Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Cold Hearts, Warm Arms ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dun, own Yu Gi Oh.

Serenity stared at the diamond. Did she just hear right? Did Seto Kaiba just ask her to marry him?

"Well Serenity, will you marry me?"

Serenity smiled as she cried tears of joy. "Yes, of course I'll marry you." She said as she threw him down on the floor of the limo and hugged him, "I'll marry you, Seto Kaiba."

Seto got up; He slipped the ring on her left ring finger. "Perfect." He said getting up from the floor; he sat down in the seat and pulled Serenity on his lap. Serenity let out a soft giggle as she was pulled up.

Seto looked down at his girl…no his fiancé, yes Seto looked at his fiancé.

Serenity was in bliss, she was having a wonderful birthday, she was with the man she loved, and to top that off, she was getting married to him. Life could not be better. There was only one thing she had forgotten about. Joey.

"Oh, my god, what am I going to tell Joey." She said panicking.

"Let me handle him." Seto told her smirking.

"How so?"

"Seeing as the little puppy is Man's best friend, I give the commands, and he obeys." Kaiba said with a smirk.

"I really wish you would stop calling Joey a Puppy." Serenity tried to act stern and serious, but she could not help but laugh.

"And pray tell what are you going to do about it."

"I won't marry you." She said firmly folding her arms around her chest.

"Then I would like the ring back, it cost me a fortune and I really don't want to be out all that money." Seto explained jokingly.

Serenity looked at him in shock, as if she believed him. "Excuse me?"

"The ring Serenity." Seto demanded his hand extended. Serenity looked at her fiancé.

"Seto, I…" She proceeded to take the ring off. However, Seto stopped her.

"Seren, I was kidding." He pulled her into a kiss.

"Oh, I…" Serenity felt a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry." She blushed.

"It's alright, I'm going to marry you whether your brother likes it or not." Seto loved Serenity, one would have thought that Seto Kaiba would have been a miser or something, never marrying, never falling in love with anyone. However when Serenity Wheeler came to town, he fell for her, grant it; it took him awhile, now they were marrying.

Serenity never thought she would fall for a man who was hated so much by her brother; she never thought she would be marrying a man like Seto Kaiba. However, she was recently engaged to the richest man in Japan, if not the world.

"Oh, Seto I can't wait to tell everyone, finally we can tell everyone of our relationship and not worry about them finding out." Serenity was happy she hated hiding the fact that her and Seto have been together secretly for quite sometime now.

"I love you Serenity, without you Life seems…what's the word? Trivial? The fact is that the moment you stepped into my life, is the moment I knew my life would change, grant it, it took me awhile to admit my feelings for you, however in time I have. I love you Serenity Wheeler, and I want you to become Mrs. Seto Kaiba."

"Of course Seto, I will marry you, I'm not going to let Joey or anyone tell me different, I'm not going to let them tell me what kind of man they think you are, when I know the truth, I know the real Seto Kaiba."

Seto looked at her, "The real Seto Kaiba?"

"Yes, the one that is gentle, and kind, the one who isn't afraid to show me the fun side of himself, the one who isn't the arrogant bastard, that makes people wallow in fear at the mere mention of the Kaiba name."

Seto had to smile at the last comment Serenity said. "Yeah, I do tend to make people dreadfully scared." He said as he pulled Serenity into another passionate kiss. After a full minute, he pulled away. "I'm glad you aren't scared of me however."

Serenity smiled as she became comfortable in Seto's embrace. "Seto now that we are engaged, what now?"

"Patience my love, let me shower you with gifts tonight, for it is your birthday my sweet, sweet Serenity."

The limo stopped in front of a fancy restaurant, the driver opened the door to let both Seto and Serenity out. Seto had made reservations at the restaurant, it is apparently the one he had taken her to, when they first began dating.

"Seto, it's the first place you brought me to."

"I want this night to be special Serenity, It's however your night, and this is just the icing on the cake, trust me there will be more."

Serenity laughed happily. "Will there be cake?"

Seto laughed, as they entered the restaurant. Serenity followed him in; she looked around, her face suddenly faltered as she saw….

A/n: Whom does Serenity see? Now that Seto and Serenity are engaged will Joey accept the idea, and will Seto ever stop calling him a little Puppy? To find out read the next chapter of Cold Hearts, Warm Arms.