Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter Sixteen: You...WHAT?! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Sixteen: You…WHAT?!

While Mina watched, Seto sent a message to his secretary over his COM system. He smiled at her as he said the words, and she found herself blushing madly.

"Miss Fuumura, I'm taking the rest of the day off-If you need me, I'll be at home, allright?" The voice over the COM system said something in response, sounding very annoyed. Seto rolled his eyes and drummed his fingers, pressing the button again. "I'm not in the mood to argue right now-the meeting can wait, can't it? Ok. Good. Then I'm gone." He didn't bother to listen to her reply, just stood, snatched his coat off its hanger near the door, and paused, waiting for Mina, who was still standing quietly, biting her nails in shock. Home?

Oh, he's not being suggestive, is he? Oh, God, I hope not!

"What do you mean, home?" She demanded, stomping her foot. He paused and winked at her, and she blushed again.

"What do I not mean?"

"Gah...why do you do that…" She didn't get to finish, however, because he had rolled his eyes and walked out the door. She squealed and ran after him, grabbed his sleeve, and tugged on it.

"What about Mokuba??" He looked down at her, and put a finger under her chin, lifting it, and kissing her.

"School. Aren't we forgetful ones?" He turned and kept walking-Mina had to jog to keep up with his long strides.

"Hey, wait up, will you? I'm shorter than you! Can't walk as fast! You're-unbearable! Seto?? ARE YOU LISTENING??"


He ushered her into the house and closed the door behind them-when he turned around she was already halfway up the stairs.

"Hah. This way By the time you get up here, I might be at the top of the stairs!" He shook his head and smiled at her, following her upstairs.

Another closed door, and he gathered her in his arms, kissing her passionately. He couldn't ever remember feeling this way. Mina, on the other hand, was nearly about to faint.

Dad's going to kill me, was her only thought. Plus some others that we really shouldn't dicuss. Her good girl image was slipping fast, she knew. For some reason she didn't care. His breath hot on her neck, his hands on her back, his kisses, all combined to send her to a place where she knew no rules, no boundaries, no disapproving adults, because they knew that place too.

"Seto… Maybe we're too young…" She knew his answer. His hands were right there at her shirt buttons.

"Mina… Don't make me wait…"

Just be careful, Mina. If he wants absolutely nothing to do with you, he could destroy a nice girl like you. Then again, if he really wanted something from you, he would get it-no problem

But he loves me, she thought, and that makes it different.

Hours later, Seto slowly pulled Mina close, kissing her softly on the forehead.


She yawned. "No… Not really."


"You're no better off," She murmured sleepily, and he smiled into her hair.

"What have I lied to you about recently?"

"About loving me."

"But that wasn't a lie."

Mina turned over and looked at him solemnly.

"Say that to my face, looking in my eyes, and mean it, Seto."

He sighed in defeat and brushed her bangs out of her eyes.

"I give. You're too good for me, Miss Mina."

She looked fit to burst at being teased, and he laughed slightly.

"What's so funny?" She demanded, eyes bright.

"Nothing, nothing, don't you worry your pretty little head over it." He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her again. She gave a little sigh of half content and turned her back to him, listening for his heartbeat.

"Are you going to go to the upcoming Duelist championship? There's a hefty prize, I hear," She said carefully, crossing her fingers. He let out a breath, thinking.

"I don't know. Maybe. Yes, wait, I will. The corporation is…" He paused, hesitating.

"You can trust me, for God's sake, Seto."

"…It's losing money, and quickly. In order to re-instate it's economical health I'll have to find a very free and generous source of money… So yes, I think I'll go."

"Oh." She shifted and picked one of his hands up, turning her head so she could see the time on his watch. "Oh, God, Seto… It's almost three!!!!" He took a glance at his watch and sighed.

"Oops, I guess."


"Well? What am I supposed to say?"

"Something like `Oh no, we better get dressed before Mokuba comes-`" She was cut off by a loud door slamming downstairs. "Home." She squeaked, and jumped out of bed, holding the sheets up. Seto just watched her with an amused smile as she ran around, trying to find her various articles of clothing.

"You would think someone had just lit a firecracker under your backside, the way you're running around."

"Oh, you're not helping any! What would your brother say if he saw us in BED??? I don't care what's running through that head of yours, but there is no way I'm about to let your kid brother see me in bed with Kaiba Corp's CEO! Then, being innocent and all, he'll tell his friends, bless his heart, who'll tell their moms, and who'll tell the newspapers, and then everyone will know I slept with you! Not the sort of publicity you need right now!" She had just finished buttoning her shirt, and started tugging on her socks. Seto just shrugged and put on the shirt she threw at him.

