Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dueling of Drakness ❯ The Tournament ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Man in black: “I'm Agent T. I've come in search of those who are worthy of competing in the `Heartless King' tournament.”
Ryuke: “And you want me to enter?”
Agent T.: “Well, even though I saw you clearly win a duel, I must test your skill. If you beat me, you'll be worthy of the challenge.”
Ryuke: “Yeah! I'm diffidently entering!”
[Sinister Shadows music playing]
Agent T.: “Hmm. But, you're going to have to beat me first! I summon, Strafer!” [HP was 181, STR was 87]
Ryuke: “Wow! I never saw a Strafer before! Then I summon, Rabid Dog!” [HP was 127, STR was 87] “Attach, with `Howl'!”
A shockwave shot from Rabid Dog's mouth, and reduced Strafer's HP to 94.
Agent T.: “Now I summon, Magnum Loader!” [HP was 181, STR was 87] “Attack his Rabid Dog!”
Both Heartless reduced Rabid Dog's HP to 0, and it disappeared.
Ryuke: “Nice, but I was just testing you.”
Agent T.: “Hmm?”
Ryuke: “You have some strong Heartless, which is why I'm summoning, Morning Star! Attack with, `Body Press'!”
Morning Star jumped up into the air, and body slammed both Heartless, dropping Magnum Loader's HP to 94, and Strafer's HP to 0.
Agent T.: “You know how to make a comeback kid. I summon, Devastator!” [HP was 453, STR was 87] “Attack his Morning Star!”
Both Heartless reduced Morning Star's HP to 279.
Ryuke: “Ouch. But I'm not out yet! I summon, Trick Ghost!” [HP was 290, STR was 87] “Trick Ghost, attack Devastator! And Morning Star, attack Magnum Loader!”
Devastator's HP was reduced to 366, and Magnum Loader's HP was reduced to 7.
Agent T. drew a card. “I summon, Magnum Loader! Attack his Morning Star!”
All three Heartless reduced Morning Star's HP to 18.
Ryuke: “Hmm.” He drew a card, and smiled. “Now, things will get interesting. I summon, Gargoyle Knight! And thanks to his special ability, I can summon Gargoyle Warrior! Morning Star, attack Magnum Loader!” Magnum Loader's HP was reduced to 0, “Now, the rest of you attack his other Magnum Loader!”
Agent T.'s second Magnum Loader's HP was also reduced to 0, and disappeared.
Agent T.: “You're better then I thought, but now it's over. I activate Devastator's special ability! You see, when there are three ore more cyber-type Heartless in the graveyard, Devastator can absorb them, and become, Hostile Program!” [HP was 640, STR was 27]
Agent T.: “And then, his special ability activates! For every cyber-type Heartless in the graveyard, his STR increases by 20!” [STR was now 87] “Attack his Morning star!”
Morning Star's HP was reduced to 0, and disappeared.
Ryuke just smiled. “I must say, you're good.” He drew a card. “But not good enough! I sacrifice Trick Ghost, and my Gargoyles to summon, Volcanic Lord!” [HP was 2172, STR was 87] “Now, I activate his special ability! When Volcanic Lord is on the field, I can summon his partner, Blizzard Lord!” [HP was 2172, STR was 87]
[Sinister Shadows stops playing]
[Desire for All That Is Lost starts playing]
Ryuke: “Now, when they're both on the field, I can summon their little counter-parts, Icy Cube and Fiery Globe!” [Icy Cube's HP was 91, STR was 87. Fiery Globe's HP was 67, STR was 62] “Now, attack Hostile Program!”
All four Heartless reduced its HP to 317.
Agent T. drew a card. “Now, I discard one of my Heartless that's in my hand, to the graveyard. This increases Hostile Program's STR by an additional of 10.” [STR was now 97] “Then, I summon Devastator, and activate his special ability! You know what happens next.”
There were two Hostile Programs on the field.
Agent T.: “Now, attack them all with `Laser'!”
Doth Heartless shot lasers at the four other Heartless, taking out Icy Cube and Fiery Globe, and reduced Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord's HP to 1978.
Ryuke: “Damn, I was going to use those two. But I guess I'm going to summon, Large Body!” [HP was 453, STR was 87] “Attack the weakest Hostile Program!”
Hostile Program's HP was reduced to 56.
Agent T.: “Hostile Program, use `Recover Data'.”
Hostile Program regained health, and his HP was now 115.
Agent T.: “Now, Hostile Program #2, attack with `Vulcan'!”
Hostile Program #2 shot a multi-hit gun blast, and hit them all. Large Body's HP was reduced to 356, and Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord's HP was reduced to 1881.
Ryuke: “Is that the best you can do? Alright, Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord finish him off!”
Hostile Program's HP was reduced to 0.
[Desire for all that is lost stops playing]
Ryuke: “Yeah!”
Rikku: “Yay! You won Ryuke!”
Agent T.: “Congratulations. You are on your way to the `Heartless King' tournament.”
Rikku: “Well, good luck Ryuke. I'll be cheering for you.”
Ryuke: “Wait, where is the tournament being held?”
Agent T.: “On the Island of Duelist Kingdom. All of the strongest duelists around the world are on their way. So you better be prepared.”
Ryuke looked at Rikku, she looked at him.
Rikku: “I hope you win, Ryuke.” Then she had a sad look on her face, and was staring at the ground.
Ryuke: “Hmm. Hey, am I aloud to bring anyone with me?”
Rikku immediately looked at him surprised.
Agent T.: “Yes, you are able to bring one person with you.”
Ryuke turned to Rikku. “So, you to come with me?”
Rikku was really happy. “Yes! I'd love to come!”
Ryuke turned to Agent T. “Does this mean she can enter too?”
Agent T.: “Yes. Everyone on the Island is able to duel. The boat to Duelist Kingdom will arrive tomorrow. Come to the peer when it arrives. Until then, you better be well prepared for the duels that await you.”
Then he turned and left.
Ryuke: “Well, we better get to practicing.”
Rikku: “Yeah! We need to practice a lot if one of us is going to win.”
Ryuke: “Yeah. Well the sun is still up. Let's duel again!”
Rikku: “Okay!”
10 hours later…
Ryuke and Rikku were exhausted.
Ryuke: “Wow, Rikku. You almost beat me a couple of times.”
Rikku: “Yeah. I'm as surprised as you. Are you going easy on me?”
Ryuke: “No, I wasn't. You really have gotten better at dueling me.”
Rikku: “Well, the sun's almost down. We should be getting home. We don't want to be tired when the duels start at the Island.”
Ryuke: “Yeah, you're right. Hey, how about I walk you home?”
Rikku blushed. “O-okay, sure.”
Ryuke walked Rikku all the way to her house.
Ryuke: “Well, see you tomorrow.”
Rikku: “Yeah. See ya.”
Ryuke waved good-bye, and went home. Rikku held her hand to her heart.
Rikku: “I'll be with Ryuke. I'll be with him the whole time at the Island.”