Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ Ready, Set, Boom! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"What are you doing??" Midnight asked. "Stop it!!"

"Hmph..." The flared-haired girl scoffed. "This pitiful mortal is nothing to this world. I'm just simply taking care of him, so I could be done with him and then I can deal with the both of you."

"Leave him alone. He's not that big of a threat to you." Midnight said.

"Why should I?! He's the one that started this whole thing! I have every right to kill him!"

"But that was in another life!" I said. Demona then stopped to look at me, and then her eyes became loosened up. She dropped the strength on her grip to Kaiba, and he eventually dropped to the ground. I ran over to him, but he had eventually disappeared through the floor.

"Now that he is gone out of the way," Demona started. "I can now play with you two next."

"Monster!" I said. "Where is he?!"

"He is in a safe place." Demona replied. "If you want to find him, then you're going to have to beat me first, and then that's where your search begins."

"Give him back NOW!" I said, charging at her. I threw the first punch, but to only be blacked effortlessly by Demona's hand. I couldn't seemed to move my fist at all, and she was still standing there.

"You might want to try a little bit harder....." She began. "The bar has just been raised, and if you can't deal with it, then you'll be eliminated...." The anger inside of me flared outward, causing me to throw another punch with the other hand, but she only caught that one as well. Demona's expressions had nothing but evil written all over them, with her smile showing in front of it all. Her grip on my hands started to tighten, and then started pushing my fists back, as thought she wanted to snap my wrists. The pain began to arise, and it became excrutiating after a period of time.

"What's wrong, Dawn?" Demona taunted. "Getting tired already? Hah! Shall I end it NOW?" Just then, Demona was kicked into the stomach by Midnight. She couldn't stand to watch it any longer. Demona fell backwards, and I fell to my knees, holding onto my wrists.

"Why the hell did you just WAIT there?!" I asked her.

"I thought you wanted to do this by yourself..."

"Yeah, but if you see me in some kind of a jam like that, wouldn't it be the instinct to HELP??"

"You would have been too stubborn to let me give you any help if I had helped you any sooner."

"THAT'S your excuse?!"

"That's enough!" Demona shouted. "Now, this time, I fight for real!"

"Dawn, you're going to have to assimilate with me! Now!" Midnight said. I then nodded my head and got closer to her to be absorbed by her body. Midnight then looked at Demona and got into her fighting stance.

"Are you ready to fight now?" Demona asked.

"I've been ready this whole time...." Midnight grinned.

"Good.....I've been waiting a long time for this Midnight....." Demona began. Her eyes turned a blood-red color, creating once more a whole new scene. Fire was thrown at Midnight; shielding her eyes to protect her, it felt as though the intensity of the heat was becoming too much already. She opened her eyes a slight to see that Demona, of course, unaffected by the heat, just stood, there. There was something about her that she had noticed though. Demona's clothes had changed, much more like they were old Egyptian clothes. The flames had dispersed from Midnight, to let her see Demona's face. Midnight had also looked down to see that her own clothes had been changed as well. They were the traditional style of the Egyptian clothes, where she had a light green-jagged top, and her neck was covered by a gold plate. She had a knife that was in a compartment attached to her ankle. Demona stood before Midnight; holding two pairs of weapons. They both had sickle blades on the ends of the sticks. Demona then tossed them both over to Midnight. She caught them both, and then stared at them, feeling like she had used them before. The feeling was hard to explain, but there was some sort of energy in them that went through her whole body.

This feeling....it's so familiar...Midnight thought to herself. Were these mine? Demona then had pulled two katanas out from behind her, and got into her fighting stance.

"Let us finish what we started, Midnight." She began. "Let us continue our fight to find out who would have really won."

"Demona, this fighting is pointless...." Midnight tone softened.

"This isn't pointless! It'll end everything!! I'll end anger sorrow!!" Demona said.

"You're never going to eliminate anger and sorrow by simply striking down at me and Kaiba!"

"No, but it will definitely make me feel a lot better...." Demona charged at Midnight with her agility climbing off the charts. She threw her kitanas at her, and Midnight blocked as best as she could. the collision of both weapons caused their weapon-wave to clash against each other, and the rocks from under the two began to rise out of the ground. Midnight pushed Demona away and then threw one of her sickle-rods at her. Demona rolled away from the attack, and went back at her. Midnight tried the best she could to block Demona's attacks, but finally Demona knocked the remaining sickle-rod she had in her hand. Demona was just to take one good swing at Midnight's neck, but she rolled between her legs to have her miss. She quickly arose and ran over to her other sickle-rod that was in closer distance to her. Demona chased after her, but Midnight picked it up quickly with her one hand and turned around with it to only slash into Demona's stomach. She stepped back a slight, holding her gut in pain.

"I'm not backing out in this fight, Demona." Midnight began. "I hope you're not either.

"How....How dare you insult my fighting capability!!" Demona said as she took her kitana and thrusted it into Midnight's shoulder. She pulled out her long sword fast, and then stuck it inside her knee. Midnight let out a scream in agonizing pain. Demona then kicked her away, so she could redeem herself. Midnight held her shoulder, knelting down on one knee. Damn, that was painful, She thought to herself.

