Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Daughter of the Nile ❯ Rising into....Slavery? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsunami: This is my Yami's life story, well she's the one typing it. She told it to me already and it is messed up.

Huniserra: I know

The hooded ppl in the Ancient Egyptian duels who serve as life points: *zombieish* Tsunami nor Huniserra own anything....

Megan(My best friend); O_o

Huni: REWRITTEN!!!!!


Daughter of the Nile

Chapter one

Rising into....Slavery?


Huni's POV(narrating)

I was what they would call a half demon. Part "monster", part human. My mother and father were both half demons, unlike other half demons who had one demon and one human parent. Everything in my life was going well until that fateful day when I was around four years old. Somehow word had gotten out that we had demon blood.

My parents had no idea of the dangers. It was basically one day we woke up and found a mob surrounding our house. My father tried to hold them of while my mother and I packed out belongings and sent them to a special part of the shadow realm that held our stuff. After a while, my father was killed. Mother tried to hold them off while I hid, in the end she was killed too. All our belongings that we hadn't relocated to the shadow realm had been taken or distroyed. I managed to survive, but I didn't escape and was made into a slave.

(A/N: Akifa is Yami Bakura)


Huni's POV(story)

"Huniserra!!! Come clean this dishes you lazy little brat!!!!"

"Yes cook, I'm coming.." It has been three years since my mom and dad have been killed, I am six years old now, with a sizable amount of magic(A/N: I know REAL magic is supposed to be spelled magick, but it looks funny to me that way.^_~) that I couldn't quite control. One of the guards, who was my father's best friend, was teaching me how to fight with a sword and shoot with arrow, I wasn't really good at either. I continued my journey to the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen, the fat cook ran over and cuffed me sharply on the ear. "Stalling again? Are we? Well, the master shall hear about this. Hmmph!! Go wash the dishes, dinner will have to be served in an hour and I need the dishes by then!"

Hearing this, I mentally groaned. Whenever cook tattled on me, she exaggerated things. She was probably say I dropped a lot of good dishes, threatened her with a knife yada yada yada. And then the master would come and either whip me or it me with a paddle. Those were the times in which I wish I could really tap into my demon power. Then, not even the mages could stop me, for demons were immune to all magic except that of another demon. Plus the dishes were extra dirty because the soldiers who ate out of them were pigs.

I walked outside to get some water. "Oh no..." There was the master's son, Akifa or whatever his name was. He had white silvery hair and pale skin. "Albino..." I whispered to myself.


Akifa's POV(full name Akifa Nahkita Bakura )

I was talking with my friend Mariku(Yami Malik--I know he dosen't have and egyptian past, but in my story he does)(need to think of a name for him--Marik ______ Ishtal--ideas in reviews pls), when I saw the demon's daughter come out carrying three waterskins heading for the pond. Other people thought she was kinda pretty in a way. Well she was, in a weird creepy way. She had long purple hair that she tied up in two pig tails(A/N: Awww...) like any other egyptian slave younger than the age of ten. Like me, she had pale skin, contrary to the normal tan skin of people spending too much time in the sun. Her eyes normally a bright emerald color but changed clor with her mood. The thing you usually notice was on her back, sticking out from the top of her dress, were tattoos. There used to be a rumor that my own father carved those on her back. Oh well, who knows? I don't care, I just want some good ol' fashion torture...


Normal POV

The boys started twoards Huni with something like sinister in their eyes. If Huni did see them, she probably took no notice, after all, they were three years older and she was supposed to be their--or at least Akifa's--slave.

(A/N: Sorry Bakura fans I had to make him mean, he'll get nicer)

"Well, well, well, look! Its the demon girl? I wonder what type of demon she is? How about a worm?" Sneered Mariku.

"A single demon worm can easily distroy a small village if the village dosen't have any protection." Huni replied matter-of-factly, "don't talk about things you know nothing about." As soon as those words left her mouth, she regretted it instantly.

"What did you say to me?" Mariku demanded. "You are NOTHING but a lowly slave!!! Who said that you were smarter than me?" With that, he grabbed her purple hair and shoved her into the pond.

Huni didn't seemed to mind, she just crawled out of the pond dripping wet, with a certain yellowish tinge to her normally emerald eyes. She blinked a couple of times and it was gone. The young slave picked up her waterskins and prceeded to the kitchen, still dripping wet.

Huni did have a couple of friends, one of them was a servant named Anaki. Anaki was 14 and could read and write. Anaki was one of the prettier servants, she had ebony hair that reached her waist and had dark brown eyes that sparkled and shined. She taught Huni what she knew and sneaked her food whenever the master chose to starve her, which was often. She couldn't see how Huni took all this torment, but she did. Sometimes she was like a boiling pot of water, ready to burst at any second, other times she looked so innocent, you couldn't even tell that she was suffering.

Another friend was Suki(why all the ki's?) who was a gypsy girl that just stopped here for a while with her parents. Suki had shoulder length brown hair with golden streaks. Her eyes were an golden brown and her skin was tanned to match her eyes. She and Huni were the same age but the only time they could talk was when nobody else was around. The bad thing was that Suki was only staying for another month or so before they had to travel again.


Huni's POV

I HATE THAT ANNOYING BRAT AND HIS FRIEND!!!! ALL THEY LIVE FOR IS TO TORMENT ME!!! JUST BECUASE I AM THE DAUGHTER OF A DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I furiously scrubbed at the dishes. Before long they were as clean as when they were new. If you must know, my eyes were yellowish-green. Partly because I scubbed the top layer of clay off. Too make matters worse, tonight was the day that Suki went away. When did she have to go away? TONIGHT!!!! And TONIGHT is the FULL MOON!!! And the full moon means that I TRANSFORM into my DEMON form!!!!That means I have to stay in my ROOM in case anyone sees me. By the way, incase you were wondering, Suki and Anaki already knew, and they tried their best to protect me. I won't get to say goodbye to Suki...



Still Huni's POV

I watched as my best friend left the court yard. I'll prbably never see her again. Then I looked at the moon, it was a silver disk in the night sky. I shuddered as the change started to occur. First my eyes My nails and teeth grew out, long and sharp. A barely visible layer of fur grew on my hands. My ears pointed and rose to the top of my head.(Think Inuyasha). A thick bushy tail sprouted from my waist. And to complete the change my hair changed from dark purple to glimmering silver. Tonight I was a wolf. Sometimes I was a eagle or a dragon. I like wolf best. When I was a wolf, I could actually be counted as a human if I wore a cloak to cover my ears and tail. You really can't hide giant wings or scaly skin. I turned my head and looked at my back, on it were branded the three egyptian god cards and something about a pharaoh losing his memory. It was on the lower part of my back so it wouldn't show while I was wearing my strap dress.(like a LONG dress like tank top)

Suddenly, a scream ripped throught the air. It was Anaki! I disappeared into the shadows of the hallway and ran to help my friend. I saw Anaki and the Master in a room. I peeked inside...


Tsun: right...

Huni: Thats all in one day.

Tsun; Angsty.

Huni: Think so?

Both: *looks at each other* Nah.

Tsun: I like wolf form too.

Huni. Uhh-huh

Tsun: What happened next? I know you told me your life story but you left out this part.

Huni; *whisper whisper whisper*

Tsun: O_O

Huni: I know. And I was six.

Robed dudes: Oh fanfiction.net, In this morning hour, Recieve these stories and grant us reveiws.

Everyone in the Yugioh cast: O_o right...