Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ Don't Walk Away..... ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Wh-who are you??" I asked as I continued to float around in the air. Demona just sat there and let out a small chuckle.

"Hmph.....I'm surprised you don't remember me....." She replied. "Even if you've only seen me in your mind, you've never seen me in physical form....but....we finally meet face to face."

"You're......Demona...aren't you?" I asked. Demona then stood up.

"A clever girl you are." She smiled.

"Well, whatever you're planning to do to this city, I won't let you do it!" I said, feeling a bit hesitant. I knew she could sense that. She then lowered her head and shook it.

"I don't intend on doing anything to this city." She said. "It never did anything to me to deserve the same kind of wrath Midnight and Kaiba both should recieve."

"But why? I don't understand! Kaiba knows you just about as well as I do, and that's not much at all!" I said. Demona then had a bigger grin that lit upon her face.

"It's all in the past that I hate him for......" She replied. "All the pains and sufferings he gave me. He took something precious away from me, and I intend to take it back."

"...........But you fought, Midnight, didn't you?" I asked. "If you wanted to take her back, why bother trying to tak her down."

"Both myself and Midnight died an unnnatural death......All because of that priest!" Demona explained. "I'm going to sacrafice her so she can go into the afterlife. Then, I can kill myself so I can be with her." Demona replied and she began to chuckle. My eyes widened in fear, thinking that if she planned on taking her life, she might end up taking mine as well.

".......You're going to have to fight me first in order to get to Midnight and Kaiba..!" I said, putting up my guard. I had no idea why I was guarding this spirit I had no idea who or WHAT it was, but I felt that it was the right thing. Demona then flew up to where I was, making me hesitant and go backwards. I then stopped. She got closer to me and put her hand against my cheek.

"Poor soul...." She said in a soft tone. "You don't need anymore troubles than you already have....You should be free from anymore pain that you've endured. If I take away Midnight, I can also eliminate your pain by letting you go in peace. That was what you wanted when I first took you in the first place, wasn't it?" I didn't know what to say. I lowered my head, with my eyes closed, unable to answer that.

"The only reason why I wanted to leave from this world was because I WANTED to be free from pain in the first place......but......." I began. "I'm not so sure anymore..."

"I answered your call to be free from the world without any pain. You asked to fade away, and you did. But now that you're back, you want to fade away once again. I can let you do that. I heard your call in your heart to want to fade away....since we're both connected...."

"Connected?" I asked.

"I can hear your thoughts....your words..know your pains...everything." Demona replied. "I feel your pain right now.......I can see the anger you have towards this whole situation and your sorrow. You feel that with your power that you can't have Kaiba....If I become your liberator, I can let you have him and be at peace in your afterlife."

"I.....I don't know......" I said, unable to answer. I was confused as ever to choose what I wanted, but I wanted to choose without causing pain for others.....

"......I.....I accept your offer." I finally replied. "Kill me now and be done with it....please."

"Very well." Demona replied with a smile. Demona was on the verge of the sacrifice when a tiny voice called out.

"STOP IT!!" It said. The voice called out to the both of us, and that's when it struck Demona in the brain. She let out a short scream of pain. I looked around to see where it came from, but there was no one to be seen. Who was that? I thought to myself.

"Dawnie!!!" I looked down at the bottom to see that it was Mokuba. He had brought along Yami and the others for help, knowing he wouldn't be able to help on his own.

"Mokuba!" I said, surprised to see him there. "Get out of here!" I didn't want him to get in the middle of everything, but I knew he wasn't going to listen.

"Dawn, stay back from her! She's a witch!!" Yami said.

"You have to do what Yami says, Dawn!" Mokuba cried. "We don't want to lose you again!! We all care about you!!"

"Silence!!!!" Demona shouted, creating a short gust a wind to blow the group back a little bit. Demona was beyond ticked now. She didn't want anything to go wrong during her sacrifice. I then decided to use my magic and blow her away with a major gust.

"What are you doing?!" Demona asked. "I'm the one who's helping you! They're just getting in the way!"

"You're not allowed to hurt them!! They're my friends, no matter how you look at it!" I snapped. "Touch them one more time, and you'll wish that you'd never bothered to even LIFT a finger!"

".............Are you threatening ME?" Demona asked.

"More like a promise then a threat." I retorted.

"If you're going to go against me as well.....You're going to have to end up dying in battle.....either way, you can't win."

".................." I was silent. I knew I wanted to leave, but...for some odd reason I had some urge to fight....to stay alive. Demona read my thoughts, and knew exactly what I thought and then lowered her head in anger.

