Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dark's Pet Walking Business ❯ Ch 3 ( Chapter 3 )
Dark's Pet Walking Business
By Anime*2000
Disclaimer: I don't own nothing! No, wait....that would mean I do own it and...and...no, wait....okay, I just don't own it.
~blah~ -obviously a scene change.
Anime*2000: YAY!! Another chapter! Been awhile eh? I could NOT think up anything! 'Till now anyway. Well, enjoy! ^_^
"I can't believe it! That idiot started a pet walking business?! It was my idea!"
"It's alright Dark!" said Celtic
"NO it isn't!!"
Ms. Hart was trying to get Silver Fang off the roof. How in Obelisk's name did he get up there again? And why were there dark light coming from the Dark Magician's house?
Everyone peeked from whatever furniture they were hiding behind. Dark was breathing heavily and was shaking with anger.
"Oh my..." whispered Mystic coming from behind a sofa that had suffered the full blast of Dark's 'Dark Magic Attack'.
"Yep" said DMG walking out of a closet. "Wait 'till Grandpa sees this-"
All of Dark's rage disappeared as the Dark Sage entered the room.
"Gr-Grandpa! What are you doing home?" he asked, eyes widening.
"I came back because SOMEONE-" at this he looked at Dark who grinned sheepishly "-just had to blow up the house"
"I didn't blow the house up! I just...uh...well..."
"Yeah, I thought so. And aren't you supposed to be teaching DMG right now?"
"Well yeah but...you see...she...forgot! Yeah! She forgot to do her homework and I can't do anything until she turns it in! Yeah! That's right!"
"What homework-ow!" DMG stopped when Dark elbowed her and shot her the scary look he usually saved for Duels. "Oh. THAT homework!"
Dark gave her a look which seemed to say 'Yeah! That one!' very sarcastically.
When Grandpa left, DMG asked "What homework?"
~Yes, what homework...er...in the real world...~
"Wow!" exclaimed Yugi. He didn't think that his friends remembered (why not? I'm sure Tea would've said something!).
"Open mine first!"
"No mine!"
"Hey! I shoved mine into his face first!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"
Yugi watched his friends argue and sighed.
"Happy birthday Yugi"
"Huh? Grandpa?"
"Here's your present" said his grandfather, handing him a small package.
"Thanks Grandpa! It's...my deck"
"No. It's actually my deck, but I'll let you keep it. And I added something in it last week but you were too busy with school-"
Yugi began searching through his deck. "Here! This one right!?" he asked holding up a card.
"Yeah, that's the one. The card's name is..."
~It's really dumb...~
"I'm walking Jirai Gumo!" said Dark.
"Tough. I called him first" Chaos (magician of black chaos) replied.
"I DID!"
"I didn't know that Jirai Gumo was a 'he'" Celtic whispered to DMG.
"I'm sure they're just calling Jirai Gumo that."
"I'M WALKING HIM!!!" yelled both Chaos and Dark.
~Back to the real world...~
"Grandpa said the new card's name is Pet Walker" said Yugi staring at the card. It had a picture of a Dark Magician running away from Silver Fang.
"Hey! Wanna test it out?" asked Joey.
~A few minutes later...~
"Okay! Let's Duel!" said Joey when they got to Kaiba Land.
"'It says that the spellcaster or warrior in the picture's attack and defense increases by 700. So I'll play the Dark Magician and equip it with Pet Walker-geez, not again!"
Joey leaned over to see what happened. He nearly fell over. "Hey! Why does this keep happening?!"
"Aw man" muttered Yugi.
Yugi and Joey didn't think it was funny anymore, this being the third time and all, but to many other people, it might.
Dark and Chaos appeared in the middle of the arena.
"Dumb-! Idiotic-! Jerk!" yelled Dark, kicking Chaos who was flat on his stomach.
"Idiot! Moron! Stupid!" Chaos yelled back earning a harder kick in the ribs.
"You're the idiot!" Dark yelled. There was a crazy glint in his eyes. Yugi and Joey supposed it was Pet Walker.
DMG, Celtic and Mystic appeared.
"What in Ra's name does he think he's doing?" asked DMG.
"In exchange for Pet Walker's power, he loses his sanity maybe?" suggested Celtic.
"Hey, maybe we should go stop him" said Mystic.
They rushed up to Dark.
"Uh, Dark?" asked DMG "Maybe you should-"
"NO! I'll kill him! I'll kill him! I'll kill him! I'll kill you too! And your friends!!!" There was the crazy glint again.
DMG backed away "Uh riiiiiiiiiiight...see ya later then"
"Why don't we just let Dark send him to the Graveyard?" asked Celtic who was also afraid of this new and malevolent magician
Yugi and Joey just stared and shook their heads.
"I'm forfeiting," said Joey and Yugi at the same time thus saving Chaos.
~Later with Dark and his friends...~
"Sorry I threatened to kill you," Dark apologized. "I do not know what happened"
"I'm thinking it was that card! Pet Walker right?" asked DMG.
"Hi Ms. Hart" the group greeted Ms. Hart.
"Oh, hi! Could someone please help me get Silver Fang off the roof?"
~With Yugi and the others...~
Yugi and his friends were at the Game Shop trying to figure out why the cards have been acting so strange.
"Well, when did this start?" asked Tea.
"Last week, I think" Yugi answered.
"Wait" said Ryou. "Did your Grandpa say that he put the card 'Pet Walker' in your deck last week?"
Anime: Whew! There! Kinda short but a chapter!
Dark Magician Girl: Please review!
Anime: And no flames!