Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dark's Pet Walking Business ❯ Ch 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Dark's Pet Walking Business
By Anime*2000
Disclaimer: The fact is that I don't own it. Any questions?
~blah~ -obviously a scene change.
UGH! Why won't they let me do anything in italics?! And Yu-Gi-Oh is a word! Not Yu-_Gig_-Oh!
"NO!" Celtic yelled. "The horrors!"
"Stop panicking" said Dark. "The Harpy Sisters just want us to walk their pet"
"What's so bad about their pet?" DMG asked.
"Ever heard of Harpy's Pet Dragon?" Celtic asked.
"Uh-" DMG said, no, started to say.
"Relax!" Dark said calmly "What could possibly go wrong?"
~He should have known better...~
"You'd better, like, take good care of Draggy, or like, else-!" Harpy #1 was cut off short by her red headed sister.
"What my sister meant was that we're really glad that you could take care of our pet, Draggy. Isn't that right?" she asked her other sister.
"Whatever" was her answer.
"Uh......" was all DMG, Dark, and Mystic could say. Celtic however thought 'Draggy? What kind of name is that?!'
"Oh, I'm sorry" said the red head. "My name is Elly. My sister here is Eliza-"
"And Elise"
"Hey Mystic" Celtic whispered. "Aren't Harpies supposed to be ugly birds that have women's heads?"
Mystic couldn't help but smile.
"What?" asked Elise.
"What's so funny?" asked Elly.
"Nothing" Celtic said innocently.
Whatever!" said Eliza angrily.
Dark shot Celtic a warning look, but, Celtic wasn't paying attention.
~What a wonderful day...~
"This thing weighs a ton!" Dark exclaimed dragging 'Draggy' along.
"Two" DMG corrected him.
"no dif"
"Hey, What's that?" Mystic asked pointing to.....
Today was a lovely day. White fluffy clouds in the light blue sky, wind whispering through trees, flowers and waving you along, a Dark Magician and his friends trying to coax a dragon out of a tree.
"Who'd of think a dragon would be afraid of a Niwatori?" DMG asked tugging at Draggy's tail.
"I wouldn't" said Celtic "Those things just sleep-ow!" he stopped when the Niwatori pecked his foot. "You little-!"
"Celtic!" DMG hissed. "Don't kill it"
"Well, that's easy for you to say!"
"We're trying walk the pets, not kill them!" Mystic said angrily.
"Well, I'm not walking it..."
"Don't anyway"
"Now help us get this dragon down!" Dark said tugging on the leash.
"Can't he get down be himself?"
"No. I think he's..........." Dark stopped.
After a veeery long pause.
".........Stuck" finished DMG.
After another loooong pause.
"Stuck?" Celtic asked. "STUCK?!"
"Celtic" began Mystic.
"Celtic!" Mystic said again, though a bit more spitefully.
After that, and thinking up 'fantastic' idea to get Draggy out of the tree("It breathes FIRE!!") they passed Ms. Hart's house. They heard a vague howling on the roof, but dismissed that idea. Well, Dark just changed the subject anyway. They were walking past Lord of D's house.
"I think something's following us"
"Why, Dark?" DMG asked her big brother.
"Well, there does happen to be a shadow that's behind us......"
It was the big day! Lord of D's Baby Dragon was losing its first tooth! A loud explosion was heard outside. A series of shrieks and yells followed after it. A loud gulping noise was also heard.
"You-you-" Dark started.
"I challenge you to a Duel, Yami!"
"I accept, Kaiba!"
~Back to the Cards...~
"That was a lousy trick!" DMG yelled brushing off cinders from her shirt.
"Really? I thought it was entertaining" The Magician of Black Chaos said, smiling smugly "Seeing my 'friend' running around shrieking "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!'" with that, he pointed to Dark.
Dark glared at the Magician of Black Chaos. He glared back.
"Oh boy" Celtic muttered to Mystic.
"Hey Joey! Guess what?!"
"What Tea?"
"Kaiba just challenged Yami to a Duel!"
"Again?! Doesn't that guy ever learn ta quit? He just lost to Yami last week!"
"Well, let's go see! Tristen and Ryou are there already"
~ A few minutes later...~
"Glad you guys could make it! Look, something strange is happening!" said Ryou when Tea and Joey got there.
They leaned over the balcony and saw....
"Yami, what's with your cards?!" asked Seto, very confused.
"I don't know!" Yami replied looking as baffled as him. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with YOUR Dueling arena?"
"What's the matter?" Tea asked Tristen.
"None of the monsters are appearing"
"What are you doing Yami?" asked Seto "What are you-Ack! Stop!!" he yelled as Yami started kicking his side of the arena. "IT TOOK MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO BUILD THIS THING!!"
Yami kicked harder.
The monsters finally appeared.
"Uh..." Seto couldn't find the right word.
The Dark Magician was having a staring contest with the Magician of Black Chaos.
"Some guys..." Dark Magician Girl said shaking her head.
"Ah. What can we do?" Mystic Elf asked tapping her foot impatiently.
Celtic Guardian was banging his head repeatedly on Harpy's Pet Dragon, who was watching with interest at the two competing mages.
Yami looked almost speechless. Oh heck, he was speechless. And so was everyone else.
Anime: I was kinda out of ideas for this chapter. Sorry.
Dark Magician Girl: Hm. What pet to walk next...
Anime: Okay! R&R please! ^_^