Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ Lies and Truths; which to believe? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"What??? What are you-?! When?? HOW?" I asked, feeling outraged. What is he talking about? I thought to myself. Who does he think he is?! I'm not...Wait a minute! Did he just say he granted my wish?! That would mean.... I then looked over at my clothes on that were on the dresser.

"What did you do...while I was asleep??" I asked.

"What are you talking about? You were awake the whole time." Keith replied, pulling out a cigarette from a pack. "You worked up a real sweat.....buy it was all worth it"

"Yo....You're lying! Liar! I wouldn't let you touch me!" I shouted.

"Don't...you remember?" Keith asked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So far, nothing..." Jounouchi said, looking around some more.

"Yeah, we looked too, and still can't find her." Yugi said coming along with the others.

"Dammit...Where could she have gone?" Kaiba said as his fist met a tree near him.

"We'll find her. Don't worry." Bakura said. They continued to search, and then suddenly, something caught Anzu's eye. She turned around to find that in the distance, there was a small building.

"Hey, guys...what's that?" Anzu asked. Everyone walked over to her and looked at what she was looking at.

"Huh? That looks like a....hotel??" Yugi said.

"You mean this whole time we could have been sleeping at a HOTEL?!" Jounouchi said.

"What if...What if Dawn went there?" Hiroto asked.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Let's go see if she's there. Find the room Dawn is in...IF she's there." Yugi said and the whole group headed for the hotel.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Stop lying!" I shouted, pulling the covers even closer to me.

"I'm not...you grabbed me first. You said 'let's do it.'" Bandit Keith replied in his calm tone.

"No way!" I said, as I curled herself up. "I never even said that to Seto, and you're NOTHING to me! Why would I say that to YOU??"

"....Nothin', eh? Hmm...So you don't remember anything?" Keith asked. I don't remember!! I thought to herself. I can't! Why am I here?? Why is this happening??? But no matter how you look at it...the deed already seems done....Is that what happened? Did I....? With HIM? I shuddered at the fact.

"You were having sucha good time. But I guess it happens..." Keith continued, and then looked up at me.

"A good time?" I asked.

"Well, I thought you were....or you could have been faking it..." Keith replied. What are you talking about?! There's no way I could enjoy it! I thought in my mind. Just then, I thought of something and began to look around the bed sheets. I began to feel around, and yet I couldn't find what she was looking for. Nothing....Nothing at all...I thought. I then thought back to when I was having one of those "weird conversations" with some of my friends

"Your first time? Yeah, you're gonna bleed...and God it hurts.The next day, I was watching T.V, and it hurt when I laughed." One of my friends said. I'm fine.... I began to think. Nothing hurts at all...Keith doesn't know about me at all! Thank you so much for your advice! I almost fell for his lies! I then remembered another part of the conversation that she didn't think of.

"But on the other hand....my other friend....maybe it was because she was too fat or he was too small...she didn't feel a thing!" The friend had continued from the other conversation. That created a sharp ping to my side to make it hurt. I then began to shake her head. No way! Forget that! But either way....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Where's Dawn?!" Kaiba said as he went to the front desk.

"E-excuse me, sir?" The lady asked.

"Sorry....Can you tell us what floor Dawn Grayson is in?"

"Oh? You mean that brunette girl that was sleeping in some guy's arms?"

"What?? What'd he look like??"

"Had blond hair....big...broad....looked like a biker...."

"BANDIT KEITH!!" Jounouchi exclaimed. "There's no other!"

"Tell me what room!" Kaiba demanded.

"Um....well...I can't tell you that for privacy reasons...."

"I don't care about your stupid privacy reasons! Just tell me the room!"

"..............room 425." The lady finally blurted out. Kaiba then ran towards the elevators, while Yugi said "thank you" in a polite tone, to make up for Kaiba's rudeness, and then followed Kaiba to the elevator. Dammit, He thought. What the heck does he went with Dawn?! And why would he go into a HOTEL?? If he did anything of the sort...he'll regret it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You can't fool me! We didn't do anything, did we? Tell me the truth!" I demanded.

"You really don't believe me, do you?" Keith asked. Why should I? Dawn asked herself. "In that case....Do you want proof?" My eyes then widened. What?! I thought.

"Look in that trashcan. See for yourself." He said, lighting his cigarette. What could possibly be in there that matters? I asked in my mind. When I got over to it, my eyes widened in fear. It was a condom pack that was already opened. I felt like she was going into some kind of shock, not able to believe it. NO!....NO!!!! My voice wanted to scream, but it was only in my mind.

"This can't be true!!" I cried, unable to intake it all. Keith got up, and walked over to me, but then her defenses rose and she moved away.

"Stay away! Don't touch me asshole! Just leave me alone! GO AWAY!" I shouted. I put my head on the bed and continued to cry. Not to long ago...I remember being just a normal girl, or as normal as I could get.... She thought. I was so happy....Everthing was perfect! Now....Now... NOW!! In the past day, I've grieved over my Seto's death, and then get taken advantage of by some jerk! Suddenly, there was banging on the door.

