Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Crosses To Bear ❯ Infectious Characters ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, here lately I've been having some creative issues. Though it's generally nothing to worry about, I'm truly afraid that with me being in the middle of another, and bigger story and the fact that I'm on the verge of starting a new one (yeah, three folks!) I was worried that my muse for this story had dried up and shriveled so that I'd never want to finish it! But I refuse to become a writer with unfinished business! So, pushing past my adversity, I have produced…this! Hope you like it. I tried.
Infectious Characters
Though they left Bakura's house with the full intention of going to Téa's, somehow or another, Yugi and Yami ended up getting sidetracked by other things…well, actually, it was all Yami's fault. Or so Yugi would say.
As they passed the various stores along the street, the two held a silent conversation in Yugi's head…yeah…the kid's schizo.
Suddenly, Yami broke free of Yugi's body and stood in front of a large building. A mischievous grin played at his lips. “Let's go in,” he told Yugi.
“What? Yami…this is…Kaibaland! To hell if I'm ever going in there! Even if they do have state of the art dueling fields…” Yugi huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his head away in disdain. Though he couldn't help but peek open an eye at the huge structure before them.
“I'm the real one that does all your duels, I should be the one offended to go in!” Yami said. And before Yugi could stop him, he strode up to the doors and went inside
Yami whipped his head around quickly, trying to take in all of the sites at one time. “Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man! Check out this technology! It's a duelist's paradise! Wow, they even have a trading card shop here that makes your grandpa's shop look like a New York kiosk!”
“You know what? Screw you!” Yugi shot at him and stormed off to an adjoining room.
This room was filled with small tables that were crowded with other people. On the far end of the room was a food bar, buffet style. Another door led off of this one, but it was a restricted area.
“Eh, what's a little snooping around gonna do?” Yugi muttered to himself and set off for the door. When the coast looked clear, he cracked it open and squeezed himself through to the other side.
And was met by the sight of Kaiba and Mokuba talking quietly at another table in the room. Yugi sat down at a table far off in the shadows so that they wouldn't notice him.
“Mokuba, we're going to have to make some cut-backs,” Kaiba was saying with a heavy voice. “The company's not doing so well right now…frickin' quarterly shifts and all…anyways, that means some of the things we have are going to have to stop either temporarily or maybe even permanently.”
“But big brother, I don't understand! Business is booming! I mean, look at this place, it's crawling with duelists!”
“Yes Mokuba, this place is going alright. But other places…not so well. Kaibaland USA had a 40 percent fall in sales this year alone. I guess not many people in America believe in the power of playing a children's trading card game…they're satisfied with Pokemon…god I hate that game!”
Mokuba had been reaching in his pocket for something until Kaiba said this. The boy's hand stopped but Kaiba caught the movement.
“Mokuba, turn out your pockets,” he commanded.
“Um, big brother, I—“
“Turn them out!”
Reluctantly, Mokuba slowly revealed what he was holding. A Pokemon deck…mixed with cards as far back as the first season.
“What…what is this?!” Kaiba asked, aghast.
“I can explain!” Mokuba pleaded.
“Screw your explanation, I want answers! What. Are. You. Doing. With. Pokemon. Cards?”
“I-I…I couldn't help it, Seto!” Mokuba wailed. “They're just too cute and like the song says, you gotta catch them all. It started with me just trading some lame Duel Monsters card for a Pikachu and then…oh god, I was hooked! I had to have more! I wanted a deck! I wanted to battle anyone that stood in my way! I mean, you have your DM cards and victories, but what did I have? Nothing! Can't you see? I wanted something to call my own! I wanted opponents to crumble beneath me and tremble in my presence!”
Kaiba sat back in silence for a moment, then said in an awed voice, “Mokuba, I believe you've gone mad with power.”
Mokuba shrugged. “Of course I have, have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring, no one listens to you.”
