Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forever ❯ At The Game Shop ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own stuff that isn't mine. Obviously.

Chapter 2 - At The Game Shop

I walked into Grandpa's card shop about 4:30, and even from the very front of the store, I could hear Grandpa's voice yelling out commands.

I smiled as I heard Joey retaliating back, yelling, "All right, all right already!"

I walked a little further into the room. The cold floor sent shivers up my spine, even though I couldn't even feel it through white tennis shoes and violet socks.

"Yugi! Tea! Tristan! Joey! Grandpa! I'm here!" My voice rang across the small room, echoing among the glass cases and brilliant shining cards that lay in them.

Yugi was the first to run out. "Hey, Sami! We're almost done back here. Just give us a couple more minutes, and then we'll go to the docks."

"Yeah. If Joey can learn that you don't place a magic card on the field before a monster card."

"I heard that, Tristan! At least my head falls off my shoulders!"

"I don't think that's what you meant to say." Tristan laughed.

"Oops. I meant to say that my shoulders stay on my head."

"Forget about it, Joey." Tea muttered. Even if she was still in the back room, I could still tell she was rolling her eyes just from her tone.

Yugi sighed. "Ok, maybe it won't be a couple of minutes. But, will you wait for us to be finished with Joey?"

"Sure, I will. What's the big deal about waiting for Joey?"

"I'm never gonna learn that a flying monster has an advantage over a land monster!" Joey screeched from the back room.

I heard Tea and Tristan groan at his mistake. Or should I say, one of several mistakes, judging from how long the groan was.

"JOEY!!! You must remember everything I have taught you, or you will never be a great Master Duelist!" Grandpa roared.

I glanced over at Yugi. "Never mind." An hour later we miraculously got out of the shop.

Yugi and I walked ahead, and the other three guys slinked behind us.

Joey's eyes stared at his shoes, and he looked solemn and really upset.

"Man, why can't I learn anything?" he murmured.

"You did learn how to forget things." Tristan joked, trying to set a little humor into Joey's black mood.

"Shut up, Tristan." Tea hissed, seeing that it didn't help Joey at all.

It seemed to bring his mood down even lower, seeing the way his shoulders slumped even lower.

"Oh god, guys! Joey, your doing fine. You're just a little slow in catching on. Don't let Grandpa bring you down. He's just using a lot of constructive criticism. It'll help you learn quicker, and will also force you to try a lot harder. You'll be a great duelist yet." I snapped back quickly, trying to sound positive.

All their gazes seem to lock onto me. It made me very uncomfortable.

'What did I say? Didn't I say something that should of put Joey's mood into happy overdrive?'

Then Joey turned his attention on Yugi, looking slightly happier, judging from the litter twinkle in his eyes.

"So, Yugi. Is she right? Am I doing just fine, learning slowly, or am I a complete and total loser?"

"I go for choice B." Tristan joked again, trying too hard to make everything seem funny.

No one acknowledged his lame joke.

"Of course Sami's right, Joey. It won't be long before you'll be dueling right along the best of them, like my Grandpa. Just give yourself more time. Don't be impatient. We all have faith in you, and we know you can learn." Yugi replied, smiling.

Everyone knew he was being truthful, because they knew they would he would never lie to them. His best friends.

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Yeah, I know my chapters are kinda short but I promise that they will get longer. It's just so hard to find a good place to stop a chapter.