"Keith! Open the door up! I know you're in there!" Kaiba shouted as he continued to bang the door. My eyes widened once again. What....?? I thought. Is that.....Seto??? Keith began to walk over to it, but then I tried to stop him.

"No! Don't open it!" I said. He opened the door a crack, but then looked back at me. Kaiba charged through the door and knocked Bandit Keith to the ground. The first thing that Kaiba saw was me on the bed. He had a shocked look on his when he saw me. I looked at him with just as much shock, and then buried myself in the sheets.

"Ah! Go away! Don't look at me!" I said. The rest of the group came in and found me there, and were all stunned. Kaiba was still suprised. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Bandit Keith got up and then walked over to him.

"Hey, what do you think you're doin' in here?! You can't just barge in here! Listen....!" Keith said, but then Kaiba turned around fast and then punched him in the face. He fell backwards into the wall, and then Kaiba continued his rant by continuing to beat him senseless. I held my ears and closed my eyes hard.

"Stop it! Please!" I said.

"Jounouchi, you have to stop them!" Anzu said, trying to prevent more violence.

"Why don't we just let them finish....?" Jounouchi replied, angered at what Bandit Keith had done.

"Stop it, Kaiba! That's enough!" Hiroto said, as he tried to hold him back, but Kaiba pushed him off of him and Hiroto went backwards. He went over again and both Bakura and Hiroto held Kaiba back. After watching the fight, Jounouchi picked up my clothes and walks over to me.

"C'mon Dawn...let's go..I'll help you." Jounouchi said. When Hiroto hears this, he whacks him on the head.

"Now is NOT the TIME or PLACE!!" Hiroto shouted.

"I was just tryin' to help her!" Jounouchi replied.

"I'll help Dawn." Anzu said, and helped me in my clothes.

"All right...let's get out of here...." Yugi said. Everyone was leaving, but when Jounpuchi was about to leave, he turned back to the beaten Bandit Keith.

"Keith!" He called back to him. Keith then looked up at him. "How could you do this to Dawn? I mean, you stoop pretty low...but this is the lowest....I don't wanna see your ugly face around a mile from her." And with that, Jounouchi left the room and slammed the door behind him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An Hour later in another room at the hotel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.......I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind must have been completely fried after a double KO from both the Bandit Keith incident, and then seeing Kaiba alive and well. Everything just happened so fast, and I didn't know what to do. I looked over at Kaiba. His face was flared with anger, probably because of me, so I just turned to the long hallway ahead and didn't say a word. I knew that I was going to be in trouble with him. But why should I care?! I mean, he means NOTHING to me. And I plan to keep it that way....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We finally were able to get a room for the night that shared two rooms. Anzu and I both went into one room and closed the door completely, while the others remained in the room, waiting for some things to be cleared up. I sat down on the bed, and Anzu followed me over.

"Dawn...can you tell me what happened?" She asked, but I was silent and didn't say anything. "Please tell me. Did he do anything to you?" I couldn't answer her. What was I supposed to say? I didn't even know myself what EXACTLY happened. I just wish everything would just go away...just fade away. I don't need this right now.

"Dawn, we need to know so that we can file a report to the police....So please tell me exactly what happened?" Anzu continued.

"I....I....I don't remember what happened! I really don't! Just leave me alone right now, Anzu! Just go away! I can't talk to anyone right now!" I said, moving away from her and putting my head on a pillow, and began to cry once more. Anzu looked at me for a few moments, but then got up and left.

I can't believe this is happening! I thought. How did I even end up like this?! All I remember was when he was talking to me, I suddenly began to feel faint....But that's all I can remember! How did I lose consciousness like that?? Why can't I remember?? It's my fault! I let my guard down! I then thought about the fight scene with kaiba and Keith, and tightened my grip with the pillow.

I NEVER saw Kaiba that angry....I continued thinking. I didn't want Kaiba to see me like that! I'm so sorry....I'm so sorry, kaiba! I don't know what to say....I don't know how I'm going to face you!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"She doesn't remember anything?" Jounouchi asked Anzu, as she finally explained what I said(which didn't take long).

"No...not a thing....But let's leave her alone for now...she needs to be." Anzu replied.

"Well, we should be glad for one thing. If she doesn't remember, then maybe it didn't happen." Yugi said, and then turned to Kaiba. "Kaiba, whatever you do, don't blame Dawn. You don't know if it was her fault or not. I don't need to remind you...but...you already got a rap sheet, got it?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I creeked open the door, looking around to see that no one was around. It looks like the coast is clear, I thought. I hope that Seto doesn't notice me. Just then, I heard the sound of a vase crashing.

"Don't talk like you know everything! You don't know me!" Kaiba "How am I supposed to face Dawn??" Kaiba snapped. I saw that it was Kaiba who broke the vase, and finally realized that what I thought was true...he DID hate me. I was right....And with that, I ran off, and quietly opened the door, and not able to listen anymore.

"Kaiba...." Jounouchi said in a low tone.