"And what about you?"

Mina paused, tensing. And what about you? She balked at the words, trying to figure out what he was trying to get at here. Testing her, he was testing her! She cocked her head at him.

"Seto, I'm not some sort of person who would pretend to fall in love with you just for money and publicity. I mean, am I?"

He shook his head. "No. You aren't." She smiled easily, relaxing.

"That's nice to know." They both sat in easy silence for a minute, while Seto threw on some pants.

"Need a ride home?"

"Um, I was thinking of going back to Serenity's."

"Who's Serenity?"

"My best friend! Serenity Wheeler? I, er, think you've met Joey. He's so funny-he has a crush on me, and thinks I don't know! He's such a nice guy."

Seto's head snapped up in sudden interest.

"He has a crush on you?" He demanded, eyes icy. Mina shrugged.

"Yes, why? Oh, Seto, you're jealous, aren't you?" She stomped a foot, hands on her hips.

"No! Not! The mutt couldn't get a girl to save his life."

"Don't call him that! He's very nice!"

"I can't believe you-he's so obviously below you."

"You are jealous, you big teddy bear!"

This last comment very obviously wounded Seto's pride. Atleast we're not in public, he thought.

"That was juvenile."

"You know you are."

"…" He decided to try a different approach. "I just don't want some mutt going after you, is all," he said, voice soothing.

Mollified by this, she gave a little sound of approval. He began to relax. He was going to win this one.

"I told you not to call him a mutt!"

Maybe not.


Back at Serenity's, Mina and her best friend were sitting at the kitchen table playing card with Joey.

"So. How'd it go?" Serenity cocked her head and glanced at her cards.

"Awesome! I swear, I should listen to you more often. Go fish, Joey."

He grudgingly drew a card. "Oh, hey, woah! Hey Serenity, got any fours?"

"Hah! Go fish!" She grinned at him. Mina giggled.

"I hate this game.." Joey muttered under his breath, and drew another card with a glance at his watch. Suddenly, he dropped his hand face up on the table, jumped up, and grabbed his coat.

"Uh, sorry girls, I forgot I was supposed to meet the gang at the pizza place!!! I'll be back later!" He ran halfway out the door, leaving the two girls sitting at the table, staring at the hand of cards in slight shock. Joey ducked in, and grinned. "Oh, full house, I win!" With that, he ran back out again. They could hear him slamming doors as he raced through the house and out the door-and they shook their heads.

Serenity grabbed Mina by the arm and stood, pulling her over to The Armchair. They both flopped down in it, slightly squashed, but happy as clams.

"Ok, girl, so what happened?" Mina didn't quite hear this. She was-fantasizing-about the afternoon.

"Hey, uh, Mina?"

"Oh! Well, I got there, and we sort of had a little tiff, and then when I got up to walk away, he sort of stopped me, and, well, um, yeah." She fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Is that all? That can't be all. You were gone for too long! What'd you do, go out to dinner?" Serenity sounded disappointed. Dinner was boring.

"Er, not exactly."

"What, then?"

"We sort of…" She whispered the words in her friend's ear and cringed, waiting.

One, two,


…three. Wish she wouldn't overreact so much!!!

"Mina Pegasus, I cannot freaking believe you! You devil! Always going on about purity and such and such, then you go off and SLEEP with some CEO of a major company! Gah, do you even know how, like, influential he is? Ohmygod!!" She kept squealing for a while after, looking excited to death. Mina sat stone silent, slightly annoyed. She wouldn't have told if she knew her friend would have reacted this way.

"Look-don't tell ANYONE. Not even Joey. Because Joey'll say something."

"Yeah, fine."

"I better be getting home, ok? My dad'll worry."

"Okay! Bye! Call me, you seductress you!"

Mina made a face at her friend and stood, grabbed her coat and shoes, put them on, and left the Wheelers' house, grabbed a bus and rode it until the end of the line-a block from her house. She paid her fare and got off, walked up her driveway whistling some silly tune, and opened the front door.

A frenzy of packing met her eyes.

"Eep!" She yelled as a butler nearly ran over her carrying a large suitcase. Her father looked out from over the stair railing.

"Mina! Finally decided to come home, have you? Good! Go and pack your things-we're leaving for the island today!"

"Er, what? Daddy, wait-we can't!"

Her father raised an eyebrow.

"And why not?"

Mina was silent.

"Er, nevermind." She hadn't said goodbye, was the problem. Seto would worry. She trudged up the stairs and to her huge room, to pack up her second life and go live it somewhere else for a month.

Here we go again, was her mind's comment.