou gets a turn-ppl-into-dogs spray.

Jou: Mwhahahahahahaha!!

K: As if it'll work on me. I'm the author and I say you can turn Seto, Anzu, and Honda into dogs. Maybe Bakura.

Bakura: -___-

Jou: Oh well I was going to spray Kaiba.

Seto: * backs away and clutching a Barbie doll *

K: Not now!

Jou: * sulks *

K: To Malik who is running from the Jack in the box guy, he gets aspirin and a 'How to control truly evil yamis' and one for Ryou, too.

Bakura: -___- The pharaoh's safe.

Yami: I'm evil! Just not in front of my aibou.

K: Y.Malik (I'm changing his name to Ishtar) gets 'How to be truly evil and get away with it' book. He isn't here now. To Seto a rapunzel Barbie.

Seto: I was just going to get one. Thanks.

Everyone: O__o

K: To me sugar, supreme mallet of doom, make-anzu-a-mortal spray and scroll of ptah (write on it and it comes true.) COOL! Thanks! And everyone gets the island of dreams!

Everyone: ^____^

Anzu: X__x

K: From Ancient Enchantress to Ryou a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

AE: * comes and gives Ryou a biiiiiiiiiiigg hug then a kiss on the cheek * Luv ya Ryou-chan! * leaves *

Ryou: * blushes *

Bakura: * grumbles *

K: To Yugi lotsa chocolate and a bunny costume.

B. Yugi: When are you changing me back? *still Bunny Yugi *

K: Never.

B. Yugi: Okay!

K: To Bakura "Hope not to get picked on by a Pharaoh" book.

Bakura: Oh that sounds so useful.

K: Setta I'm sorry for making fun of Seto but it's SO easy to do.

Seto: -___-

K: From DorfsandNab4eva…….um hold on. *Whispers to B. Y + Y *

B. Yugi: We don't hate you!

Yami: Yeah.

K: Now you know they don't hate you and she wanted to give Yugi a new teddy bear and sugar and Yami anything his heart desires besides Yugi.

B. Y + Y: We don't hate you!

K: From Reggie who emailed me. Reggie gave me truckload of candies! WEEEEEEEEE!! And Millennium earrings. V__V But I don't wear earrings but it's okay. I'll use them some time. And a book on

'How to torture Anzu/Tea' by Reggie. To Anzu is food.

Anzu: * wakes up * Food? * eats it * X___x

K: It was poisonous food. And she also gets a giant slug…….okay. To Bakura a black t-shirt that says 'Darkness' in purple.

Bakura: Thanks.

K: To Ryou a white t-shirt that says 'Light' in gold.

Ryou: Hey we match yami.

Bakura: Um…. Yeah.

K: To Malik and Ishtar a poor purple-tinted frog? At least they aren't here to see this. To Seto a gymnastic Barbie set.

Seto: ^___^

K: O.o And a Teddy bear Kelly. You know Barbie's little sister.

Seto: ^___________^

K: O.o To Jou a cool dog collar Reggie bought with lil' cute bones and dog paws carved in silver.

Jou: Um….better than dog food.

K: And dog shampoo.

Jou: ……….

K: To Yami and Yugi 'I'm #1!' t-shirts.

B. Y + Y: We're number one!

K: To Yami umm…. It's a little slimy from her dog. A photo album, empty, with a good drawing of the Millennium puzzle.

Yami: Thanks. * holds it away because it's slimy *

K: And a pharaoh's robe from her wardrobe she made it herself.

Yami: Thanks!

K: And a can of anti-angst romance spray.

Yami: Yes! No more angst!

K: Yugi gets a can of anti-angst romance spray too.

B. Yugi: Thank you!

K: And a Celtic Guardian plushie.

B. Yugi: * huggles plushie *

K: And a 'Tea-torture' kit.

B. Yugi: ^_____^

K: And to Mokuba. MOKUBA GET OVER HERE!!

Mokuba: Yes?

K: You got a gift.

Mokuba: ^___^

K: It's a life-time supply of super-sugar.

Mokuba: ^_____________^


K: Shut up!

Seto: OOOOO * stops *

K: Video time and it's suggested by Destiny's Light.

* Video Yugi *

Grandpa: Yugi I'll be gone for a while so be nice to the babysitter.

Yugi: Otay! ^___^

Grandpa: -____- * sighs *

Ding! Dong!

Grandpa opens the door, and you can see the babysitter he and long, straight white hair. He was about sixteen and seemed really girly.

Grandpa: Welcome umm….

Babysitter: You may call me Pegasus.

Grandpa: Okay well, good luck. * Leaves *

Pegasus: Good luck?

Pegasus looked down at a blinking, thumb suckling Yugi.

(K: Aww…. Seto + Bakura: * laughing * B. Yugi: I did it for a reason. * Grins* Yami: ^___^;; )

Pegasus: Why would I need luck?

Yugi blinks up at him then gave him an innocent but not really innocent smile.

Yugi: Mes hungy!

Pegasus stares at him then picks him up and takes him to the kitchen.

(Yami: I can't believe he touched my aibou! K: Kill him later. Yami: I will! K: Okay……)

Pegasus: What do you want?

