Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Early Morning Insanity ❯ The Insanity Begins! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bettina: I'm sorry the story wasn't up sooner; I fell asleep before I could post it last night… sorry. The clothing incident with Carroll-sensei really happened, too… really scary.

Elizabeth: It was disturbing… he told you about backpacking through Europe, specifically Britan, as a career that day. How did he justify that?

Kat: I have no idea.

Elizabeth: Bettina does not own Yu-Gi-Oh, The Simpsons, Carroll-sensei, or Pyro. If you are morally opposed to moonings, death chases, or Anzu torture sessions, stop reading now.

Pyro: Onwards and downwards to the insanity!


Tina: Hi, everyone!

S.Char: Hi, Dr. Nick!

Tina: O.O Do I actually look like Dr. Nick? DO I LOOK MALE?

Bart: *starts mooning everyone into oblivion*

S.Char: *disappear into oblivion*

Beth: What's up with `Mr. Tinkly?'

Tina: GAAH! MOONING! *Passes out*

Yugi: Is she ok?

Beth: *fuming* She'll be ok eventually.

Yugi: Why'd she pass out?

Bart: Hello, I'm Mr. Tinkly!

*Yami, Seto, and Bakura run in and cover Yugi, Mokuba and Ryou's eyes, respectively, while attempting to gouge their own*

Shizu: *Walks in* Hey, big brother!

Jou: *runs and covers her eyes, now also trying to gouge his eyes out*

Beth: *gains slight reign on her temper and chases Bart out of the room

with the dagger* DIE! YOU SHALL PAY!

Yami: *sigh* she was like this in Egypt, too… >.<

Mai: *walks in* Why is Beth chasing Bart Simpson, who is half naked, and screaming threats of bloody death?

Yami: Beth's angry *gestures to unconscious authoress* 'cuz of that.

Mai: And let me guess that Bart's streaking caused this?


CS: *Walks in, dressed in blue jeans, a white sweater, and a sea green button-up shirt, exactly like Ryou's* Bettina! What are you doing writing this when you have assignments to do?

Tina: *lies on ground, obviously still passed out*

*Majority of cast stares at Carroll-sensei dressed as Ryou, gaping*

CS: *realizes Bettina is passed out* that explains her lack of response…

Pyro: *follows Carroll in and whispers something into the authoress' ear*

Tina: *wakes up* you'd do that for me?

Pyro: Sure, why not? *On PA* Anzu, please report to the red "X" in the authoress' room, please, immediately.

Tina: Thank you, how sweet! *Hugglez Pyro*

Anzu: *walks in and stands on the red X* Yes?

Pyro: Hold still. *Pushes button and a large concrete slab drops on her, then a trap door opens under her*

Tina: Thank you! *Glomps Pyro*

Pyro: *choking* can't…breathe…

Tina: *blushing* sowwy…*lets Pyro go*

*Anzu and Bart walk in, limping, but still alive*


Seto: It isn't. I'm not sure she's human, now… That trapdoor may have helped her survival, though.

Tina: *muttering* Stupid trapdoor.

Beth: I wasn't successful with Bart, either. *shoots Bart a deathglare*

Yami: Put it this way: now, we can torture her.

Kat: *brightly* YAY! Anzu torture time!

Beth: What about Bart?

Homer: *walks in, grabs Bart* Why you little… *attempts to choke him and walks out*

Jou: Okay then…

*The cast gangs up around Anzu as suddenly; an electronic flash is heard (AN: just bear with me) as a ghostly glow appears…*