Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Egypt All over Again ❯ Old Items / New Spirits ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Egypt All Over Again
Disclaimer: We don't own yu-gi-oh or any of the millennium items. But the two girls that are in it, we have control over them because we made them up so contact is necessary if they are used by anyone else.
Shadowed death goddess and Liz
Chapter 1 Old Items / New Spirits
One day Shadi materialized in the Domino City Museum. He felt drawn there by some strange energy forces. As he looked for the source he somehow ended up in the Egyptian exhibit. There he saw only two young girls in the room. The energy he felt grew larger as if this were the source. Closing his eyes he let the millennium items be his eyes. He looked at the girl's auras. One's was a gold-in-color aura, and the other had a silver colored one. The girls were on different sides of the room, but they were both brunette. They were as different as can be.
The one with the golden yellow aura was about 5'7” and had a rough look to her. Her hair was unbound and flowing down her back down to her waist. Her brown tresses were also spiked in the front. But not so much that it looked un-natural. She wore blue jeans that looked kinda ragged. Regular white tennis shoes and a plain white tee-shirt. Also she wore a good looking, well keep blue jean jacket. Finally there was a black chocker collar bracing her neck.
The other with the silver aura was approximately 5'8” and there was a mystical look to this one. She had her deep brown hair bound up into a pony tail, bound by a black band. Her hair was tipped black at the bangs but nothing else. She wore a black shirt that looked like a turtle neck but had no sleeves, it didn't even go pasted the shoulders. Over that was a purple shirt that had sleeves her but still left her shoulders bare. The skirt she wore had two layers on it. The top was black and the seconded layer was a blue color. Finally she had little black boots that were glossy in texture.
The girls were looking at different artifacts and hieroglyphics. He walked to the girl with the gold aura because she was closets. “Oh, hello,” she spoke as he stood beside her, her blue-gray eyes shined. “Umm…why…are you….staring at…me?” She hesitated. Thinking to her self, `Ok he is either, A: hitting on me or B: is a …Stalker!!! Personally I hope it's neither.' Slowly she backed up. Then she bumped into a vase. After doin' a little dance to save the vase, his key started to glow and launched toward her.
“So this is what her soul room looks like,” Shadi said as he walked around the room. There on a white wall was a giant portrait in a gold frame of a beautiful middle-age woman. In the wall around the portrait were spiraled candle holders that held white, mint scented candles. As his gaze cascaded around the rest of the room, he saw many different picture frames of various colors. There was also a name plate with a name on it “Liz.” `That must be her name,' he though to himself. Soon his eyes rested on red heart-shaped one with pink and red candles around it. On closer inspection the one in the frame was someone who he met many times before. It was the white haired Ryou Bakura. Shadi was about to look around some more when, he felt a determined tap on his shoulder.
“Please, explain why the hell you're in my private room?” asked the owner of the room. Shadi looked surprised to say the least. He was about to ask just how she got in here when she spoke yet again, “Leave or I'll sick my dog on you, well it's not exactly a dog.” The Curse of dragon then appeared.
“Wha... Where did that come from?” he questioned.
“From the room across the hall!!” Liz spoke proudly.
Shadi then exited the room through the door into the hallway. Indeed there was room but the door was shut. Slowly he opened the door and cautiously stepped inside. Looking around all he could see was darkness. Suddenly the lanterns that were hanging on the sides of the room went a blaze with a fierce roar. Walking around, he came to an Egyptian hieroglyph on the wall. There craved in stone was the name Princess Mai'ira. Shocked he retreated out of her soul.
Wondering if the other girl was the same he went to find her.
“Oh, by the God in heaven,” Liz winced as she rubbed her head. Opening her eyes revealed that the man had left his set of glistening golden scales on the ground. She picked them up and searched the room but there was no one who matched his description was in the room so she picked them up started her search.
~~ In a different part of the museum~~
Shadi didn't need much of a search to find the other girl even though she left the other room. Her aura was like a beacon. So it was easy to find her. She wandered to the tomb section of the Egyptian exhibit. He walked up to her, and as he did he spoke, “You are the next one.”
“I don't know about that,” she started, “If you're from a gang I don't feel sorry for you.” She turned around, her blue eyes shined as she did, then face faulted. “You're not from a gang!” Soon after she took a fighting stance, “But if you think about messing with me, you're ending up on the ground.”
“You won't have time to react,” He said as the key glowed again. “Well, this room is dramatically different from the last one.”
