Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Father, Lover, Friend ❯ Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: All Yu-Gi-Oh characters belong to their rightful owner, in which I have no clue whom. Any make up characters belong to me. The song that keeps showing up in the some of the chapters is the song You'll Be In My Heart by Phill Collins This has Yaoi.

Father, Lover, Friend
by Death Angel

Chapter 2

Yami looked confused and surprised.

Yami: Y-Your mother…?

Yugi: *nods* That's why I'm so `bum out' as Joey put it.

Yami: *sadly as he looks away* I see…

Yugi: She died when I was just a baby, so I don't know much about her. But, I wish I did…

Yugi notice Yami was quite quiet now.

Yugi: Yami?

Yami: Hm?

Yugi: You seem kind of quite now, is something wrong?

Yami: *sacking his head slowly* No, just thinking.

Yugi: *smiling as he takes Yami's arm* Let's go home.

Yami: You sure, Yugi?

Yugi nodded.

Yugi: I'm sure.


It was almost bedtime as Yugi sat on his bed looking at Yami as he stares out of the window.

Yugi: Yami?

Yami: *looking over a Yugi* Yes aibou?

Yugi: Can I ask you something?

Yami: Yes?

Yugi: Did you ever know your mother?

Yami blink a little bit confused and quite surprise by that question.

Yami: Why do you want to know?

Yugi: *shrugs* I don't know I just was thinking that's all.

Yami sighed a bit and glace out the window for a while then looked back at Yugi.

Yami: I never really spent any time with her. She was a very busy Egyptian Queen. I had mostly grew up with a…. nanny as you would put it…. to watch over me. So in a scene I'm like you, Yugi. *glances at the clock* It's getting late, Yugi, you should be getting to bed.

Yugi: Oh yea tomorrow we're going on a picnic with the others. *starts to get in bed* Good night, Yami.

Yami: *smiles a bit* Good night Yugi. *disappears back into the puzzle*


A baby cries and a soft weak female voice sang softly…

Same voice (^_^ Do you guys know yet?):

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small you seem so strong
My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm
This bond between us can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart always…

Yugi woke up with a start. It had always been like this when he dreams and could hear his dieing mother signing to him. Deep inside of his mind he could hear a soft deep, familiar, voice singing in an ancient langue, Egyptian…


Yugi stood in front of Yami's soul room door. He could hear the soft signing within. Even though the song was in Egyptian it had a familiar melody to it, like Yugi heard it somewhere before. Yugi slowly opens the door and pecks in.

Yami's voice from with in: Is something the matter, Yugi?

Yugi enters and finds Yami sitting near by on one of the many steps looking at him with his crimson eyes.

Yugi: What's your singing?

Yami at first raised an eyebrow in confusion then gave a small smile.

Yami: Remember I told you I had a nanny who took care of me when I was younger? *Yugi nodded* When I was scared, or lonely she would sing to me. The song I was just singing a while ago.

Yugi looked at Yami a little bit confused.

Yugi: Why are you singing it now?

Yami: *shrugged* I guess I like to sing it to comfort me. I did sing it at times even before you had solved the puzzle…

Yugi: I like it. What dose it mean?

Yami: *looks at him a little confused and surprise* You want me to sing it in your langue?

Yugi: If you could.

Yami: *sighs a little* It has been awhile since I last translated it.

Yugi: You did it before?

Yami nodded slowly.

Yami: A long time ago, but I will try, for you my aibou. *takes deep breath and starts singing slowly in the langue Yugi could understand* Come stop your crying… It will be all right…. Just take my hand… Hold it tight…

Yugi eyes widen in surprised, it was the SAME song that he had dreamed his mother singing to HIM!

Yami: *stilling singing slowly* I will protect you from all around you…. I will be here… Don't you cry… For one so small you seem so strong… My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm… This bond between us can't be broken…. I will be here… Don't you cry… *stops when he sees the tears in Yugi's eyes* What's wrong Yugi?

Yugi: T-That's the song my mom sang to me when I was a baby….