"Today was Dawn's birthday....." Kaiba continued. Everyone looked at him in surprise. "It was supposed to be HER day.....but now...every year...she's going to relive this day...Year after year! The only one I blame is myself.....I just can't...I just can't face her!" Everyone became silent after that. But then, Anzu began to feel something cold, to make her skin cover with goosebumps.

"Did you feel that cold draft?" Anzu asked.

"Someone must've left the door opened." Jounouchi replied. He looked over to notice that not only was the front door open, but the room that I was originally in was opened as well.

"What the...?" Jounouchi said. Bakura went over to the room and noticed that there was no one inside. Bakura came back out.

"Guys!" Bakura "Dawn ran away!" Kaiba then went through the door and went after her.

"Kaiba! Wait!" Yugi said, then having the others follow him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I couldn't seem to get that phrase of what Kaiba said out of my mind....It hurt so bad...If he wants me out of the picture....that's fine by me! I've got nothing else to lose!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Dawn?? Where are you??" Hiroto called.

"Dawn!" Yugi shouted.

"If she overheard Kaiba...She might have gotten the wrong idea." Bakura said, hoping that wasn't the case.

"Maybe." Jounouchi replied.

"If that's the case, then we have to hurry." Anzu said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have no will in me to live anymore! I thought as I continued to run. The last person that was at least HALF-way in my life just stabbed me with words! But I guess it makes sense that he'd be angry at me...I would be too...I guess.....It's for the best that I just kill myself right now....I had eventually made it to the edge of a cliff, where it was completely desolate. I could see the bottom where there were sharp rocks, and the tides hitting against them. I can't believe I walked that far already....I thought. I just hope this ends quick.

"DAWN!" I turned around to see that Kaiba was running towards me. "HEY! Get away from there!!"

"Why should I?!" I asked. "I think everyone would be better off!"

"That's not true!" Kaiba said.

"Well, you said that you could never face me! So I might as well leave!" I said, turning to the rocks below. Finally, Yugi and Co. showed up, gasping at what I looked like I was going to do.

"Dawn!" Yugi said.

"What is she nuts??" Jounouchi exclaimed.

"I mean, ever since we were little, it's always been like we hate each other. Nothing has changed! I still hate you! Everything you stand for!!" I continued. I then crossed my arms, and then turned away from him. There was a moment of silence between us.

"........Why?" He asked finally.

"Huh?" I asked, turning back to him.

"Why do you hate me so much? You've never told me before, but now I think is the time. If you're gonna die, at least tell me before you do, so I'd at least KNOW." Kaiba asked.

"You mean you don't remember??" I asked. "I know I couldn't forget it! You pushed me off the swing when I was little, and then gave me this evil glare!" Kaiba gave her this confused look.

"Ya, even as a kid, you were stilla creep!" Jounouchi blurted out.

"Stay out of this, Jounouchi!" Kaiba snapped back. He then turned back to Dawn and thought about the day that she was talking about.

"You're an idiot..." He managed to say to Dawn. She looked at him in surprise. Why am I the idiot??? I asked myself in my mind.

"......How WELL do you remember that day, Dawn?" He continued.

"Like the back of my own hand!" I replied.

"Well, obviously you don't know it very well, then." Kaiba replied.

"What are you talking about?? I remember it as though it were YESTERDAY!"

"If you remember it so well, you're only remembering what you WANT to remember..." Kaiba replied.

"...and what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Why don't you try thinking a little bit?" Kaiba asked. "Obviously you don't remember the big picture." I thought hard. And all I can remember were the same scenes that have replayed in my mind for years. I couldn't see anything else. But then something triggered.

"I see....a couple of older kids....?" I began to think out loud.

"That's right. I had just gotten back Mokuba's toy from some other kids, and later on that day, they came back with reinforcements." Kaiba explained. "The only reason why I pushed you, was because I was pushing you away from the group, and then they wouldn't see you. So I SAVED you. I got into a really bad fight that day with them, but I was able to get out in one piece."

"You...got in a fight?"

"Yeah. One older kid had a pocket knife in his hand and had attacked me with it." He then rolled up the sleeve to his jacket to reveal a scar on his arm. From the distance of where I was at, I squinted my eyes a little, but finally, I was able to see the scar.

"...." I was stunned. I didn't know what to say.

"Now do you get it?" Kaiba asked, rolling his sleeve back down. "After all these years, you never even SAID what was wrong between us, and you were always mad at me, and it was because of THAT?? Maybe if you had expressed your FEELINGS to me, I would have been able to tell you what happened, and we might not have been mad at each other like we have been for the past few years! Geez...."

"Seto...." I said in a soft tone. I began to walk towards him, but then I felt something become loose in the cliff I stood upon. I immediately looked down on it, and it became even more loose. Before I knew it, the whole thing broke off and I was beginning to fall Kaiba ran to me as fast as he could just barely able to grab onto her hand. Everyone came running to them, but they weren't able to get there fast enough, since they were so far away. Kaiba's hand continued to slip, but he tried his best to hold onto her tightly.

"Dawn!!" He said. "Don't fall!!" I can't let her go! Not now!!

"Kaiba!! Please don't let go!!!" I said, completely spazzing out. But it seemed like there was no way out but down....and all odds were against me.