On the walls of this room swords of many different origins were hung. But under them the walls were stained by an un-removable reddish brown substance. He saw this as dried blood, and it covered a good portion of the wall. Floating in the middle of the room was a giant pentacle. Around the symbol candles, of purple, black and silver floated. Still in several parts of the room were artifacts from other countries. Then on a tomb stone looking rock that was hanging from the wall was the name “Tals.” But in the corner was a dark, silent part of the room that was radiating sadness. One step toward it and bars came down on it. Then a lone voice made itself known, “Why are here? Why no let me be?”
“Why do hide this from yourself?” Shadi asked.
“It needs to be forgotten, now leave,” she responded stepping from the shadows, sword in hand.
“Depends on what your hiding,” he spoke, she looked at him finally.
“Does it matter?”
“My past,”
“So what wrong with that,”
“As before it doesn't matter, now get out of my room!” She started towards him sword in hand. Swinging the blade quickly, she made an attempt to get him out. But he moved. Pissed off she called for help. “Mars, assistance is necessary!” Agent of Force -Mars appeared.
“Don't tell me he's from across the hall,” Shadi stated.
“Of course, but still get out of my room,” she headed at him again.
Shadi then left the tormented soul leaving behind the key. But Tals girl, swinging absolutely nothing, and yelling, “Get out of my room,” opening her eyes, she saw people were staring at her, “…is my favorite song.” She said embarrassed. Soon a shiny object caught her eye and she saw the key the man had. Picking up she ran to the restroom.
“Well that was embarrassing beyond belief,” she looked at the key, “but the man dropped this, I should return it, even if he did invade my privacy.” Tals sighed, “Oh well, life is always complicated.” Leaving the rest room she sprinted down the hall. She soon ran pasted a teen boy with golden-sandy hair. She recognized him but couldn't place it at the moment. But soon the boy called after her and began to chase her. “Oh… Shit!!!” she screamed and sped up.
~~ Down the hall ~~
Liz was running down the hall looking in each room as she past, with the yellow scales in hand. “Mr. Guy in a bath robe with a towel on his head, who likes invading people's minds, where are you?” she yelled as she ran. As she ran she looked into another room and ran into someone. Opening her eyes she saw that she ran into a silvery-white haired boy. Then she realized that he was on his back, and she was on top of him. The first thought in her mind was that this was Ryou but that was until he spoke…
“Get off me you pathetic cretin.”
She then realized that it was Ryou's evil “twin” Bakura. “Sorry you were the one standing in a single spot!” Liz retorted. She looked at him as she got up and saw him pick up the scales.
“Well, well what do we have here?' He said with an evil grin on his face.
“Sorry, gotta jet,” she said as she grabbed the scales from his hands and took off down the hall.
“Hey, come back here you little…” he trailed off as he began to run after her. But no sooner did he get up to his pace, he ran into his hikari. “Ryou, you had to pick now to appear, didn't you?”
“Hey don't you say that it's my fault you were the one that was running!” Ryou exclaimed.
“Well I had a reason, I was chasing a girl that had Shadi's millennium scales.” He said scowling as he stood up.
“What! The Scales! Are you sure!” Ryou shouted.
“No duh,” he yelled back, “That's why I was running.”
“Well stop talking and start running.” Ryou shouted as he took off down the hall.
~~ Opposite side of the Hall ~~
Tals was running full speed and well ahead of her pursuer. She looked behind herself and saw no sign of him. But then when she turned around she slammed into something. When she opened her eyes she saw, a girl that the scales that the man who had entered her mind had before he came to her.
They jumped up and pointed at each other, “Thief!”
“I'm not, you are,” They said at same time again.
“You didn't steal it?”
“Wait,” Tals spoke.
“Yeah,” said Liz.
“You didn't steal the scales, right?”
“And I know that I didn't take this key,”
“So let's join forces,”
“Alright, I'm Liz,”
“Names, Tals,”
“Umm… We should run now,”
“Huh? Why?”
“There's someone chasing you”
“Well there are two after you, HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!” The girls then head back into the museum.
As the boys turned into the doorway they then joined forces. “Well, Malik, I didn't expect you to be chasing girls,” Bakura teased.
“Get real, Bakura the girl I'm chasing has the Millennium key,” he spoke.
“Oh god, the girl we're chasing has the scales!” Ryou replied.
“Great,” he said sarcastically, “Let's catch them shall we,”
The boys chased the girls through the museum. The girls tried desperately to evade them but the boys were too hard to get rid of. Soon they were chased right past Ishizu and Marik. “Brother, why do you chase the visitors?”
“The girls have Shadi's items,” he answered.
“Well, I won't need to much force to get them, this will be fun,” Marik said evilly.
