Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ escaflowne meets YGO ❯ note ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Maliks gurl: OK Two things. This is a crossover between YGO and Escaflowne! OK I wanna do a crossover but I don't know anything! Plz help!!!

Hitomi: *looks at the YGO crew *you are having us work with them? *points at the YGO crew *

Maliks gurl: Yes you do and shut up Hitomi.

Van: Don't threaten her or do anything to her in any way!!!! *pulls out his sword * (he does have a sword right? So sorry if any personalities are wrong!)

Yami: I can do more damage then that item can.

Van: Yea? Prove it.

Yami: *third eye glowing on his forehead * Gladly *begins to take them to the shadow realm *

Yugi: Geez yami! You are turning into Bakura!!!

Yami: *takes them to the shadow realm * I don't care!!! Wait, did I just say that?

Maliks gurl: *giggles*

Hitomi: This place could use some pink

Yami: PINK!!!!

*Yami and Hitomi get into a fight. Everyone stays out of it*

Maliks gurl: OK! In the reviews I need ideas and information on everyone in the escaflowne cast!!! (I never have or will own Escaflowne or YGO)