Yugi: See-reals!

Pegasus got some milk and cheerios and gave the bowl to Yugi then went back to the living room to watch…….Funny Bunny.

He didn't notice Yugi following him with the cereal full of mile that was sour.

Yugi climbed the couch with the bowl and stared at the TV then made a face at the show.

Yugi shrugged then threw the bowl on Pegasus's head.

Pegasus: Gross!!

Yugi just giggled then changed the channel to a duel monster battle while Pegasus ran out of the room.

(Seto: Is it done yet. K: No. Seto: I want to get out of here. K: To bad you're stuck here and you're stuck with other authors and authoresses! Mwhahahaha! Seto: O___o )

* Later *

Pegasus came back grumbling and glared at Yugi then jumped when Yugi jumped up suddenly.

Yugi: Let go to park!

Pegasus: …….

Then Yugi somehow drags Pegasus to the park by the hair with Pegasus howling in pain.

Suddenly Yugi lets go of him and ran to a girl and started pulling her brunette hair.

Pegasus sighed and began dragging himself to a bench. He watched Yugi begin beating a boy, which looked like a bully.

Pegasus winced every time the kid hit the other. Yugi smirked while standing on the 'bully.'

Pegasus tilted his head back and shut his eyes. He heard some noises going on behind him but he ignored it.

Suddenly, Pegasus was violently pushed off the bench, backwards and he was sliding down the hill on what seemed to be oil. He crashed through a bush; hit some rocks then fell into the river.

Pegasus came out of the water with a fish in his mouth and his hair all over his face.

Yugi: Mwhahahahahahahaha!!

** End **

Yami: Good for you aibou!

B. Yugi: ^___^

K: Yeah!

Bakura: Good work ol chap.

Everyone: O__o

Bakura: I mean whatever.

K: * whispers to Ryou * I think he's picking up your accent.

Ryou: Maybe.

K: Next video is with Ryou.

* Video Ryou *

Ryou and his father were in a pyramid in Egypt looking for artifacts.

Ryou's father was ahead of him while Ryou looked at the sights.

Ryou saw a lot of jewelry and he kept stuffing them in his backpack and checking if his father might see or not.

(K: Ryou's a lot like his yami. Ryou: Um…. Bakura: Well I'm proud of you. Ryou: ^___^ )

Father: Ryou hurry!

Ryou stuffed more jewelry and ran toward his father.

Father: Look at this chamber.

They stepped into a chamber with a lot of hieroglyphs. Ryou sulked but followed his father in and he stepped on a switch.

The door closed and the walls started closing in.

Father: O___O * spots a switch * Maybe this would work. * Pulls switch*

Then spikes sprouted from the walls while Ryou stared at the floor.

Father: Ryou! Help!

Rou walked calmly to his father and grabbed his arm then pulled him to a circle on the floor then jumped, which made them fall through the circle.

They landed outside the pyramid with Ryou's sack of jewelry.

Ryou: I want to do that again. ^____^

Father: O___o

** End **

K: Ryou you're crazy.

Ryou: Well, it was fun.

K: Right…..

Bakura: My aibou could have been killed! * Hugs Ryou tightly *

Ryou: ^___^

B. Yugi: What happened to the jewelry?

Ryou: V__V My dad gave it to the museum.

Bakura: I'll kill him.

Ryou: You can't!

Bakura: Why not?

Ryou: He's getting me a car.

Everyone: O___o

K: That was strange. This one if of Yugi it's a little sad. Not!

*Video Yugi *

Yugi was walking home from school but then someone grabbed him from an alley and stuck a knife to Yugi's neck.

(Yami: O___O K: Calm down.)

Some guy: Give me your money.

Yugi: I don't got any.

Guy: Then I'll kill you.

Yugi looked around and no one else was around. Yugi's eyes narrowed then he kicked the guy's stomach, which made him drop the knife. Yugi landed in a fighting stance.

Guy: You brat!

Yugi glared, then ran toward him doing a round-house kick then grabbed the back of his hair and slammed him to the ground.

(Everyone: O.O )

Then he threw him into a dumpster and whistled, walking away.

**End **

Everyone: O.O

B. Yugi: Eh….

Yami: Aibou if you could do that why don't you?

B. Yugi: To deceive people and I don't like doing that in front of people. It ruins my image.

Everyone: O.o

Yami: I still love you.

B. Yugi: ^__^ I love you too Yami.

K: That is so weird. ^__^ But cool! I'm kind of running out of ideas.

Everyone: Yah!

K: * glares * I know! Next chapters you can email or review in questions that the cast has to answer.

Everyone: * groans *

K: And between questions I'll show more videos of them doing anything embarrassing and stuff. When they're kids or what they did a few weeks ago or so.

Everyone: * groans louder *

K: Ignore them and check my website!

Seto: Your advertising in you fic?!

K: So?

Seto: That seems wrong.

K: You just don't like the site because it has a lot of Yami/Yugi pics and no Seto/Jou pics.

Seto: ………

K: Well sorry. It's hard to find those.

Ryou: ^___^;; Read and Review please.