"As you wish...!" She created a large beam to hit me straight on. All I could do was block whatever I could. Demona is a lot stronger than from last time, the voice said. You might not have a chance if you don't let me help you! My eyes widened, wondering who it was. I then assumed it was the spirit, and said in my mind to her, 'I don't need your help! I can handle Demona on my own!' So you say, Midnight replied. But you don't really know what you're up against, my friend. 'I can handle it!'. You can't handle anything right now! You're weak in the mind....wanting to die. You won't win with the kind of determination you have. 'SHUDDUP! DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!'

I was battling in my mind with Midnight, while I continued to fight with Demona, but it seemed like it wasn't working at all. Demona was much more stronger than I was, and that there was nothing that I could do to stop her from pounding me into a pulp. Her magic was beyond the strength that I have seen, and I was no match for her. She threw more fire at me, and it was so powerful, it threw me back. I then felt like I had lost energy from the hit that was taken, and the attack was so powerful, it had thrown me back into a building, falling through the roof.

Demona gave a disgusted look on her face.

"That was one of the most disappointing battles I've ever been in." She said. "You could have at least given a better fight."

"Dawnie!!" Mokuba cried as he started over to the building I fell in. Everyone began to
follow, but was only stopped by Demona. She used her magic to create a huge barrier around them so they couldn't move anywhere.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Jounouchi asked.

"You're not going anywhere until Dawn comes back out to finish our fight." Demona replied.
"That is..IF she comes out."

"You jerk!" Anzu said. "Let us go!! Dawn might be hurt!!"

"No kidding..." Demona chuckled. "That's what I want. Don't you see?....I will finish her off....once and for all."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br>
Unnhh.....My head.............

....I hear.............singing? Like......A church choir...? Where am I now?I barely opened my eyes to see that I was laying ontop of an alter in a church.

"Dawn wake up...." A voice said. My eyes finally opened all the way and looked around. There was no one in sight but I could remember that voice to be none other than Midnight's. She then appeared before me as a spirit, standing right in front of the alter. I slowly turned my head to the side to look at her, still in pain from the hits I had taken.

"What do you want now....?" I asked. Midnight gave me a concerned look, and then shook her head, saying nothing. I was a bit miffed over her not speaking.

"If I had known any better, I say that look almost seems like you pity me." I said weakly.

"Yes, it is pity..." She said, then looking back up at me with a saddened face. "It's a shame really. I pity a soul that has been fighting all her life....being the strong one for herself and for others, and now you're at the point where you want to give up on your life because you don't want to have to keep trying to save others....protect others...Someone with a good a heart as you, and you don't see what kind of good you do for the people around you."

"Hmph....it hasn't been like that in the past couple weeks...All I've been doing it hurting people." I said and turned my head to the other side. "Kaiba's hurt because of me, because of what I did to him. As you can see, I'm nothing but a problem to all....that's why I wouldn't mind if Demona would take my life away from me. So if you're here to lecture me, then I'm not interested in listening."

"Listen to yourself, Dawn." Midnight said. "While you're here, laying around, FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF, others that you care for are in trouble. I thought you would give Demona a better fight then what you just gave her, but I guess I was wrong. I know you're better than this and you can't be going about like this depressed. That's what's making you weak, don't you understand?"

"Don't act as though you know me, Midnight!" I scoffed. "You.......know nothing."

"Don't tell me what I don't understand!" Midnight snapped back. "I've lived in you for 17 years! Just like Demona, I feel your pain; I know exactly what you're thinking. You can't tell me something I don't know about you because I'd already know it. I'm also connected to you...I get sad like you...I've fallen in love just like you....even for the same man....even if we do have different images of him. But the point is, is that I AM you. Demona is not...but she still feeds off of that depression and pain you feel...even outside of your body now...She has become strong because of that. You have to disconnect her from you....permanently." I closed my eyes and sighed.

"........I don't know if I can..." I replied.

"I know you can." Midnight replied. "I saw that you wanted to protect your friends. It showed that you still have some fighting spirit in you, and you can get the rest of it back. But you have to let me help you. You can't beat Demona alone....If you and me join, we can take her down."

"But I.....I don't want to..." I replied. "I won't know anything that goes on, and if something bad happens, I won't be aware, and again it'll be my fault in my mind."

"This time when we face Demona, you will be aware of all the actions we both take and if you feel that something bad might happen, stop us, and we'll take another route, okay?"


"Dawn, you must fight. Now is the time where we need you. I can't fight Demona by myself either, that's why I need you. We need to stop her." I stared up at the ceiling for a few moments, and sighed.

"...............................All right. I'm ready." I said, getting up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Demona, let us out!!" Jounouchi shouted, pounding away at the barrier. "You can't keep us in here forever!! When I get outta here, I'm gonna make you wish you never even bothered to TRY and hurt us!"