~~ Well by the girls ~~
“Oh great, there are two more,” Tals complained, “We're just so popular right now.”
“Yeah I know,” Liz panted, “Maybe we should try to lose them.”
“Great! How?”
“By doing a zigzag circle thing,”
“Get them to run into each other,”
“Oh,” they looked allover the place and saw the perfect spot, “There,”
The girls ran to spot Tals pointed out. Soon as they were far enough in the girls split up. They ran in totally opposite directions. This split up their gang that was chasing them. After quite a few twist and turns, Malik, Marik, Ishizu, Ryou and Bakura crashed into each other. As they were rising to their feet, the two girls swung over them and bolted for the door. “Odieon, stop them!” Malik called out. Then a mountain of a man stepped in front of the door.
“You know how to jump kick?” Tals asked.
“Do I ever,” Liz answered.
The girls picked up their pace and increased their speed. As soon as they were three feet from the exit they launched themselves into the air. They both kicked him in the same spot and he fell. The others stare in disbelief and rushed to Odieon's side as the girls run down the stares.
“Bravo,” Tals stated.
“You're not so bad you're self,” Liz shot back.
“Now let's get to my truck,” Tals said as they were running. At that same moment Yugi and Tea were going up the stairs.
“See Yugi all friends go to the museum,” Tea said.
“Friends, ha, we barely know each other, you pea brain” Liz retorted. Then Tea started to cry.
“Bad girl,” Tals spoke as she grabbed the other girl and ran down the stairs, just then Yami came out.
“Get back here,” he cried as he chased after them. He saw them head to a white pick up with a Celtic chain design across the doors to the back. He picked up the pace. But as he got close, they hopped in the truck and Yami……..hit the truck. As it drove away, Yami fell to the ground. Tea and Yugi ran up to him. As they brought him to his feet he watched the truck drive away.
~~ In the Truck ~~
“Wait,” cried Liz.
“What?” Tals complained.
“How old are you?”
“But you have to be 18 to drive,”
“I went to America,”
“Let's go find that guy!”
“Hold up,”
“What now?”
“Let go to Taco Bell”
“Oh, alright,”
~~ Owari ~~ stay tune for bloopers
Bloopersand out-takes
Take 13: Shadi is walking thought the museum in search for the other girl. He was walking to the door when “Boo!!!” Tals swung down from the top of the door frame. Shadi fell backwards breathing heavy. “Hahahaha,” Tals laughed “It was just too tempting.” She starts too laugh again when she loses her grip and falls.
Take 29: Shadi- You won't have time to react. *He said as the key glowed again. Shadi stepped forward and subbed his toe on a stone table* Fucking, damn it, that hurt!
Tals- *starts to laugh* Looks like you're the one who didn't have time to react!!
Take 34: After quite a few twist and turns, Malik, Marik, Ishizu, Ryou and Bakura crashed into each other. As they were rising to their feet, the two girls swung over them and the rope snapped. The girls fell on the group. The director and crew ran to them. Over in a corner a camera man snickered.
Take 48: *The boys chased the girls through the museum. The girls tried desperately to evade them but the boys were too hard to get rid of. Then the girls slipped on a carpet and slid down the hall screaming. The boys ran after them. Soon they came to stairs and fell down them. Laying on the ground the girls and weren't moving. Ryou and Malik ran to them. Marik and Bakura watched from the top of the stairs.* Marik- Hey that looks like fun! *Then he pushed Bakura down the steps and jumped after him. They crashed into the others and now all are in a pile at the bottom of the stairs.* Bakura- Medic!!
Take 14: Liz was running down the hall and could see over her shoulders the Bakura twins chasing her. As she ran she slipped on a newly waxed floor and slipped onto a spiral stair case falling down it.
Liz- AAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… *Ryou ran down after her and Bakura just laughed*
Take 43: Director - Places people!!
Tals- Mr. Director!! Bakura and Marik aren't here!!
Director- Great…Everyone look for them!!
*the cast and crew members spilt up. As Tals and a lone camera man Ryan with his camera came to a door they could hear music behind it*
Tals- What going on back here?
Ryan- Don't know.
Tals- Get the camera jut in case.
Ryan- Got it.
*as they open the door more fully they could hear the Macarena. Opening it more they saw Bakura and Marik doing the Macarena. Soon they saw the door open and ran to it Tals then closed it in their faces. -THUD- was heard on Tals' side of the door*
Take 24: The girls picked up their pace and increased their speed. As soon as they were three feet from the exit they launched themselves into the air. But they veered from course and Liz kicked him in the nuts where Tals kicked him in the face. Everyone was shocked and ran to Odieon helping him off stage.