Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Drastic Changes ❯ LALALALALALALALALALA! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I really haven't read any cast/OC. This one is a Joey/OC. Please review at the end and tell me what you think. I would appreciate it a lot.

*** Scene Changes ***

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.


Ch. 1

Angel's POV

I never have been to Domino City before. I only came because of Serenity. I met her at a hospital whose name I refuse to mention. She was there because she's blind and I was there because I was deaf. I had an operation and it cured my disease.

The plane landed and the passengers had to get off. I followed the people in front to the pick up area. There was Serenity and her mom, Daisy, waiting for me with a sign that read `Angel Armon'. She screamed and ran to hug me.

"I can't believe you're here, Ang," she exclaimed letting go of me.

"Me either. Wow! Look at ya. You've gotten taller."

"Girls c'mon," Daisy yelled. We walked out of the airport and Serenity's aunt, Ally, pulled up in a blue Chevrolet. Daisy got in the passenger side and Serenity and I in the back. We talked until the car pulled up to a game shop.

"You live here?" I asked when we all got out of the car.


"Serenity!" Someone yelled hugging the girl while she slapped at the person's arms.

"Joey! Let go," she said. So this must be her brother she told me so much about. "This is Angel or if she lets you, Ang." Four more people walked out of the game shop's entrance. "Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Joey, and Grandpa," she said pointing to each when she said their names. They all turned to look at me. Tristan- so has crush on Seren, Tea- preppy, but can handle, Yugi- short and a very strange vibe coming from him, Grandpa- obviously Yugi's real grandpa with the hair and all, and Joey- cute but acts like he doesn't know anything, I thought. Okay. Now I have a perceptive of each person.

"Lets go in guys," said Yugi walking back in the shop. "Angel can get to know us more."

"Alright," said Tea. We walked in and went to the living room. The house connected to the shop. That was unreal; haven't seen that before.

"So, how do you know Serenity?" asked Tea looking at me with a very angry look. What the hell is her problem, I thought before I started talking. "We met at a `special' hospital. She was there because she's blind and I was there because I was death."

"There's no way you're death. You can hear us," Tristan said with a confused look.

"I had an operation. I can hear okay, but there are still some complications."

Serenity spoke up, "Ang has been there for me when no one else could. She's like a sister to me."

"And you're like a sister to me, Seren."

"Well, if you trust her, Serenity, then I don't see a problem with us doing so," said Tristan.

"Cool. I hope we all become the best friends."

*** That Night, Wheeler's house ***

"Well, Angel. This is our home. Make yourself comfortable," said Daisy walking to the kitchen. Serenity, Joey, and I followed close behind.

"Joey, would you keep Angel company while I go to the bathroom?" Serenity asked.

"Sure, sis," he replied. Serenity walked up the stairs and to the bathroom. "So, how old are you?"

"Fourteen, you?" I asked back.

"Fifteen. You're the same age as Serenity." (A/N: I don't know how old Joey or Serenity is in either show. I mean the Japanese and U.S., so they'll be the age I want them to be… I can't believe I'm writing a romance about a 13 and 14 year olds)

"Yeah I know," I said taking a seat on a near by couch in the living room. He sat on the couch next to me lazily, putting his feet on the coffee table in front of us. Joey reached and picked up the remote, turned the television on, and flipped through the endless channels. This is weird, I thought, I have never had a cute guy sit next to me… what am I saying? This is Serenity's brother I'm thinking about.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking into my eyes.

I guess he could see that I was badly sweating and all that other great stuff that happens when you sit next to someone who you obviously think is hot. "Yeah. I'm fine," I said. Need to change the subject. "How long does Serenity take in the bathroom?"

"Well she is girl, so about an hour."

"Just to do her… well… business."

"She went in there to take a shower. She takes one every night at the same time. Kinda weird, if you ask me."

"Oh." At that time, Daisy popped her head in. "You guys hungry yet?"

"Yeah mom," Joey said getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen. "Better c'mon Angel." I hate it when people stretch my name. It annoys me way too much. "Don't say my name like that, Joey."

"Why not?" he asked when I walked through the kitchen door.

"Because it annoys the hell out of me," I said sitting across from him and biting into a cheeseburger that sat on the plate in front of me.

"Don't curse. I don't want Seren picking up on that."

"Oh, please. She always cusses in front of me. I mean, c'mon, I know who she likes, who she doesn't, and everything a friend ought to know."

"Who does my sister exactly like?" he asked walking over to me. I stood up and faced him face to face. "I don't kiss and tell."

"Then don't tell but do the kiss." He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his breath on my mouth as he leaned in for the kiss. I tilted my head like I have been doing this forever. His lips touched mine and I could feel a spark of some kind go through my body. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled us closer.

At that very moment I heard Serenity call out, "Angel are you in here?" from the other side of the door. We pulled away but our eyes never left each other. "Oh, there you are," said Serenity pushing the door open and walking in. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Naw, sis. Just getting to know her better," Joey said leaving the kitchen.

"What was going on?" Serenity asked as she sat down on the same chair Joey was sitting in. "I'll find out one way or another."

"It's funny that even though you're blind you can still sense things," I said taking my seat again.

"Not funny. Just senses."


Well that's the first chapter. Tell me what you think by reviewing. Please. I feel so unloved. I have started 3 stories already including this one. So be kind and review. If get I no reviews this story will not be continued. Sheesh, the risks you have to take to get some people to review.