"I'm not trying to hurt you, you fool." Demona said coldly. "I only want you to be here for the substitute if Dawn doesn't show up. I want my fun to last a LITTLE bit longer.....but at this rate, Dawn probably is dead, and you'll be the next set I start to play with...."

"You wanna fight?! Let's go!!" A voice said. Demona turned around, only to see that a fireball was thrown at her at intense speeds. Hitting her on the side, she fell over a bit, thrown off guard. Everyone looked over to see that it was Midnight, standing in the air with the most peturbed look on her face. She had now had it.

"It was about time that you came out." Demona said, standing up. "I thought Dawn became a coward and fled out of the fight."

"Dawn has never run from a fight....and neither have I. We both fight together; never giving up, and never showing mercy to those who have hurt others." Midnight replied in a low tone.

"So you're a punisher now, I see." Demona scoffed.

"Demona," Midnight began, pointing at her. "I'm only going to give you this one chance to give up, otherwise you're going to be sorry."

"Oh, big deal, like that's going to scare me off...." Demona replied, unphased by the comment.

"White Lightning Attack!!"

There was a jolt of electricity streaming at an unusual speed at Demona. She quickly dodged the attack, but was still surprised to such power come out of no where, even when it wasn't Midnight herself. She looked down to see that Kaiba was standing there, with his Blue Eyes, White Dragon next to him. He had his duel disk strapped to his arm while both of them were crossed. Kaiba's look wasn't happy at all. His eyes were nothing but filled with cold hate.

"Kaiba...." Midnight said, suprised. I was also able to see his face, but I looked away, though no one could see that.

"That little attack of yours could have hurt.." Demona growled. "But it is impressive that you decided to show up after all you have been through in the past mere hours."

"Big brother!" Mokuba shouted. Kaiba then let out a small "hmph".

"Blue Eyes! White Lightning Attack NOW!" He said, ordering his Blue Eyes to attack.

"Feh....You think that the same attack was going to work on me TWICE-?!" Demona asked, but just then, she was hit from behind by another lightning beam. She then fell to the ground, looked back up to see that Kaiba had ANOTHER Blue Eyes White Dragon out!

"You think I didn't come prepared to come face you?" Kaiba asked. "You assumed with what happened between me and Dawn would make me become some kind of weakling at heart....that, that blow to my mind would make me like some kind of vulnerable child......you're wrong. I wasn't affected by that at the least bit." When I heard that from him, I was completely thrown off guard. Kaiba's....not mad? But....That makes no sense! I slapped him, told him I didn't love him, and after all that time, he still ISN'T AFFECTED??

"You only speak in lies, Priest." Demona retorted. "I know that you're still hurt by Dawn and that it probably will never go away because she doesn't love you like you thought she would." Kaiba then lowered his head a bit and then growled. That's not true, I thought over and over in my mind, unable to let it go. Finally, it became so loud and so powerful that it made Midnight blurt out of nowhere. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!!" Kaiba then turned to Midnight/me and was a little surprised to hear that. Midnight wasn't really sure what to say after that, but then she thought of all the feelings I have had for him.

"Even though you may think she hates your every being, Kaiba....." Midnight began. "And everything may not work out the way you want it to....But she has a good heart. She loves you. I know it more than anyone. I am her Yami."

"Shut up!" Demona said. "She doesn't love him! She is just apart of another being that's along for the ride! She can't love anyone! Neither can you!!"

"Don't listen to her, Kaiba!" Midnight said. "I know what's in Dawn's heart! She doesn't hate you! The only reason why she tried driving you away in the first place was because she didn't want to see you get hurt! I know she feels the same....!" Kaiba lowered his head, looking away from both of them.

"I want to believe you, Midnight." Kaiba began in his soft tone. "But I can only believe it when I hear the words from the woman I love myself....That's when I'll know."

"Big Brother...." Mokuba said to himself.

"But for now," Kaiba continued. "I fight for myself! I fight to live on....I know that you want me dead, Demona, and it's not going to happen! I'll be sure to take you down as soon as possible....Midnight! Break down this barrier!" Midnight nodded, and created a huge blast, strong enough to break down the barrier. Demona, furious in how I had turned against her and decided to fight against her was not one of the things she had expected to happen.

"You all....You're all trying to stop me from trying to free Dawn's pain!" She said in a low tone. "She's tired, don't you see?! Her pain is too great to bare and now I'm trying to help her by eliminating that pain for her! You are all nothing but fools!"

"You're wrong!" Midnight said. "Dawn is fighting! She fights with me and we fight as one! You can't tell me what she feels and what she needs because you don't know! You're losing your connection to her......because she doesn't want you! You're DONE!"

"Stop it!!!" Demona said, holding her ears. "She needs me!! She has to eliminate that pain somehow!!"