"Hey....you think you're better than me?" Demona said as she walked in front of her. "Ever since we were younger, you always tried to become the best of the best......And no matter how much you were more loved by everyone around you....I was entrapped by that love, and you broke my heart! I actually thought...since we were friends, that you would feel the same way and then eventually come to love me the way I loved you...!"

"....you...make NO sense..." Midnight huffed. "At some point...you tell me that you loved me...but then when you keep attacking me, all this hate keeps coming forth from you....but even if you hate me....I still can't attack you all the way...because you and I are friends."

"..You...and I...will NEVER be friends!" Demona said, tears falling down. Her eyes began to glow red once more, but this time the scene didn't change again. There was nothing happening, but Midnight kept her guard up, trying to be full aware of what was going to happen next. She began to stand up, but something had grabbed her on ankle, causing her to fall down. Midnight looked back to see that there was a hand sticking out from the ground, and pulling her back.

"What is this?!" She exclaimed, looking down at the deformed hand. Midnight used her other foot and kicked it off her ankle. She rolled herself backwards to get away from it, and then looked over to see that Demona had disappeared again. Where did she go?? Midnight thought to herself. Another hand popped out and took her by the arm. More hands kept grabbing her, holding her down to the ground. Midnight continued to squirm but it seemed that nothing was working. Demona appeared in the air, watching her in disgust.

"It seems that you're having trouble getting up...." She said. "If you were so much greater with all the power that you have...why don't you just use it?"

"....Don't....don't you dare taunt me, Demona..!" Midnight said. She then began to use her magic to create an explosive shield all around her. The hands began to disintergrate, feeling that the magic that Midnight had used was too powerful. Demona watched, surprised that her magic had grown much more in such a small amount of time.

"Impressive...." Demona said. She then floated back down and landed on her feet. She pulled out her kitanas once more and started attacking. Midnight, without her sickle-rods, could do nothing until she was able to get them once again. She dodged left and right, trying to move away. She finally noticed that they were at a distance near the flames. Midnight rolled over there and took them both by the hand, getting back up in the process. Demona used her sword and put it up to Midnight's neck once she turned around.

"I'd drop those if I were you." She grinned evily. Midnight hesitated, but then slowly let them go. "I knew you weren't better than me....There was always that time of luck where you always got that ONE punch in. Well, this is the end of the line, Midnight....it was fun." She leaned over and kissed her upon her lips, making Midnight's eyes widen. Demona then let go of her, and looked into Midnight's eyes. Midnight felt like she couldn't move, but then she snapped out of her trance and pushed her away as hard as she could.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She asked, angered over what she had done.

"I only wanted to see what it felt like to have my lips touch my lover for the very first and last time." Demona said. Midnight lowered her head and growled.

"The....The only one who are allowed to touch these lips, are Seto Kaiba!" She said, picking up her sickle-rods and attacking Demona. With her kitanas, she continued to block Midnight's every move. Midnight then was able to knock her swords out of her hands and was about to make the final strike.....but something held her back. Midnight stopped for a minute, but that minute caused Demona her opening chance. She kicked the sickle-rods out of her hands and began to attack her in a vicious matter. Demona punched and kicked as much as she could. Midnight kept blocking, but followed up with with her encounters. The battle was becoming a stalemate, and the two of them kept trying to tip things into their favor, which wasn't working for either of them; and the both of them were getting really tired.


Kaiba had awaken, feeling his whole body was sore. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was back to where he had came from. Everyone was crowded over him and Mokuba gave him a big hug.

"Big brother!" He cried. "You're okay!"

"Mokuba....." Kaiba began.

"We thought you'd never wake up." Jounouchi began. "We thought that Demona mighta pulled your soul from yer body or somethin' like that....and that you were never gonna come back." Gee, I'm glad to see that they care so much, Kaiba thought sarcastically in his mind. He then thought of Midnight and myself.

"Where's Dawn..or Midnight?" He asked. "Have you seen them yet."

"Unfortunately not." Yami replied. "They've been fighting Demona for a long time....I'd assume she took the two of them to the shadow realm."

"No, it wasn't the shadow realm..." Kaiba said, holding his head and sitting up. "It was definitely another dimension, but...it was unlike anything..."

"Well, whatevers' happenin' in there....Demona must be gettin' weak..." Jounouchi said. "The force-field completely fell."

"That must mean that Dawn-er Midnight...or one of the two are winning!" Anzu exclaimed.

"Don't be so sure, Anzu..." Bakura said. "We don't know what's going on in there, but for Dawn's sake...and Midnight's....they'll both come out of this in one piece."

"Yeah...Don't forget that Demona's strength is practically equal to Midnight's...." Jounouchi explained. Both of you..........Please be safe, Kaiba thought inside his mind.


