Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Decked ❯ Slip & Slide ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Akai:hehehehehehe well heres another short!!

Kuroi: its a Yugi/Malik one XD

Akai:me and my friend Gothwolf wrote this in band class

Kuroi: so thats why you got a 79 playing hot cross buns!!

Akai: oops busted

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By Akai Tenshi and Gothwolf

deticated to: My band teacher for letting me retake the test ^-^

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On this bright and sunny day, the Yugi-tachi was walking on the Domino

City Pier. Yugi was too busy cuddling against Malik to see the puddle.......

Yugi: I love you mali- *splash* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh help me i cant


Joey: *some how links his cards together* Grab my deck dude!!

Yugi: *eyes widen* 'Oh noo!! ive turned into a pervert V.V too many

NC-17 lemons ' No thanks!!!!

Malik: Koi, grab the rod!!!!

Yugi: *falls over laughing* (A.N can he do that?) HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA


Every one else but Yugi: ummmmmm what?? O.O

Yugi drowns the end!!!


Akai: i dont own Yu-Gi-Oh

Kuroi: *is passed out*

Akai: -.- sugar crash oh well until the next chappie !!!

Kuroi & Akai: Ja-Ne!!!