"You can't eliminate pain." Kaiba said. "No matter how much it hurts, it's still going to be there. But possibly with time, it manages to whither away, and then it's not as bad anymore, and it won't hurt. So Dawn doesn't need you to take that away from her!" Demona was now beyond the point of anger. There was a few moments of silence, filling the air with complete and empty space. Her eyes began to glow red, and a large aura surrounded her. Midnight then backed away from her to stay as far away as she possibly could to protect herself from any kind of attack from Demona.

"You all.....You're all going to be sorry....!" She said, as her aura kept getting larger and larger. The aura became so large, that it had engulfed both Midnight and Kaiba into it, and pushing the rest of the group out of it.

"What the hell-?!" Jounouchi asked. "Why did she block us out??"

"She probably just wants to deal with only Kaiba and Midnight...." Yami replied. "She has no quarrel with us....it's only them. And I pray they make it out safely."

"But why is it, that everytime something important happens, WE'RE the ones that are pushed out of it?? We're in this too, right???"Jounouchi asked.

"No one knows, Jounouchi...." Bakura said, shaking his head.

"Big Brother...........Dawnie.....................be strong!" Mokuba said to himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh, gimme a break.....I thought to myself....I feel like I'm being thrown around like a ball or something...this is ridiculous! Where am I anyways? 'We are in the Shadow Realm....Demona's version..' Midnight replied. 'Where anything is possible at this point. So we should best be on our guard.' The room was dark, but there were noises....soft, faint screams of agony. What's going on.....? I can hear things...but there's nothing here...A flash of light then occurred, blinding Midnight in the eyes. She shielded them as best as she could, even though that didn't work as well as she had planned it to. The lights had finally dimmed down, and Midnight was finally able to open her eyes once again. She looked around to notice that she was now at the front of a house that looked very familiar...

This is....I began. This is my home......What are we doing here? 'It's just a mere illusion. Demona created it for you to throw us off.' Midnight had answered. Two figures began walking out of the house, hand in hand abruptly. From where I could see, it looked a LOT like my dad and ME when I was a little kid..! I watched them as they walked out, going down the driveway to take a daily walk. Dad looked so happy..............

"Daddy! I wuv you!!" The little me said, giving him a big hug around his legs. He then kneeled down to hug me back, saying that he loved me back. My eyes began to water up, remembering my own real dad.

Dad........I began. I then was able to run to him, leaving Midnight's body! I ran over to him, to give him a big hug, but when I was able to get close enough to hug him, he disappeared. I stood there with a surprised look, even though I knew that he was going to disappearon sight with my own touch. Midnight just watched me, giving me a concerned look.

"Dawn....It's not real, you know that....don't you?" Midnight said, with a saddened tone.

"I....I know that....but still...he was right there...he was so close.....I just had to try." I answered.

"Dawn................" Midnight said.

No matter how much you wish for it, you can never return to where you once were.......A voice said, but I familiarized it to be Demona herself. You're heart becomes apart of that, yearning for what you once had, but you'll never have it again.....because it's impossible.......and then you're heart becomes dark. You're tied to that darkness, and eventually you'll be consumed by it....

"That's not how things work, Demona!" Midnight said. She then backed up towards me, and had her fists up. "Keep your guard up, Dawn." I then nodded my head and got into a fighting stance.

It's amazing, Demona's voice echoed. After all these many, many years, you have come so far to understand absolutely nothing.

"I have grown a lot wiser since the last time I had encountered you back in Egypt." Midnight replied. "It is you, I'm afraid that is still confused. You still are confused and don't know where you're going. You're just acting like a child!" The whole area around them became black once more, and she then appeared with Kaiba, holding him by his neck, while he struggled to stay breathing.

"Kaiba!!" I said, with Midnight stopping from me from running towards him. "Give him back, you witch!!!!"

"Oh, so now I'm a witch now?" Demona grinned. "I thought I was trying to help you, Dawn. I was going to be freeing you from this world, but this WOMAN.....my betrayer, steers you to the wrong way. You're going to continue to suffer just as you have been."

"You're right....I will keep suffering..." I said, looking away. "But that's life! I've learned that I have to keep fighting...Keep fighting so that I can protect, and learn to love once again!"

"Fighting.......has it solved you anythng yet? You've been fighting for years and it has gotten you nowhere. Sooner or later it's going to end up getting all of your loved ones dead." Demona retorted.

"That'll never happen!" I said.

"Very well........................" Demona said in a soft tone. "Let the games begin..." And with that, she pulled Kaiba closer to him, kissing him on the lips. Both shock hit both Midnight's and myself in the face. His eyes were scruntched together, not wanting to kiss her, but he couldn't get away from her grip. I then could notice that his clenched fists were then loosening and he didn't seem to be struggling as much..........................................Demona was draining away his life!!