Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Dying ❯ dying ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Maliks gurl: OK! I am officially attamping a one shot!!!!!

Yami: Whatever.


A small boy of 15 sat and looked out the window. His friends had all abandond him and he had no one. The puzzle was shattered 2 days ago by Bakura. Ryou was no more, Bakura had sealed Ryous soul in the shadow realm for all eternity. His Grandpa had dies 2 months ago, and left Ygui everything. Even the game shop, which he sold to Kaiba shortly afterward. The only people to care now were the Kaiba brothers. Will they miss me? Yugi sat there crying, he was back to being the nobody he was 3 months ago before the puzzle was completed. He got up and went to a drawer where he kept everything of value. The puzzle was in there, in the original box. Yugi had tried to put it back together, but couldn't. It doesn't matter anyway, Yami was more interested in Tea, or the gang then me. And I was his other half!!! No one even came to gramps' funeral. A friend would but they didn't! Yugi dug around in the drawer and finally found what he was looking for. A dagger it was only 5 inches long and very light. Yugi had found it outside on the road a couple of weeks ago. I am now ready to end it. Yugi put the dagger to his heart but first I need to do something. He quickly scribbled a note to the Kaiba brothers. Here's what it said:

Dear Kaiba brothers,

I'm sorry but I can't take this any more. I have had enough of people who I thought were my friends abandon me. You are the only two people to care anymore. And I am alone. Sorry, but I am ending it.


He folded the paper up and put it in an envelope addressed to the Kaibas. Then he replaced the dagger and did what he meant to do. The young 15 year old slumped to the floor…

Maliks gurl: so sad! *grabs Yugi * I'm so sarry! I had to! It's always Ryou that gets picked on in that way, I had to give him some quiet. But why you!!!

Yugi: *pats her on the head * It's OK. I mean you don't torture me or anything in your other fics. There you take really good care of me.

Yami: That's true. So stop whining.

Harry: Oops, wrong fic. Right author wrong fic. Wheres the Harry Potter fic?

Maliks gurl: Three doors down to the left. But I don't have it up yet.

Harry: I'll go anyway.

Maliks gurl: I'm so sorry Yugi. I'm ok now. *sits up *

Yugi: aww. I was comfy.

Maliks gurl: I can move back if you want.

Yugi: *smiles * I would like that.

Yami: OK then. *closes curtain. * So Yugi killed himself. Thank Ra this is only a one shot!