Here, Yugi finally stood up to reveal himself. “Both of you are starking mad. Kaiba, what exactly does this cut-back you've mentioned entail for you? What, no more joy rides in the H3? The Blue-Eyes jet has to sit in the hangar for more than a week? No more five-thousand yen dinners at your favorite metropolitan bistro? Come on, give me a break!”
“It's none of your damn business Yugi,” Kaiba snarled at him.
“Well, well, well, how the mighty have fallen,” Yugi said in something close to a sneer. It kind of scared him…he was sounding as coarse as Yami could be.
With a loud growl, Kaiba launched himself at Yugi…who, for all his talk, threw his arms up to cover his face.
Oh god, not my baby soft face! It's much too childish and kawaii!
But at that moment, a door at the back of the room (there seems to be a lot of those here, huh?) opened up and a man with tall brown hair shaped roughly like an anvil stepped out.
“Attention duelists! Your lobster bisque will now be served!”
Kaiba stopped in his tracks and turned to him. “What the hell did I say about using that phrase? You don't work for Pegasus anymore! You're supposed to say `Attention Grand Master Kaiba of the Duelists!'”
“But sir—“
Mokuba got up from his seat and stood in front of the man. In a quick movement with his fingers, he motioned the man to lean down to his face. Then he drew back his hand and slapped him. “Don't ever question Seto! He is always right!”
Yugi took that time to make his escape. He went back through the food court and allowed himself to get swooped up in a crowd of tourists.
Well, I guess everyone's having a lousy day today…Ha, Kaiba's finally getting his just deserts! Tastes like sweet potato pie…mmm…pie…
He started moving around the building trying to find Yami. Enough time has passed to where I'm not so pissed at him anymore. It's time we kiss and make-up. I mean, make up! No kiss…ugh…damn fanficts.
He searched all over the place, and finally found his spirit in a dueling arena room. The duelists were just finishing up as Yugi walked in.
“Now that I have your monster trapped in my Swords of Revealing Light, I can destroy them with my Red Eyes Black Dragon that I “borrowed” from my friend Joey! Red Eyes, attack his pathetic little Winged-Kuriboh!”
With a loud roar, the monster fired off a red lighting attack, destroying the small furball within seconds.
The other duelist crumbled to the floor. Another boy with bluish hair and glasses ran up to him. “Jaden! Are you alright? I mean, it's just one duel…you'll be okay, won't you?”
The other boy, Jaden, sat up slowly. “Syrus, that's a lot easier said…I've never lost a duel, never! Oh god, how am I ever going to live this down?! Those stupid blue Obelisks at the academy are gonna give me hell about this!”
Yami hopped down from his spot and casually strode over to the boy. “A win is a win and a promise is a promise. You owe me a card…and I choose…that Winged-Kuriboh.”
“Wh-what?!” Jaden gasped. “But that's not even my strongest card, why would you want that?”
Yami gave a smirk that was border-line evil. “Because, you hold it so dear to you that taking it would mean more to you than if I took your strongest card. I'm quite sure that even a weak duelist as yourself has figured out that it's not always the strong cards that win a duel.”
Without waiting for the boy to reply, Yami snatched the card up from the floor where the other had let them fall. Turning on his heel, he left out the room, Yugi scurrying behind him.
“Wow Yami…that was…kinda cruel…that card meant something to him, did you have to take it from him like that?”
“That was him…the one that's to replace you in the future.” Yami said simply.
“Oh. Well then on that note, I should duel him and hit `em up for all he's worth!” Yugi said with malice.
Yami smirked again. “You've been hanging out with me too much.”
“Actually, I'm thinking more like Kaiba would, but yeah, you also seem to be going through this act-like-a-total-bastard phase too.”
They left Kaibaland and on the way out, Yami ripped up Jaden's card and threw it in a trash can.
Man, don't I have Yami acting totally weird here! But like I said, this is the product from my lack of an imagination. I'm gonna be finishing this story shortly, probably within the next two chapters…yeah, I believe I'm losing my thread with this one, what with me so eager to start my new story. Anyways, leave a comment please. I still want to hear your thoughts!