Midnight, barely able to stand up, and cuts were all over her body. On the other side, where Demona i n the same kind of position that she was in. Neither one was willing to back out, and yet they were both so severely tired. Demona then attacked once again, throwing everything she had at Midnight. Midnight fought back, not wasting a second of becoming open. She then tripped Demona over, and she fell onto her back. Midnight finally ran over to her and pulled out her knife from her ankle-pocket and held it high in the air before striking her in the heart. Demona looked at her and then began to chuckle. Midnight was confused over this action, for she had no idea why she was laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Midnight asked.

"It's just funny to me that you might have the guts to kill me...you were never able to do it before in our battle to the death last time."

"That's because you are my friend! You've always been my friend! But I can't love you as my friend now....not after all the things you have done to try to obtain what you wanted......Trying to hurt all of my friends and then trying to kill the one that was going in the wrong direction, and you continued to....to pull her in that wrong direction. You were the one that was putting her at the point where she wanted to kill herself and that there wasn't any point of living! How could you do this?! How could you want to kill all loved ones around me??"

"Because they make you happy! I don't want to see you happy with them!!!!!" Demona snapped, coming after her once more, but Midnight took her by the hand and threw her through the fire. She went right passed the flames, and hit a nearby wall. The burns from the fire scorched Demona's skin severly, and she held her arms. Her eyes clinched, unable to believe that she was losing. Midnight put out the flames to walk over to Demona and she stood in front of her. She could feel nothing but sympathy.

"I pity you, Demona...." Midnight said in a low tone. "It's because you thought you had lost everything that you had to make sure that everyone felt the same way as you did.....Leave."Midnight turned her back to her and began to walk away. Demona looked at her, thinking that she was crazy for leaving the battle unfinished once more.

"Coward! Don't you walk away...! We're not finished!" She shouted.

"We've been finished for a long time...but one of us still hasn't let it go yet..." Midnight said, and with that, Demona got up and took her kitana and stabbed her right in the back.The blade went right through and Midnight could see it coming out from her stomach.

"We have to....to end this...one way or the other!" Demona said. Midnight dropped to her knees, holding her stomach in severe pain. Why doesn't she understand?! She thought to herself. We can't fight each other any more...! But she is right...we have to end this one way or another.....Demona then pulled her sword out and then was about to take one more swing, to cut her head off. Midnight pulled her long, sharp knife out from her ankle pocket, turned around to start getting up by one leg and stabbed her. Demona's eyes widened, unable to believe the pain that was emulating from the one stab.......The place that would her her most: Her heart. Midnight eyes filled with tears as she pulled it out and stabbed her again....and again...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

Kaiba felt something sharp hit him inside of his head. He held it, and then saw images of Midnight, in tears as she held up a knife.

"Dawn's hurting...." He managed to say.

"What? What's the matter with Dawn?? Is she all right??" Jounouchi asked. Kaiba then got up and started to run off, in search of his fiance that was struggling. Wherever you are Dawn....I'll find you...You can count on it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Midnight finally sat back onto her bottom and looked at the severly-stabbed Demona. The tears on her face just couldn't stop.

"I'm so sorry, Demona..." She cried softly. "I..I had to do it....There was no other way....I never thought it would end like this....but....it needed to be done...I had to stop you....I hope you can understand and-and forgive me as a friend..." Demona was silent and motionless, alive still, but on the verge of death.

"I...I could never...NEVER forgive you for all the pains you have given me..." She said in her low, weak tone. Midnight looked at her in surprise."I'll haunt you forever in your dreams for the rest of your life.......You caused a great deal of pain to me and to the rest of the people that are around you....I hope you're miserable for as long as you live..." And with that, Demona's eyes slowly closed, and there wasn't an ounce of life left in her. Midnight looked at her friend's dead body, and watched as it began to whither away slowly like sand in the wind.Her surroundings also began to fade away, and Domino City came back...she came back..she was home. She stood up, noticing she ended up on top of one the highest buildings, and she groaned; in pain, and in unamusement.

"Why did it have to be so high up...?" She asked herself. She used whatever she had left in her, and used her magic to float down to the bottom. She landed on her feet, but dropped down to one knee. Dawn....Midnight thought in her mind. This is where you have to take over...'okay...'I said...We finally changed positions; leaving me. The fight had left me weak, but I wasn't going to let it stop me. I had to get up and find Kaiba. I slowly rose to walk on both legs, but used the building for support. I looked around to see that some of the buildings had been partly demolished. Was that from us? I asked myelf in my head. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to see Seto...I continued my walk, and noticed that the sun was beginning to rise.

"It's almost morning...." I said in a soft tone. Just then, I could hear my name being called. I turned around to see Kaiba standing there and looking at me in surprise, to see all the wounds and bruises. "Seto..." I said, and then I began to limp my ways over there to him, and he ran over to me. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me. Kaiba then dropped to his knees, bringing me down with him, and continuing to hug me as tight as possible. No words needed to be said. Nothing was needed...just a simple gesture of a hug was all that was needed. I knew what he was thinking, and he knew what I was thinking.............just to say...............I'm sorry.

Is this the end....? NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...............................There's more to come!!! Please stay tuned for the next chapter!